Capitol Insurrection Ivanka Trump January 6 Jared Kushner

Jared Kushner Testified Before The 1/6 Committee Today – That Could Be Big Trouble For Ivanka

Earlier today, former White House senior adviser Jared Kushner testified under oath to the House Select Committee investigating the January 6 Capitol insurrection.

Politico notes that Kushner “did not play a visible role in the former president’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election, though he was a top adviser during much of Trump’s presidency. According to a recent book by ABC’s Jonathan Karl, Kushner was involved in multiple conversations about how to delicately explain to Trump that he had lost the election and interacted with other senior administration officials who were exasperated by Trump’s refusal to concede. Kushner had reportedly steered clear of Trump in the chaotic final weeks of his presidency and was out of town until the afternoon on Jan. 6.”

Despite that, committee member Elaine Luria (D-VA) told MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace:

“He was able to voluntarily provide information to us to verify, substantiate, provide his own take on this different reporting, so it was really valuable.”


Former Deputy Assistant Attorney General Harry Litman also weighed in on Kushner’s testimony, noting that Jared was mentioned in the text messages between Ginni Thomas and former Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows.

But perhaps most troubling, Litman explained, is that Kushner’s testimony makes it almost certain that Ivanka will have no choice but to sit and testify under oath to the committee, which could put her in serious legal jeopardy:

“But the most important, I think, is Ivanka. They can ask him things about her and we know that she figures centrally, she’s the person that people tried to prevail on repeatedly to have Trump call off the dogs. Just his testifying, I think, makes it more likely — or puts more pressure on her to testify. She’s in voluntary negotiations now.”

Ivanka is neck deep in what transpired on Jan. 6, and even if she isn’t charged with a crime, what she has to say about how the failed, one-term former president acted as the Capitol was under siege could provide all the evidence the Justice Department needs to indict Donald Trump for obstruction of an official proceeding, conspiracy, and fraud.


Donald Trump

Security Experts: Trump’s Saturday Rally In Michigan Could Turn Into A Fatal Fire Trap

Later this evening, failed one-term, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump will hold one of his Nuremberg-style rallies at the Michigan Stars Sports Center in Washington Township, and public safety officials are already warning that the venue could turn into a fatal fire trap.

The Detroit Free Press reports:

Fire department officials in Washington Township — where former President Donald Trump will speak to supporters Saturday night — are scrambling to ensure the safety of the event that could potentially draw thousands. 

“I do not want to allow it,” said Rob Schmelzer, the township’s assistant fire chief and fire marshal. “I have nothing against the past president. This has to do with the venue.” 

Schmelzer and Washington Township Fire Chief Brian Tyrell said the rally falls outside the approved use of the Michigan Stars Sports Center space where the event will be held. 

Tyrell added that he’s working closely with event organizers, the Secret Service, and the Macomb County Sheriff’s office to make sure there are off-duty officers at the rally to provide emergency medical services and fire protection.

“We’re still early in the planning, believe it or not, even though we’re only a few days out. This came upon us very quickly, and we’re just going to do our best to plan for the worst case scenario.”

Will rallygoers be safe if a larger than expected crowd shows up? Fire Marshal Schmelzer says there’s really no way to know, and that alone makes it dangerous.

Township Treasurer Mike Nicley says the Secret Service has told him as many as 10,000 could show up to hear the loser ex-president spin conspiracy theories and belch out endless lies:

“This is just not the right venue.”

It’d be nice to think that the MAGA faithful would heed the warnings and not take the risk of going to a possibly dangerous venue. But these are the same people who are refusing to take the COVID vaccine because they think there’s a tracking device in the shot.

Caveat emptor, MAGAts. Of course, you probably have no damn idea what that means, either.


Gun Crime Joe Biden

Kyle Rittenhouse Whines That Biden Won’t Return His Phone Calls: ‘Crickets – Nothing!’

Acquitted Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse was in full whine mode during an appearance on The Jenna Ellis Show podcast, saying he has repeatedly called the White House and asked to speak with President Joe Biden, but the president won’t return his calls.

According to Newsweek, Rittenhouse told Ellis:

“Crickets; nothing. He still hasn’t replied. So it just shows how much of a man he is to not sit down and talk.”

Ellis asked Rittenhouse what he wanted people to know about his story, to which he responded:

“I was attacked. I was 17 years old. I was attacked and had to defend myself. I’m not a racist. I’m not a white supremacist. I’m not a domestic terrorist. I’m not a murderer, and anybody who wants to sit down and have a conversation, I’m more than open.”

Shortly after he was acquitted by a jury in Wisconsin, Rittenhouse met with failed, one-term former President Donald Trump. The meeting, Rittenhouse noted, was “phenomenal,” and included some advice that the ex-president shared with him:

“He told me that he understands what it feels like to have a lot of people not like you, and then just stay truthful to yourself and be yourself. Who cares what other people think?”

Who cares what other people think? Donald Trump does. His entire life has been an effort of striving to be respected and admired, even though he’s been a failure at everything he’s ever attempted: Business, marriage, fatherhood, and being president.


Congress Crime GOP

Former Prosecutor: New Court Filings In Florida Are ‘Not Good’ For Matt Gaetz

New court filings in the state of Florida are bad news for Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), who is accused of sexually trafficking an underage girl and could potentially be facing a sentence of life in prison.

Former U.S. Attorney Joyce Vance ran across a reference to a status report on the case of Florida tax official, Joel Greenberg, who is cooperating with prosecutors.

Here’s the tweet Vance was referring to:

Vance noted that, “This can mean other things, but most often, it means work with a cooperating witness is proceeding & it is productive. Not good for Gaetz.”

Gaetz has denied that he broke any laws, but financial records seem to indicate that he used a Venmo account to pay at least one young girl for sex and took her across state lines, which puts the investigation under the purview of federal authorities.

Vance’s tweet drew comments from others who noted that it certainly seems that Gaetz is indeed in very hot water.


Capitol Insurrection Congress GOP WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene Whines That Removing Her From The Midterm Ballot Will ‘Destroy Democracy’

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is angry that she may be kept off the midterm ballot for being an insurrectionist, so she’s blaming everyone but herself and whining that if she isn’t allowed to run, it will “destroy democracy.”

Speaking with right-wing host Jeremy Herrell of Real America’s Voice, Greene remarked:

“I need people’s support. They’re coming after me. They just filed a lawsuit against me last week to try to actually remove my name off the ballot! You talk about destroying democracy, these Democrats, they are seriously trying to destroy democracy by filing a lawsuit to remove my name off the ballot and taking away my district’s ability to vote for me again.”

What Greene neglected to mention is that a clause in the 14th Amendment of the Constitution allows for anyone who has engaged in an insurrection or rebellion against the United States to be excluded from running for office.

Greene then added:

“That is destroying democracy! And that is the most evil thing these people could do. They’re so arrogant. They want to take away my district’s right to vote for me. That’s how much they hate the people of my district and look down on them because they’ve tried to shame me in the media and make me into someone I’m not.”

The congresswoman also proved that she’s all about the grift, begging for donations to her campaign “because I’m going to have to pay attorneys to fight for this.”

Boo freaking hoo! Margie should have thought of all that before she urged on the rioters and defended them in the months after the attack on the Capitol. To hear her tell it, no one did anything wrong and the Justice Department is persecuting the rioters simply because they’re Trump supporters.

Much like the failed, one-term, twice-impeached former president Marjorie Greene is so full of shit that her eyes must be brown.