Crime Donald Trump Elections Sex Scandals

Disturbing New Epstein Documents Lead To Calls For Trump To Drop Out Of 2024 Race

While there’s been a cacophony of talk on Capitol Hill over the past couple of weeks regarding whether or not President Joe Biden should drop out of the 2024 race for the White House, Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) said Tuesday that the person who needs to be booted from the ticket is disgraced former president Donald Trump.

Citing newly released grand jury documents from the Florida criminal case against the late convicted pedophile and sexual trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, Lieu told reporters that Trump’s name is all over the court filings, and yet Republicans haven’t said anything about the matter.

“So like Chairman Aguilar said we hear a lot from our constituents on different issues, but something I’ve heard that doesn’t seem to be being covered are the Epstein files. These files were released and like Donald Trump sort of all over this, right? There are pictures of him with Jeffrey Epstein.”

Lieu then got specific with his accusations against Trump.

“He’s taken multiple plane flights with Epstein with young girls on board. He is in call logs with Epstein. One of the highest trending hashtags on Twitter right now is about Trump and Epstein. I’m not going to repeat the hashtag because we’re in a dignified setting. But yeah, y’all might want to look at that because that’s highly disturbing.”

The California Democrat concluded, “And again, it shows that Donald Trump is unfit for office. And by the way, he was convicted in a civilian court for sexual assault, convicted in a separate court of 34 felonies. Donald Trump should drop out of the race.”

Lieu is correct. Trump’s name is indeed all over the latest batch of Epstein documents, as many people pointed out on social media, where the case remains a hot topic of debate.

Reporters covering the Trump 2024 campaign need to ask the convicted felon why he made so many calls to Epstein and traveled with him on several occasions. After all, the voters have a right to know everything about a candidate for the presidency who may have been engaged in the systematic sexual abuse of children.

Congress Elections GOP Sex Scandals

Lauren Boebert Pitches A Hissy Fit When Debate Moderator Asks About Her ‘Beetlejuice’ Incident

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) got upset when a debate moderator asked about her Beetlejuice theater groping incident which took place in September of last year.

Channel 9’s Kyle Clark wondered if Boebert was ready to apologize to service workers she allegedly harassed and verbally abused when she was removed from the theater.

“Did you apologize for lying to voters about what you did that night and the disrespect you showed to service workers,” he asked. “What specifically were you apologizing for?”

Boebert began to stutter and finally managed to respond, “I don’t believe there was disrespect. Things were absolutely taken out of context.”

Clark pressed again.

“There’s a video of your interactions with service workers.”

The congresswoman then attacked Clark.

“Well, it has been reported that I flipped someone off and I did not. I think it has been very mischaracterized. I’m apologizing for you, Kyle Clark, for getting video and releasing that and people seeing it in a very private moment.”

“But you just recently had an interview with City Cast Denver about how disgusting it is to record someone without their knowledge!”

When Clark turned to other candidates, Boebert continued to rage, but he simply ignored her.

Here’s hoping Lauren Boebert is voted out of Congress in November and goes back to being an unemployed loser.

Crime Donald Trump Elections Sex Scandals

Upcoming Release Of ‘Damaging’ Epstein Report Leads Terrified Trump To Lash Out  

Speaking to supporters at a campaign rally in Dayton, Ohio, failed one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump began attacking Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), who ended his bid for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination in January.

“I hit him hard, I hit him low, just like we did to ISIS…We hit this guy so hard,” the ex-president said. “He’s a shell of the man…We have to hit our enemies hard.”

Why continue to attack a defeated foe, especially one in a state the GOP desperately needs in November? DeSantis is no longer a political threat. Could there be an ulterior motive in what Trump said in Ohio?

Consider for a moment an action DeSantis took late last month, which was reported by Politico.

Gov. Ron DeSantis is expected to sign legislation in Palm Beach this morning to release state grand jury records of an investigation into Jeffrey Epstein, the convicted sex offender and financier who killed himself in jail.

Liberal news outlet MeidasTouch Network noted on Twitter that Trump’s latest anger at DeSantis is likely tied to the upcoming release of those state grand jury records, writing:

“Trump began attacking DeSantis again right after DeSantis signed legislation to allow the release of grand jury documents in the Epstein case.”

Peter Henlein, an Iraq War vet, concurred.

“If you had any doubt that the release of the Florida Epstein grand jury files is going to destroy Trump, remove that doubt. Trump and his political operation are suddenly spending an equal amount of effort attacking DeSantis as they are Biden…..which makes no sense. They aren’t attacking Haley at all, who refused to endorse Trump and stayed in the race much longer than DeSantis, but they are passionately attacking DeSantis, who dropped out after Iowa and endorsed Trump……which makes no sense. The ONLY possible explanation is that Trump knows the release of Florida Epstein grand jury, which DeSantis paved the way for, is going to be extremely damaging to Trump. Trump is angry that this has happened, and he needs to discredit everything about DeSantis to try and blunt the impact of those files.”

With the steady drip of news stories each day highlighting Trump’s alleged criminal actions in any number of ongoing cases, being directly tied to Epstein and his disgusting crimes could prove devastating for the disgraced ex-president. Granted, his fanatical supporters won’t care, but it would give independents and non-MAGA Republicans yet another reason to not cast a ballot for Donald in November. And that’s how you lose in a landslide.


Donald Trump Sex Scandals

E. Jean Carroll Has A Devastating New Description Of Donald Trump That’s Certain To Enrage Him

Speaking with MSNBC host Rachel Maddow on Monday evening, just days after a massive $83.3 million legal victory over failed former president Donald Trump, writer E. Jean Carroll shared a description of how the ex-head of state looked at the defamation trial that concluded last week in New York.

“He is like a walrus snorting and like a rhino flopping his hands. He is not there. That was the surprising thing to me.”

Carroll admitted that she had been terrified of facing Trump in court, but her fears quickly abated when she took the stand and began testifying.

“Amazingly, I looked out, and he was nothing,” she said. “He was nothing. He was a phantom. It was the people around him who were giving him power. He himself was nothing.”

That moment of clarity, Carroll continued, gave her new insight regarding the Donald.

“We don’t need to be afraid of him. He can be knocked out.”

Others who have observed Trump over the years agreed with Carroll, suggesting that he’s just an impotent coward.

GOP Sex Scandals

Gaetz Taunted At Trump Campaign Event: ‘What’s The Youngest Schoolgirl You’ve Been With?’

While he was speaking at Donald Trump’s campaign headquarters, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) got reminded that he’ll never be able to live down the allegations that have been made against him regarding his reported love for underage girls.

Gaetz told those gathered at the Trump HQ, “Now, as to what I’d say to young folks today, man, you meet a young conservative today. It’s a different breed, because if they, if they’re outspoken, they’ve already been called every name in the book. Just for being a Republican, they’ve been called a racist, a sexist, a xenophobe, phobes I haven’t even heard of.”

That’s when a man dressed in Trump garb began heckling the controversial Florida Republican.

“What’s the youngest schoolgirl you’ve ever been with?”

The man also asked if Gaetz had flown on Jeffrey Epstein’s plane, but was quickly escorted from the room.

Gaetz told those who remained, “Think about being a part of a party where they haven’t even tried to make an argument about winning your vote. The Democratic Party today has basically put up as their candidate a nursing home escapee and the annoying lady from the HR department.”


Just last year, the Department of Justice decided not to charge Gaetz as part of a sex trafficking investigation. The congressman was accused of having sex with an underage girl and paying her off via Venmo to keep quiet.