Donald Trump Melania Trump Social Media

Photo Of Trump With His Attorney Weirds Out The Internet: ‘Why Does She Look Like Melania?

You’ve probably never heard of Alina Habba, and there’s a reason for that: She’s not very good at what she does and has almost no clients other than failed, one-term former president Donald Trump, who is known for not paying his attorneys.

Yes, Ms. Habba is an attorney, or at least she claims to be, despite having a laughable résumé, as The Daily Beast discovered when they decided to do some research on her earlier this year.

Habba’s professional conduct, decisions, and courtroom theatrics have routinely embarrassed her Trumpworld legal colleagues—to the point that there are multiple group chats of Trump lawyers where much of the discussion is devoted to profusely complaining about Habba or harshly mocking her.


For those wondering how she has stuck around this long—with so many of her fellow Trump-aligned attorneys agitating for her removal and constantly griping about her—the answer lies with the TV-and-image-obsessed 45th president.

In private, Trump has repeatedly commented on how much she “loves Trump” and has on many occasions gushed to close associates about her physical appearance—how she’s “a beauty” on TV and at his clubs, according to two sources who’ve talked to him about Habba in recent months.

Well, she went to law school didn’t she? As a matter of fact, Habba did graduate from law school, but it was one of the worst in the entire country: Widener School of Law, which ranks in the bottom 25% of law schools in the United States. Harvard it ain’t, which reinforces that Donnie only keeps her around because she’s easy on the eyes.

However, a recent photo of Habba flying on a plane with the disgraced ex-president has set off plenty of chatter and speculation on social media.

Here’s the photo:

Does Ms. Habba look like anyone who used to travel with Trump when he was still in office? Look closely. She does have some resemblance to Melania Trump, which caused more than a bit of debate on social media.

Congress Donald Trump January 6

Nancy Pelosi Emasculates Trump About Appearing Before Jan. 6 Committee: ‘He’s Not Man Enough’

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) cut failed, one-term former president Donald Trump to the bone on Sunday, saying he’s “not man enough” to actually appear before the House Select Committee investigating the January 6, 2021 Capitol insurrection in response to a subpoena from the committee.

During an interview with MSNBC’s Jonathan Capehart, Pelosi was first asked about Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (R-GA) remarks this week that she will be given more “power” if House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) becomes Speaker after the midterm elections.

Pelosi said she remains confident that Democrats will keep control of both houses of Congress, and gave Greene the back of her hand by referring to her as “What’s-her-name.”

When asked about Trump showing up and being sworn to tell the truth before the 1/6 committee, Pelosi laughed and responded:

“I don’t think he is man enough to show up. I don’t think that his lawyers will want him to show up, because he has to testify under oath. But I don’t think he is man enough, –we will see if he is man enough to show up and the public can make their judgment.

“No one is above the law! If we believe that, then they should make a judgment about how he responds to that request.”

Reportedly, Trump has discussed testifying before the committee with his aides, but only if he’s allowed to do so on live television, according to Business Insider:

Former President Donald Trump has told aides he might comply with a subpoena to testify before the Jan. 6 committee, as long as he can do so live, The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman reported.

According to Haberman, Trump has told aides he’s not opposed to the idea of testifying before the committee, as long as it’s on his terms.

The information was a contribution by Haberman to The Times’s live coverage of Thursday’s committee hearing.

Some of his aides appear not to be enthusiastic about the idea. 

What are the chances that Trump goes against advice and testifies? There’s a better chance the Easter Bunny will be delivering gifts in place of Santa Claus this Christmas.

GOP Viral Video WTF?!

Lauren Boebert Decided To Dance At A Nightclub And It’s Worse Than You Can Imagine

Granted, it’s incredibly easy to make fun of Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), especially since she provides plenty of material that can be used to mock her and prove just how unfit she is for any job other than perhaps taking out the trash at the nearest Dollar General.

So when you hear that Boebert was caught dancing at a country and western nightclub while out campaigning recently, you might dismiss the idea as unimportant and even trivial.

Until, of course, you see the video.

The video, which was shared by Ron Filipkowski on Twitter, includes this header: “Boebert out clubbing on the campaign trail.”

But that doesn’t do the video justice, as you can see:

Wow! That’s really bad. It’s sad that people who can’t dance seem to have a desire to do so for everyone to see. There ought to be a law.

Also, be sure and note that Boebert chooses to dance with another woman instead of her husband, Jayson. Was he busy flashing his privates at an underage girl, much the same way he did years ago?

The irony of Lauren dancing with a woman cannot be overstated. After all, she’s constantly attacking LGBTQ Americans who date, get married, or adopt children.

Granted, Boebert’s dancing isn’t quite as bad as Elaine’s on “Seinfeld,” but it’s bad enough that she should avoid dancing in public, especially when she’s running for reelection and is on the verge of possibly losing to her Democratic rival, Adam Frisch.

Twitter, however, had a field day with the video and gave Lauren the mocking she so thoroughly deserved.

How sweet it would be if Lauren Bobert loses in November. She’s already lost her restaurant/bar, Shooters, and if she happens to lose her gig as a congresswoman, what in the world will she do to make a buck? Maybe she can start an OnlyFans page for right-wing pervs like Donald Trump.


Elections GOP Joe Biden

Biden Puts Oz On Full Blast After Learning He Attended High School In Delaware

President Joe Biden laid one hell of a nasty burn on Pennsylvania Republican Senate candidate Mehmet Oz when he found out that the doctor had attended high school in the president’s home state of Delaware.

Speaking to a crowd at a campaign even for Oz’s Democratic opponent, John Fetterman in Philadelphia, Biden remarked:

“I couldn’t believe it. He went to high school in Delaware. But Delaware was smart enough to send him to New Jersey.”

That wasn’t all the president said about a U.S. Senate controlled by Republicans, Politico reports:

“If, in fact, we lose the Senate, say goodbye to lower medical costs. Gone,” Biden said shortly after saying Fetterman has “got to win.”

Additionally, Biden noted that Republicans want to cut all aid to Ukraine and let Russia continue its war against the Ukrainian people.

“They said that if they win, they’re likely to not continue to fund Ukraine,” Biden said. “These guys don’t get it.”

Recent polls from the Keystone State show Fetterman with a small lead over Oz, and many political observers believe the race will come down to turnout, which is always crucial for Democrats. The massive turnout in the 2020 election is one of the reasons Biden won the election and Democrats gained seats in the Senate.

Congress GOP Social Media

Eric Swalwell Lays The Ultimate Burn On ‘Gym’ Jordan

Some people never learn, and that’s most certainly the case with Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), who seems to have a need to try and troll anyone he disagrees with.

That’s the case with a tweet Jordan sent which reads:

“Do you feel safe in cities controlled by the Left? Cities that defunded the police? Cities that ignore police staffing issues? No. No. No.”

That was simply more than Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) could take, so he fired back at Jordan with a reminder of his colleague’s ugly past.

“I feel safer than a wrestler in a locker room with you.”

For those who aren’t familiar with the checkered past of Congressman Jordan, a 2020 report from CNN explains:

Tito Vazquez says he still remembers the day three decades ago when, as a wrestler at Ohio State University, the doctor he’d gone to see about a bloody nose insisted on examining his genitals. He also recalls how one of his coaches dismissed his immediate complaint.

“‘I have nothing to do with this,’” Vazquez quoted the assistant coach saying, as he effectively ended the conversation and went on with wrestling practice.

That coach, Vazquez says, was Jim Jordan, now an Ohio congressman and an influential voice in Republican politics, perhaps best known for his pugnacious defense of President Donald Trump during the recent impeachment proceedings.

Vazquez is one of six former OSU wrestlers who told CNN in recent interviews that they were present when Jordan heard or responded to sexual misconduct complaints about team doctor Richard Strauss. Eight others say Strauss’ inappropriate behavior was an open secret in the athletic department and that Jordan, among others, must have known about it.

Others also took their turn reminding Jordan that he’s not exactly the right person to be criticizing others.