GOP Lara Trump Social Media Trump Supporters WTF?!

Lara Trump’s ‘Inappropriate’ Workout Video Causes The MAGA Faithful To Explode With Rage

Lara Trump is married to convicted felon Donald Trump’s son, Eric, and also happens to be the current co-chair of the Republican National Committee, a position that makes her one of the most influential members of the GOP in the Age of Trump.

Mrs. Trump is also an avid social media user, constantly posting content on Twitter and Instagram, including videos of her workout routine.

But a video she shared over the July 4th holiday isn’t sitting well with many of the MAGA faithful, who seemed to object to her gyrations and the fact that she was working out to rap music.

Here’s the video:

To most rational human beings, the video would be no big deal. But to many pro-Trumpers, it was tasteless and also included (gasp!) a rap music soundtrack, which led them to pitch a collective social media hissy fit.

Next time, maybe Lara should do her workout to some Perry Como or Ray Coniff. Then again, the Trumpers would probably whine about that the way they whine about everything else.


GOP Lara Trump WTF?!

Lara Trump’s Strange Bedtime Ritual Leaves CPAC Attendees Scratching Their Heads

Speaking Thursday at the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) convention in Washington, D.C., Lara Trump, the daughter-in-law of failed one-term president Donald Trump, tried desperately to get some sort of applause or approval from attendees.

At one point during her speech, Mrs. Trump proudly declared, “Now, some of you may know, Eric and I are blessed to have two beautiful children, our son Luke and our daughter, named after my home state, Carolina. Every night, Eric and I have a tradition. We stop whatever we have going on, and we go do bedtime with the kids.”

“And while they say their prayers and the Pledge of Allegiance, of course, I often think to myself, what kind of country will they live in in 10, 20, or 30 years?” she added. “What kind of country are we creating for our children and our grandchildren?”

WTF?! Despite the crowd being hardcore Trump supporters whose political leanings are just to the right of Atilla the Hun, Lara’s recitation of her family’s bedtime routine was greeted with silence. You could almost hear crickets chirping.

Twitter/X users had some thoughts on Lara Trump’s comments, too.

Lara Trump Social Media Viral Video WTF?!

Lara Trump’s Mar-a-Lago ‘Concert’ Is So Bad That Social Media Can’t Stop Laughing

Lara Trump, the daughter-in-law of failed one-term former president Donald Trump, performed a cover version of the late Tom Petty’s 1989 song, “I Won’t Back Down” recently at Mar-a-Lago.

A video of the performance was posted on Twitter/X by Ron Filipkowski.

The video has gone viral.

But while the crowd at Mar-a-Lago may look like they’re enjoying Lara’s vocal stylings, that enthusiasm wasn’t shared by many who viewed the performance online.


Lara Trump WTF?!

Lara Trump’s Cover Of A Beloved Tom Petty Song Has Her In Very Hot Water


As is far too often a case, a member of the Trump family is trying to make a political statement with someone else’s creative output, and it’s not only wrong on a moral level, it’s also so God-awful it’d make a dog leave the room.

The culprit this time is Lara Trump, whose only claim to fame is that she’s married to Eric Trump, the son of failed loser and thrice-impeached former president Donald Trump.

Mrs. Trump is on the verge of releasing a cover version of one of the late Tom Petty’s most famous tunes, “I Won’t Back Down,” which is probably the song he’s most associated with.

During the 2020 presidential race, Donald Trump used the song at one of his rallies, which led to Petty’s family sending a cease-and-desist notice to the Trump campaign.

Covering a song, it should be noted, isn’t a violation of copyright law as long as the song is changed in some way. In the case of the Lara Trump cover, it’s been made into a country tune, and it’s so damn bad that listening to just a few seconds may cause you to start bleeding from the ears. You’ve been warned.

For the brave among you, here’s a sample of Lara’s “I Won’t Back Down”:

As was noted, Lara cannot be legally pursued on copyright infringement, but the family can issue another cease-and-desist notice and then seek a court injunction.

But perhaps the hottest water of all for Lara Trump arrived in the form of disgust from social media users.


Donald Trump Lara Trump Social Media

Lara Trump’s Claim That Donald Always Tells The Truth Gets Destroyed On Social Media

According to Lara Trump, the daughter-in-law of indicted sex offender and former president Donald Trump, the release of a report from special prosecutor John Durham is proof that the disgraced ex-president has been right about all of his crazy conspiracy theories.

Lara appeared on Newsmax and remarked, “How many times has what he said actually come true? Pretty much everything he ever talked about — and, by the way, he was mocked for saying — have all come true.”

But as HuffPost notes, the former president is almost never right, and he wasn’t right about the Durham report either.

The former president had claimed Durham would uncover “the crime of the century.” Instead, the report called the FBI’s activities “extremely troublesome,” and concluded the agency shouldn’t have launched its collusion probe, but did not recommend new charges or “wholesale changes” to guidelines or policy.

But when you consider that the Washington Post tracked the lies and falsehoods uttered by the twice-impeached former president during his four years in office (over 30,000 total), Lara’s claim of her father-in-law being “right about everything” is total bullshit.

Twitter users were quick to set the record straight for Lara.