Donald Trump GOP Justice Department The Trump Adminstration WTF?!

Evidence Suggests Some Congressional Republicans Could Still Be Charged For Jan. 6

While it’s been clear for some time now that former President Donald Trump was directly involved in fomenting the violence that took place on January 6 at the U.S. Capitol, reporting from The New York Times suggests that some Republicans in Congress also played a role in the efforts to subvert the 2020 election and keep power through a violent uprising.

Specifically, the Times reveals that notes taken by a top deputy to then-Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen point directly to a coordinated effort between Trump and members of Congress. Those notes, which were handwritten by deputy AG Richard Donoghue, report what Trump told Rosen:

“Just say that the election was corrupt + leave the rest to me and the R. Congressmen.”

That, many legal experts said, is a literal smoking gun, and it means that several Republicans in Congress are facing indictment for their role in what transpired on that fateful day.

Philip Bump of The Washington Post focused in on the notation from Donoghue:

“What Donoghue’s notes suggest is that Trump had fully bought into the effort that would eventually become his Alamo: having Republican legislators block the electoral-vote counting due to take place at the Capitol on Jan. 6.”

Failing to certify counting of the electoral votes would have resulted in a Constitutional crisis. The added chaos of a riot at the Capitol would have provided the perfect opportunity for Trump to declare a national emergency and refuse to hand over the reins of power to Joe Biden. It also would have provided an “excuse” for a coup d’etat. And it would have even had the blessing of a faction in Congress.

Once again, quoting Philip Bump:

“Some congressional Republicans clearly did their best to aid Trump’s effort. On the morning of Jan. 6, (Rep Mo) Brooks spoke before Trump at a rally outside the White House. It was time, he said, to ‘start taking down names and kicking ass.’ It’s not clear if any of those in attendance did the former, but some clearly did the latter.”

Brooks, along with Reps. Jim Jordan, Jim Banks, Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Kevin McCarthy (and perhaps others) may well find themselves charged with crimes by the Justice Department.


Capitol Insurrection Crime Elections January 6

Whiny Capitol Rioters Demand They Be Transferred To Prison At Guantanamo Bay

Some of the people who allegedly took part in the January 6, 2021 riots at the U.S. Capitol are now demanding that they be transferred to the military prison at Guantanamo Bay because they claim they’ll be treated better there.

According to Vice News, the prisoners are part of what’s known as the “Patriot Wing.”

Thirty-four detainees who are either awaiting trial or serving sentences in connection with the violent riot at the Capitol signed a letter re-asserting their outrage over the conditions in the federal correctional facility in Washington, D.C. They include standard complaints from American jails, like mold in showers, rust in the water, mice and cockroaches. The letter also rattles off more unusual criticisms like “Critical Race Theory” or “Re-education” propaganda on the tablets provided to inmates, being mocked by jail staff with Kamala Harris-related attire, or receiving punishment for expressing “any political views whatsoever.”

Guantanamo Bay, the alleged rioters assert, provides “nutritional meals” and “top-notch medical care” and is “respectful of religious requirements.”

Gitmo, they write, would be preferable to “remaining trapped within the wretched confines of cruel and unusual punishment of the D.C. jail.”

“We hereby request to spend our precious and limited days, should the government continue to insist on holding us captive unconstitutionally as pre-trial detainees, to be transferred and reside at Guantanamo Bay,” the letter reads.

Of course, what the prisoners fail to mention is that the very reason they’re currently incarcerated is because they took part in criminal acts and attempted to overthrow the elected government of the United States, which makes them domestic terrorists, and even Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) called the insurrection a “terrorist attack.” Proving his immense cowardice, Cruz later recanted, saying his remarks were “sloppy” and “frankly dumb,” during an appearance on Fox News.

While the rioters are certainly worthy of being treated like the terrorists they are, they don’t deserve to name where they should be housed while awaiting trial. If they have a problem with bad food, mold, and roaches, they should have stayed home on Jan. 6 instead of taking part in an illegal act.


Capitol Insurrection January 6

Capitol Rioter Attempts To Suck Up To Judge And Gets His A*s Handed To Him

John Cameron thought he had the perfect way to curry favor with the federal judge who was about to hand down a sentence for his role in the January 6 Capitol riots.

But the judge, according to The Washington Post, was not impressed:

“Can you guess who my favorite president is?” asked the man about to be sentenced for his role in the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.

Senior Judge Thomas F. Hogan did not respond. So John Cameron, a real estate agent from the Seattle area, answered his own question. “Ronald Reagan,” he said during the hearing Monday, suggesting the judge might agree. Hogan was appointed to the federal bench in Washington by Reagan 40 years ago.

Cameron, 55, went on to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, which Reagan made part of Flag Day ceremonies that same year.

Judge Hogan began asking Cameron questions about what he’d done on Jan. 6:

How, he asked, could Cameron claim to have seen no violence or clear sign he could not enter the Capitol during the riot? Did he not hear murderous chants and blaring alarms, smell tear gas, see people climbing up scaffolding and through windows? Did he think, as he said on Facebook, that it was all “fun”? And if so, was he withdrawing his plea to a misdemeanor charge?

Cameron sheepishly replied:

“No. I picketed within the Capitol, and that was illegal. … I would never do it again.”

The judge then let Cameron know exactly what he thought about yahoos who decided to break into the Capitol building and call for former Vice President Mike Pence to be hung:

“I keep hearing from Jan. 6 defendants, ‘We’re being prosecuted,’ like it’s a surprise, or ‘We’re being persecuted,’ like it’s unfair. I do not understand that psychology. What irritates me most is that all of you are claiming you’re patriots; you’re not patriots when you attack the Capitol of the United States.”

Cameron was sentenced to three years probation and 30 days of intermittent confinement, along with a $1,000 fine and $500 restitution.

Before he left the courtroom, Cameron also got this warning from Judge Hogan:

“If you had pleaded to a felony, I would just put you in jail for a long time. The court at least hopes that in this three-year period, you don’t engage in any such conduct again.”

Capitol Insurrection January 6 Racism WTF?!

Mom Of Jan. 6 Rioter Ashli Babbitt Says A ‘Black Woman’ Would Have Been Treated Better Than Her Daughter

The mother of the late Capitol rioter Ashli Babbitt is suggesting that if her daughter had been black, she might still be alive.

Speaking with former New York City mayor and Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani on his podcast, Micki Withoeft remarked:

“Nancy Pelosi sitting up there in her castle mad that the minions dared show up that day — well, you know there are a million strong people there to address their government and they made an attempt to kill the First Amendment. But the First Amendment isn’t dead. It’s wounded but it’s not dead. And people are startin’ to realize things that happened that day.”

The First Amendment, however, doesn’t give anyone the right to attack the seat of government and call for the vice president to be hanged.

And while Withoeft also claimed that her daughter did nothing wrong on January 6, the facts suggest otherwise, the Los Angeles Times notes:

In the seven months since she was killed, Babbitt has become a martyr to the far right. In the twisted revisionist narrative being pushed by former President Trump and his supporters, she was a peaceful demonstrator — an “innocent, wonderful, incredible woman” — who was unjustifiably murdered by the police even though she posed no danger.

But that’s not what the video shows. Her death was a tragedy, to be sure — but it was hardly an unjustified murder.

Here’s how Babbitt managed to get herself killed:

Members of Congress can be seen on the other side of the door. Also on the other side of the door is a police lieutenant holding a gun, pointing it at the mob, an unmistakable warning to stay back.

But Babbit decides instead — although it’s a little hard to see on the video — to climb through the shattered glass window into the Speaker’s Lobby, past the police barricade, toward the pointed gun. If she is allowed through, it seems inevitable that the mob will follow.

As she climbs through, a single shot is fired and she drops to the floor.

If Ashli Babbitt didn’t want to get shot, she shouldn’t have rioted and gone against the orders of the cop who told her to stop. She’s the one who caused her death.

Here’s the podcast:

Capitol Insurrection Congress Donald Trump January 6

Jamie Raskin: 1/6 Committee Has Evidence Of A ‘Lot More Than Incitement’ Against Trump

In a little more than 48 hours, the House Select Committee investigating the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol will hold its first public hearing, and one of the key members of the panel, Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), is making it clear that the evidence will show former President Donald Trump did a great deal more than just incite the insurrection that left five people dead.

Speaking to the Washington Post on Monday, Raskin noted:

“The select committee has found evidence about a lot more than incitement here.”

Raskin added that what transpired on Jan. 6 had been carefully planned and coordinated, and that the committee has found evidence of concerted planning and premeditated activity.”

“The idea that all of this was just a rowdy demonstration that spontaneously got a little bit out of control is absurd. You don’t almost knock over the U.S. government by accident.”

The committee will explain, Raskin told The Post, all of the details regarding the larger conspiracy to “overturn the 2020 presidential election and block the transfer of power.”

“This is an extraordinary and unprecedented event in our history. You really have to go back to the Civil War to understand anything like it.”

According to HuffPost, Raskin believes the facts support indictments against everyone who played a role in the attack:

Following the committee’s lengthy investigation involving some 1,000 witnesses and the examination of 125,000 documents, “we think that there is overwhelming evidence of this plan to overturn the 2020 presidential election in coordination with a violent assault on our body,” Raskin noted.

“We’re going to lay it all out there, but the prosecutors are going to have to sort it out with respect to individual defendants … I have confidence in the ability of the Department of Justice to do their job.”

The first hearing begins at 8:00 p.m. ET on Thursday, June 9 and can be viewed on most of the major news networks.