Business Donald Trump Social Media

Financial Analysts Warn That Trump Media Is On The Verge Of Going Down The Drain

If you happen to own any shares of Trump Media & Technology Group, you should dump them as soon as possible before the price collapses completely and you lose every penny of your investment, financial analysts are warning.

Forbes Senior Editor Dan Alexander says Trump Media is “bleeding money,” telling CNN host Erin Burnett, “It is a sad story. And the trouble here is that if you look at the fundamentals of the company — it’s poised to go down a lot more.”

When it was first offered on the stock market in late March, Trump Media reached a high of over $79 a share. It now stands at $23.77.

The company has even admitted that its financial situation could easily lead to bankruptcy, noting in a filing, “A number of companies that were associated with President Donald J. Trump have filed for bankruptcy,” reads one of the sections of the document. “There can be no assurances that TMTG will not also become bankrupt.”

That, according to Alexander, means Trump Media stock “should fall by at least another 90% before the metrics start to make any amount of sense.”

“For people who are just blindly putting their faith in Trump and in the company — that means that they can stand to lose a lot of money,” Alexander added.

The company was mainly set up to benefit Trump, Alexander went on to explain.

“Meanwhile, the retail shareholders were putting up huge sums to buy in. The ultimate effect is that they put in the cash and the other people walk away with the shares.”

As Rick Wilson rightly observed several years ago, everything Donald Trump touches dies. Including his so-called “media company.”

Business Donald Trump Social Media

Trump’s Truth Social Stock Tanks After Report Reveals Site Lost $58 Million In 2023

Just last week, Donald Trump’s new media venture which backs his Truth Social site was flying high, earning him billions on paper and leading some to suggest he might use the rising value of the stock as collateral for a bond to cover the massive court-imposed fines that have been assessed against him.

However, an SEC filing from Trump Media & Technology Group shows that Truth Social lost a massive $58 million in 2023, and that sent shares of the once-rising stock plummeting. As of Noon Monday, the price of a share was down nearly 20%, which suggests the stock is in freefall and not likely to recover, especially since it’s now clear that the venture is a failure.

The collapse of Trump Media & Technology Group’s stock price was predicted by those in the know, including Emily Stewart of Business Insider.

For one thing, TMTG, which owns the conservative Twitter copycat Truth Social, makes basically nothing. According to a new financial filing from the company released on Monday, its total revenue was $4.1 million in 2023. Extrapolate that out, and the stock is trading at something like 2,000 times the company’s annual revenue. That is, um, high. Apple, for example, trades at about seven times its total revenue. And given TMTG’s paltry revenue, it actually lost $58 million last year.

Despite his claims over the years, Donald Trump has never actually been successful at anything other than hyping himself and getting suckers to give him large sums of money that he quickly burns through, leaving everyone but himself wondering what became of their investment.

How could Truth Social, which has a smaller base of followers than both Facebook and Twitter, hope to compete? While the Trump name may have once held some allure, it hasn’t now for years, and with every angry posting Donald makes online, more people are alienated and abandon him.

It turns out that being “anti-woke” doesn’t pay well, Stewart explains in her article.

As much as people say they want to shop and invest their values, it often doesn’t turn out to be the case. Instead, most people opt for the convenient option and whatever they’re most used to doing already. There’s a reason most boycotts don’t work — people are busy and tired. It’s true on the left as well. Dig deep enough, and every company in the world can probably give you a reason not to want to give them your money.

Donald Trump has the stench of a loser all over him. He’s becoming more irrelevant by the day, and if he loses to President Joe Biden in November, don’t be surprised if he winds up filing for personal bankruptcy, even if he has to do so from prison.

Donald Trump Social Media

While Attending His Sister’s Funeral, Donald Trump Decided To Post Hateful Sh*t On Social Media

Today in New York, the family of Maryanne Trump Barry laid her to rest at the Church of St. Ignatius Loyola on the Upper East Side. Mrs. Barry, 86, was a retired federal judge, and her brother, former president Donald Trump, paid tribute to her earlier this week, posting on his failing Truth Social site:

“A truly beautiful woman, tall and elegant, with a presence like no other, she was also a tremendous student, intellect, and Judge, in charge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, just below the U.S. Supreme Court.

“Her life was largely problem free, PERFECT, until I made it difficult for her when I decided to run for President.

“The Fake News, and others, went after her mercilessly, and because of the fact that she felt it inappropriate, due to her position, to defend herself, it just never stopped!”

As usual, Donald just couldn’t resist making his sister’s death all about himself. Because in his twisted mind, the world revolves around him at all times.

While attending the Friday funeral, rather than acting like a mourning relative, the disgraced ex-president decided that he’d spew out hatred, posting video of a Trump supporter telling Fox host Brian Kilmeade that the indictments of Donald were “phony.”

That was followed by a video post of Fox contributor/right-wing hack Joe Concha with this note from Trump: “UNEQUAL JUSTICE ON THE BOXES HOAX!”

The “boxes hoax” is a reference to Trump’s prosecution for stealing and hiding classified documents. A few documents were also found at the residence of President Joe Biden, but he quickly notified authorities and cooperated fully with federal investigators. No charges will be filed against Biden.

How does Donald feel about the death of his sister? He’s outraged. Not that she’s dead, but because the law is catching up with him and he may wind up kicking the bucket in federal prison.


Donald Trump education Racism Social Media

Trump Shares Meme On Social Media That Threatens Black Poll Workers

Disgraced former president Donald Trump reposted a meme Monday on his financially strapped Truth Social site that many are saying is clearly meant as a threat to black poll workers who will help count ballots in the upcoming 2024 election.

The meme shows two black poll workers sitting at a table, both of whom are wearing protective masks that read “Biden/Harris 2020.”

The photo is accompanied by this message: “Start arresting the poll workers and watch how fast they tell you who told them to cheat.”

As you might expect, that set off a torrent of discussion on Twitter.




Donald Trump Elections Joe Biden Social Media

Biden’s Campaign Trolls Trump On His Home Turf – Joins Truth Social And Posts A Hilarious Burn

Things are going well for President Joe Biden as he draws ever closer to the formal beginning of the 2024 campaign.

Just yesterday, it was announced that the Biden-Harris team had an enormous fundraising haul in the third quarter of this year, with CNN reporting:

President Joe Biden raised more than $71 million for his reelection campaign and the Democratic Party in the third fundraising quarter of the year, his campaign announced on Sunday, far outpacing former President Donald Trump and the rest of the GOP primary who have reported their results so far.

The president’s political operation with the Democratic National Committee ended the quarter with $91 million, the campaign said. Biden’s campaign did not disclose how that money was divided between the campaign and the party committee.

The president nearly met the $72 million that he raised in the first fundraising quarter this year, though that period was three weeks shorter since he launched his reelection in late April.

Meanwhile, the leading Republican presidential campaign — failed one-term former president Donald Trump — is facing bad news every day on the legal front, with a federal judge imposing a partial gag order on the disgraced ex-president earlier today, meaning that his comments can now get him fined and imprisoned if he isn’t careful.

Perhaps sensing that Trump is getting weaker by the day, the Biden campaign decided to join Donnie’s failing social media site, Truth Social, making their announcement on Twitter as if to add insult to injury.

It’ll be interesting to see how long Truth Social allows the Biden campaign account to remain before they claim there’s been a violation of the terms of service.

But until that happens, other social media residents had a blast joining the epic trolling rolled out by the Biden campaign.