GOP Social Media

Seth Meyers Brutally Trolls Lauren Boebert For Her Latest Social Media Idiocy

On Thursday, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) suggested in a posting on Twitter that the coronavirus vaccine might be responsible for President Joe Biden’s bad performance at last month’s first debate with convicted felon Donald Trump, writing, “I wonder what could have caused Joe Biden’s rapid physical and cognitive decline?”

That led “Late Night” host Seth Meyers to respond on his show, remarking, “Yeah, no, I wonder.”

“Could it have been a thoroughly tested vaccine that saved millions of lives that was subjected to rigorous safety trials by some of the world’s most renowned scientists or could it have been, I don’t know, the march of time?”

Boebert, Meyers suggested, is clearly suffering from “‘Beetlejuice’-induced mania.”

“If you’re trying to make us forget about the time you got kicked out of ‘Beetlejuice The Musical’ for groping your date, turning into one of the characters is a terrible strategy,” Meyers added, referencing the musical’s character Lydia Deetz.

Twitter users also had some choice thoughts about Boebert and her vaccine idiocy.

Congress Elections GOP WTF?!

Lauren Boebert Gets Reminded Of Her Past After Agreeing To Appear At GOP ‘Hot Girl Summer’ Event

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) got a heavy dose of online trolling after it was announced Saturday that she would be appearing at something called “Hot Girl Summer” which is being sponsored by the Washington, D.C. Young Republicans.

The announcement appeared on Twitter.

As you can see, Ginger Gaetz, the wife of controversial Florida GOP Congressman Matt Gaetz, will also be one of the “hot girls” in attendance on June 26.

Last September, Boebert made national headlines when she and a date were kicked out of a Denver theater performance of a “Beetlejuice” musical for vaping and groping each other in full view of children in the audience.

The “Hot Girl Summer” tweet was soon deluged with comments, many of which many of which referenced Boebert’s actions at that Denver theater.

Congress Elections GOP Sex Scandals

Lauren Boebert Pitches A Hissy Fit When Debate Moderator Asks About Her ‘Beetlejuice’ Incident

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) got upset when a debate moderator asked about her Beetlejuice theater groping incident which took place in September of last year.

Channel 9’s Kyle Clark wondered if Boebert was ready to apologize to service workers she allegedly harassed and verbally abused when she was removed from the theater.

“Did you apologize for lying to voters about what you did that night and the disrespect you showed to service workers,” he asked. “What specifically were you apologizing for?”

Boebert began to stutter and finally managed to respond, “I don’t believe there was disrespect. Things were absolutely taken out of context.”

Clark pressed again.

“There’s a video of your interactions with service workers.”

The congresswoman then attacked Clark.

“Well, it has been reported that I flipped someone off and I did not. I think it has been very mischaracterized. I’m apologizing for you, Kyle Clark, for getting video and releasing that and people seeing it in a very private moment.”

“But you just recently had an interview with City Cast Denver about how disgusting it is to record someone without their knowledge!”

When Clark turned to other candidates, Boebert continued to rage, but he simply ignored her.

Here’s hoping Lauren Boebert is voted out of Congress in November and goes back to being an unemployed loser.

Donald Trump GOP Social Media WTF?!

Internet Explodes With Mockery After Lauren Boebert Says Trump Is ‘Pretty’ When He Sleeps In Court

Determined to prove that she’s the cultiest of Trump cult members, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) happily declared yesterday that if indeed former president Donald Trump is falling asleep during his hush money/election fraud trial in Manhattan, it’s perfectly fine because the disgraced ex-head of state looks “pretty” when he does so.

According to HuffPost, Boebert’s remarks came in response to mockery from a Democratic congressman.

“I think he’s praying,” she said after Rep. Robert Garcia (D-Calif.) detailed all the times Trump is said to have dozed in court. “But if he is sleeping, y’know, he certainly looks pretty while he sleeps. Maybe it’s an endearing moment of prayer, though.”

Boebert also tried to defend Trump’s inability to stay awake by claiming that the same thing happens to her.

“I know when I fall asleep on airplanes my mouth kinda drops open. And y’know his mouth is kinda tight-lipped, so maybe it’s just a somber moment of thought.”

The word “pretty” has never and should never be applied to anyone with an appearance as clownish and downright disgusting as Donald Trump. The man looks like a Halloween pumpkin that was left out in the heat for several days and then topped with some rotting straw discovered in a cow pasture.

As you’d expect, social media had lots of fun with Boebert’s remarks.

Congress Elections GOP Joe Biden

‘Dark Brandon’ Taunts Lauren Boebert As Her Reelection Campaign Falls Apart

President Joe Biden managed to taunt, troll, and mock Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) with just two words when asked about how poorly her reelection campaign is going.

Jordy Meiselas of Meidas Touch Network was speaking with the president and asked him about Boebert choosing not to run in her old congressional district shortly after Biden visited the area in 2023.

“Is that a coincidence or Dark Brandon at work?” Meiselas asked the president as he was campaigning in Pittsburgh.

“It’s classified,” Biden said with a laugh.

Ironically, despite switching districts, Boebert is lagging far behind her GOP rivals in her new “home.” A straw poll taken earlier this year showed her running a dismal fifth.

Adding to the congresswoman’s political woes are her own self-inflicted gaffes, including her ejection from a theater production of “Beetlejuice” for inappropriate behavior with her date and the recent arrest of her son who has been charged with trespassing and theft.

The president’s remark was met with widespread approval on social media.