Donald Trump Elections Polls Uncategorized

New Poll Shows A Majority Of Voters Want Trump To Drop Out Of 2024 Race

As some Democrats continue to suggest that President Joe Biden should consider dropping out of the 2024 presidential race, new polling shows that a majority of voters want convicted felon and 2024 GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump to withdraw his name from consideration.

A YouGov poll conducted after last week’s first Biden-Trump debate suggests that while 45% of Democratic voters want Biden to step aside, 55% say he should remain in the race.

However, that same poll shows 54% of those surveyed say Trump should drop out. Only 46% want him to remain in the race, meaning that his numbers are worse than Biden’s.

And that same YouGov poll was also the topic of discussion on CNN, with Democratic strategist Maria Cardona and GOP operative Scott Jennings both using its results to suggest that voters aren’t enamored with either Biden or Trump.

Jennings said Biden cannot win the election and that members of the Biden inner circle are hiding facts about the president’s health.

But that led Cardona to cite the poll results regarding Trump and comment, “Hold on!”

Here’s the video:

Every approval poll shows that Trump is much more unpopular with the electorate than Biden. And independent voters repeatedly say they are more likely to cast a ballot for Biden than Trump.

Donald Trump Elections Uncategorized WTF?!

Trump Suffers Numerous ‘Brain Glitches’ During Bizarre And Incoherent Speech In Las Vegas

On Sunday, convicted felon Donald Trump held one of his freeform campaign rallies in Las Vegas, where the temperature spiked to 105 degrees before he even hit the stage to start speaking.

However, when the disgraced former president did start speaking, his comments were peppered with odd and incoherent statements that sounded less like human speech than a decrepit vacuum cleaner that had just inhaled a rabid wolverine.

In what one social media user called a series of “brain glitches,” Trump began sentences that ended with a garbled litany of words no human has ever uttered.

At one point, Trump told the crowd, “I’ll tell you what. Ahwoogooba.”

Does anyone want to venture a guess what he was trying to say? If so, you deserve an award.

But that was just the beginning of the fact-free verbal diarrhea that poured out of the Donald’s mouth, Hugh Jackson of the Nevada Current reports.

Here’s another head-scratcher from Trump: “Virtually 100 percent of the new jobs under Biden have also gone to illegal aliens. Did you know that? A hundred percent.”

Not even remotely true.

“One hundred percent of new jobs created during the Biden administration were not taken by migrants who crossed the U.S. border illegally, for a lot of reasons, not least being that it would be statistically impossible.”

Trump also addressed what he foresees happening if he loses to President Joe Biden in November.

 “You’re headed to World War III. You are closer now to World War III than you’ve ever been, and this is no longer army tanks going back and forth shooting – World War II, World War… There are nuclear weapons the likes of which and the power of which has never, ever been seen before.”

World War III? That seems a lot more likely to happen with a deeply compromised felon in the Oval Office. A felon, who, it should be recalled, thinks Russian war criminal Vladimir Putin can be trusted over U.S. intelligence agencies.

Social media users had some thoughts on Trump’s surreal Nevada comments.

Crime Donald Trump Elections GOP Uncategorized

Jamie Raskin Brutally Trolls The GOP At House Hearing: ‘Some Of Them Blindly Worship Convicted Felons’

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) lit into members of the GOP for their undying loyalty to convicted felon/presidential candidate Donald Trump during a House hearing on the origins of COVID-19.

The witness was former National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Anthony Fauci, and Raskin told him, “The claim was essentially that you tried to cover up the possibility of there having been a laboratory leak, which, of course, is perfectly possible. And if this committee were doing its job, we could actually be working to advance the investigation of that. But they would rather assert that you tried to cover up this possibility.”

Fauci told Raskin that he had spent his entire life working to find the cause of diseases such as COVID.

“Well, Dr. Fauci, I want to join my colleague from Florida in apologizing to you that some of our colleagues in the United States House of Representatives seem to want to drag your name through the mud,” Raskin said. “They’re treating you, Dr. Fauci, like a convicted felon.”

And then the congressman put his Republican colleagues on notice regarding their willingness to embrace a man who was convicted on 34 felony counts just last week.

“Actually, you probably wish they were treating you like a convicted felon. They treat convicted felons with love and admiration. Some of them blindly worship convicted felons.”

Republicans are the biggest hypocrites on the face of the planet. They scream about “law and order” and then give their undying loyalty to a man who lies, cheats, rapes, and steals.

The only way to counter the lawlessness of the GOP is to vote every last one of them out in November.

Congress Elections GOP Uncategorized

‘Red Flags’ From Tuesday’s Georgia Primary Show Marjorie Taylor Greene Could Lose In November

Even though she easily won the Republican primary in Georgia yesterday, there are some major “red flags” that suggest Georgia GOP Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is vulnerable and could well lose in November’s general election.

That’s what noted political experts told Newsweek, noting that if Greene faces a challenge from a Democrat who can raise the necessary campaign funds the controversial Republican could find herself looking for work in 2025.

 T.J. McCormack, a Republican strategist and commentator, “Given Greene’s recent bizarre behavior, this might have been an opportunity to steal a win.”

Among the biggest concerns for Greene are her campaign finance reports, which show that she doesn’t have as much cash on hand as an incumbent should this close to November.

Denny Salas, a political strategist and senior vice president at New York-based Gotham Government Relations, said there are indeed some “red flags” for Greene, who has raised $5 million but only has about $1 million left with six months until the election.

“Her high spending rate, or ‘burn rate,’ could allow a Democratic opponent to defeat her in November’s general election,” Salas said. “While raising $5 million is impressive, blowing through most of it already is concerning.

“So, while not having any Republican opponents made her primary easy, her massive campaign spending suggests she may be vulnerable if Democrats find a well-funded candidate to run against her.”

Former president Donald Trump could also wind up dragging down Greene and other Republicans seeking reelection. Or vice versa, Jay Oliver, LI News radio host and political commentator warned.

“Republicans are in a tough spot whether to go against her with supporter Donald Trump by her side or join other Democrats with total condemnation.”
“In a Republican redrawn district to favor the GOP, how much control of this ‘loose cannon’ will be meaningful to help Trump in November? That will be the key.”

Greene’s latest bizarre accusation is that President Joe Biden and the Justice Department wanted to assassinate Trump when they raided his Mar-a-Lago resort to search for classified documents he failed to return upon leaving the White House.

According to Greene, the fact that FBI agents had the authorization to use lethal force during the raid is proof that Biden wanted Trump eliminated, The Independent reports.

“The Biden DOJ and FBI were planning to assassinate [president] Trump and gave the green light,” the Georgia representative wrote on X Tuesday evening.

The FBI quickly promptly swatted down Greene’s absurd conspiracy theory in an official statement.

“The FBI followed standard protocol in this search as we do for all search warrants, which includes a standard policy statement limiting the use of deadly force,” the statement read.

“No one ordered additional steps to be taken and there was no departure from the norm in this matter,” it added.

What will become of Greene? That remains unclear, but the entire county would be better off if she goes down to defeat come November. After all, we already have enough morons in Congress.

Crime Donald Trump Uncategorized

Legal Expert: Hush Money Jurors Just Gave A Clue They Believe Cohen Instead Of Trump

At least six of the twelve jurors who will decide whether or not former president Donald Trump falsified business records and interfered in the 2016 election clearly believe his former attorney, Michael Cohen, and showed that during testimony on Tuesday, according to CNN legal analyst Norm Eisen.

“I was watching the jury and at different points in Cohen’s testimony, you had the jury [who] doesn’t always do this. I counted six jurors who were nodding or smiling, or agreeing with Cohen at one point in his testimony,” Eisen noted.

“It’s like a presidential debate: both sides want to suppress expectations and the DA did that brilliantly in setting this moment.”

Eisen later expanded on his televised comments in an op-ed for CNN.

“At that moment and at multiple points during the day, I saw something I had not seen before with any witness in this trial: Cohen was talking directly to the jury, and all the jurors were looking at and listening to him. It seemed to me that he had established a genuine human bond with the jury over the course of his lengthy direct examination.”

With the defense continuing to cross-examine Cohen this morning, Eisen also had some thoughts regarding today’s courtroom fireworks.