Donald Trump Foreign Policy Vladimir Putin WTF?!

Republican Congressman Says Vladimir Putin Will Never ‘Take Advantage Of Donald Trump’

Although Coward-in-Chief Donald Trump has repeatedly capitulated to Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, a Republican congressman said today that Trump can be trusted to negotiate a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine because “nobody’s going to take advantage of Donald Trump.”

That absurd quote comes from Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), who was a guest on “Face the Nation,” and was asked by host Margaret Brennan, “Vladimir Putin, it sounds like you would agree, is an accused war criminal. He is a dictator. There is a warrant out for his arrest, as you know.”

“President Trump floated inviting him to the U.S. or even visiting Russia himself,” she added. “Do you think any of that is appropriate?”

“It’s more appropriate than not talking to him for the last two years, which is what President Biden did,” Crenshaw responded.

“Talking is different than inviting him to the United States,” Brennan reminded the congressman.

“You can parse it out however you like,” Crenshaw replied. “But the reality is, is you’re going to have to get him to the table somehow.”

Crenshaw also noted that Trump is “good at flattering people in order to get them to the table.”

“But flattering a very brutal dictator who’s pretty cunning, frankly,” Brennan noted. “You really think that’s a winning strategy?”

“He’s not that cunning,” Crenshaw insisted. “I think let Trump do his campaign promise and play this out. Look, nobody’s going to take advantage of Donald Trump.”

Despite what Congressman Crenshaw says, the facts suggest otherwise when it comes to Trump’s ongoing capitulation to Putin.

Earlier this week, Trump told reporters that Ukraine will have to give up some of the territory Russia has stolen from them since they invaded three years ago.

“Trump said Wednesday that he had talked to Russian President Vladimir Putin, adding it was unlikely that Ukraine would get back territory occupied by Russia or that it would eventually join NATO,” according to NBC News.

“Trump appeared to sympathize with Russia’s perspective, saying it ‘fought for that land’ and ‘lost a lot of soldiers.’  He declined to say, however, whether Ukraine would be an equal partner in any negotiations.”

In other words, Trump has already been taken advantage of and sold out our Ukrainian allies. That was Putin’s plan all along, and now his buddy Donald is ready to give him anything he wants.

Here’s the video from CBS News:

Donald Trump Social Media The Trump Adminstration WTF?!

Trump Says If He ‘Saves’ The Country He Can ‘Violate’ Any Law He Wants

Perhaps suffering from a guilty conscience as a result of the unconscionable evil he plans to unleash on the United States, Felon-in-Chief Donald Trump is now openly declaring that he can “violate” any law he wants as long as he manages to “save” the country in the process.

In a short posting he made this afternoon on social media, the twice-impeached criminal who currently serves as American head of state told the world, “He who saves his Country does not violate any Law.”

What Trump neglected to add is that he stole the line from one of the worst dictators in world history, Napoleon Bonaparte. And considering the fate that befell Napoleon, he might not be the ideal choice of a leader to emulate.

How terrible was the reign of Napoleon? Consider this fact: It’s estimated that anywhere between 3 and 6.5 million people died under his rule, including 1.3 million residents of France.

Napoleon was also a megalomaniac dictator who ended freedom of the press and freedom of association. Oh, and he also destroyed nearly all of the government reforms that had been won by the French people after the revolution that overthrew King Louis XVI.

And we have Donald Trump invoking the memory of a dictator as he begins his own tyrannical rule of the United States with mass deportations, legal attacks on the LBGTQ community, and attempting to impose religious fundamentalism on the populace at a time when many Americans are growing sick and tired of the bigotry and intolerance Christian extremism is preaching from the pulpit and hoping to make the law of the land.

Trump was also hit with plenty of backlash on social media, where people reminded him that he is and will always be a criminal, no matter what he tries to make us believe.



Donald Trump Elon Musk Fox News The Trump Adminstration

Trump And Musk Whine To Sean Hannity: The Big Bad Media Is Trying To ‘Drive Us Apart’

Fascist-in-Chief Donald Trump and unelected POTUS Elon Musk are upset because they say the media is attempting to drive them apart at a time when their mutual admiration for each other is at its zenith.

The two grifters sat down with Sean Hannity of Fox “News” and went on an extended whine-a-thon when the host asked them, “You’re both aware, you have to be keenly aware that the media and the punditry class – I think you’ve proven they have no power anymore because they threw everything they had at you and they didn’t win. And that was, you know, The New York Times, Washington Post, three networks, every late-night comedy show to cable channels.”

“They just, they threw everything. Lawfare, weaponization. And now I see They want you two – they want a divorce. They want you two to start hating each other. And they try. Oh, President Elon Musk, for example. You do know that they’re doing that to you?”

“I see it all the time. They tried it. Then they stopped. They have many different things of hatred,” Trump complained. “Actually, Elon called me. He said, you know, they’re trying to drive us apart. I said, absolutely. No, they said, We have breaking news. Donald Trump has ceded control of the presidency to Elon Musk. President Musk will be attending a cabinet meeting tonight at eight o’clock. And I say, it’s just so obvious. There’s so bad at it. I used to think they were good at it. They’re actually bad at it because if they were good at it, I’d never be president.”

“Because I think nobody in history has ever gotten more bad publicity than me. I could do the greatest things. I get 98% bad publicity I could do outside of you. Few of your very good friends, Right? It’s like the craziest thing. But you know what I have learned, Elon? The people are smart. They get it.”

“Yeah, they do, actually,” Musk agreed.

Trump: “They get it.”

Musk: “Yeah.”

“They really see what’s happening,” according to Trump, which prompted Musk to again concur, “Yeah.”

There’s an old saying attributed to former president Harry Truman that Trump and Musk should consider before they start whining again: If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Donald and Elon should get the hell out of Washington, DC and go back to doing what they do best: Being assholes and grifters.

Donald Trump WTF?!

Trump Claims ‘New Theory’ Of Magnets Is Proof Of Government Fraud In Bizarre White House Rant

Waste, fraud, and abuse are rampant in the federal government, according to Nutjob-in-Chief Donald Trump, and he says that a “new theory” of magnets is proof that he’s right.

A reporter asked Trump how he could be certain that Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency was actually cutting federal spending in ways that would benefit the country.

“There’s tremendous fraud,” Trump asserted. “And it’s hard to believe that you can have that kind of fraud… What we’re going to do is, tomorrow I’m having a news conference. I’m going to read to you some of the names that hundreds of millions and even billions of dollars have been given to.”

“And if you tell me that we should be giving money to those things, those entities, I think you’ll probably have to leave as a reporter because you’re not very talented,” he told a reporter. “When you look at the kind of money, billions and billions of dollars being thrown away illegally.”

Aircraft manufacturer Boeing has committed fraud, Trump claimed without providing a shred of proof.

“You know, Boeing, we’re not happy with the service we’re getting in terms of those planes. Look at — take a look at the Gerald Ford, the aircraft carrier, the Ford. It was supposed to cost $3 billion. It ends up costing like $18 billion.”

“And they have all magnetic elevators to lift up 25 planes at a time, 20 planes at a time,” Trump continued. “And instead of using hydraulics, like on tractors that can handle anything from hurricanes to lightning to anything, they use magnets.”

“It’s a new theory. Magnets are going to lift the planes up and it doesn’t work. And they had billions and billions of dollars of cost overruns.”

Congratulations, America. You’re being led by a raving lunatic who thinks magnets are evil. Does anyone have a net we can drop over this cabbage-headed mental patient?


Donald Trump

Trump’s Latest Anti-’Woke’ Rant Ends In A Stunning Moment Of Self-Humiliation

According to Bloviator-in-Chief Donald Trump, he felt it necessary to take over as chairman of the board of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts because it has become too “woke.”

Speaking with reporters aboard Air Force One, the convicted felon was asked why he made the Kennedy Center such a priority when the country is facing much larger and more pressing issues.

“I want to make sure it runs properly,” Trump replied.

“We don’t need woke at the Kennedy Center,” he continued. “Some of the shows were terrible, a disgrace that they were even put on. So I’ll be there until such time as it gets to be running right.”

A reporter asked, “Have you seen any shows there? How do you know they are terrible?”

“I didn’t go, no,” Trump admitted.

So how in the hell would he know?!

“I got reports,” he claimed. “They were so bad, I didn’t want to go. I didn’t want to go! There was nothing that I wanted to see.”

Reporter: Why do you want to be chairman of Kennedy Center board?Trump: Some of the shows were terrible. They were a disgrace.Reporter: Have you seen any shows there?Trump: No, I didn’t go.

Acyn ( 2025-02-10T02:54:55.868Z

Translation: He has no idea what the shows are like at the Kennedy Center, but he needs something to keep his moronic base of supporters happy and distract them from the fact that he hasn’t lowered the price on anything and is actually raising prices across the board with his tariffs on goods imported from China. According to economists, those tariffs are passed along to consumers and will likely result in a recession around the middle of the year.

Tariffs almost always lead to decreased exports from the United States, along with higher prices. That will probably lead to a downturn in the stock market and could even result in job losses in sectors where the tariffs will have the biggest impact, such as technology, food, and other consumer goods such as clothing and building supplies.

The fact that Trump admits he has no idea what shows are taking place at the Kennedy Center drew laughs and derision online.

He heard it from many people the shows were terrible….big strong men….with tears in their eyes…”sir, those shows are terrible. Only you can save the Kennedy Center.” 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢

GenXguy ( 2025-02-10T21:29:57.419Z

This tracks. Trump supporters do the same as him – they make wild claims about things they haven’t seen or read. They are guided by their fee-fees.

Mary ( 2025-02-10T13:24:33.301Z

So he really doesn’t know if any of the shows were terrible or not. He just wants on the board so he can cajole the other board members to change the name to the Trump Center for the Performing Arts. He wants his name on another building.

TLB53 🫘 ( 2025-02-10T10:48:50.881Z

He wouldn’t know quality entertainment if it bit him in the ass. The man eats his steak well done with ketchup for crying out loud! Fuck him.

( 2025-02-10T02:56:55.718Z