Donald Trump Elections GOP Polls

Political Expert Suggests Trump May Dump Vance In Desperate Effort To Boost His Poll Numbers

GOP vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance campaigned in Virginia on Monday, but his first solo campaign event since the 2024 Republican convention didn’t exactly go well, leading to massive online mockery for the Ohio senator.

The Associated Press reports that Vance began by attacking President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democratic nominee for the White House.

“History will remember Joe Biden as not just a quitter, which he is, but as one of the worst presidents in the history of the United States of America. But my friends, Kamala Harris is a million times worse and everybody knows it. She signed up for every single one of Joe Biden’s failures, and she lied about his mental capacity to serve as president.”

Vance also took a bizarre detour into the world of diet soda, suggesting that his fondness for Diet Mountain Dew would likely get him branded a racist by Democrats.

“I had a Diet Mountain Dew yesterday, and one today — I’m sure they’re gonna call that racist too,” he remarked.

That odd non-sequitur led Mike Madrid, co-founder of The Lincoln Project, to suggest that Trump might dump Vance from the ticket and find someone who can give a decent campaign stump speech.

Others then joined the social media debate on Vance.


Donald Trump Elections Polls

New Poll Shows One Democrat Would Destroy Trump In A General Election Matchup

The latest polls show that President Joe Biden is tied with convicted felon Donald Trump, but there remains talk inside the Democratic Party that Biden should consider dropping out of the race and pass the torch to someone else.

But who would be Biden’s replacement if decides not to run?

Based on a new Reuters/Ipsos poll, only one Democrat seems a sure bet to defeat Trump: Former First Lady Michelle Obama.

According to HuffPost, Mrs. Obama would easily defeat Trump in a head-to-head matchup, with a formidable 11-point lead over him, 50%-39%.

The new poll also finds that 56% of voters, including a third of Democrats, want Biden to drop out of the race amid growing concerns over his age and cognitive health, which were exacerbated by last week’s muddled performance at his debate with Trump.

The poll finds 46% of voters, including 19% of Republicans, want Trump to drop out.

The two are tied with 40% each in the new poll, while Vice President Kamala Harris trails Trump by 1 percentage point, 43%-42%, well within the poll’s 3.5 percentage point margin of error.

In other hypothetical matchups, the poll shows Trump leading California Gov. Gavin Newsom by 3 points, Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear by 4% percent, and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer by 5%.

Mrs. Obama also has an overall favorable rating of 55%. Only 42% of those surveyed said they had an unfavorable opinion of her.

However, there is one problem with the idea of running the former first lady in November: She doesn’t exactly seem fond of the idea, telling Oprah Winfrey in 2023, “I’ve never expressed any interest in politics. Ever. I mean, I agreed to support my husband. He wanted to do it, and he was great at it. But at no point have I ever said, ‘I think I want to run.’ Ever. So, I’m just wondering: Does what I want have anything to do with anything? Does who I choose to be have anything to do with it?”

Then again, Mrs. Obama has also admitted that she is absolutely “terrified” Trump might win again and implement his radical right-wing agenda for the country.

For now, at least, it seems a Michelle Obama candidacy will remain just a dream for Democrats. But if she did happen to enter the race, Trump would likely blow a gasket, especially if he lost badly to her.

Donald Trump Elections Polls Uncategorized

New Poll Shows A Majority Of Voters Want Trump To Drop Out Of 2024 Race

As some Democrats continue to suggest that President Joe Biden should consider dropping out of the 2024 presidential race, new polling shows that a majority of voters want convicted felon and 2024 GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump to withdraw his name from consideration.

A YouGov poll conducted after last week’s first Biden-Trump debate suggests that while 45% of Democratic voters want Biden to step aside, 55% say he should remain in the race.

However, that same poll shows 54% of those surveyed say Trump should drop out. Only 46% want him to remain in the race, meaning that his numbers are worse than Biden’s.

And that same YouGov poll was also the topic of discussion on CNN, with Democratic strategist Maria Cardona and GOP operative Scott Jennings both using its results to suggest that voters aren’t enamored with either Biden or Trump.

Jennings said Biden cannot win the election and that members of the Biden inner circle are hiding facts about the president’s health.

But that led Cardona to cite the poll results regarding Trump and comment, “Hold on!”

Here’s the video:

Every approval poll shows that Trump is much more unpopular with the electorate than Biden. And independent voters repeatedly say they are more likely to cast a ballot for Biden than Trump.

Donald Trump Elections Polls

There’s A ‘Big Flashing Warning Sign’ In Donald Trump’s Poll Numbers

Every week, it seems a new poll is released which shows that failed one-term former president Donald Trump holds a lead over President Joe Biden, a trend which has some Democratic strategists worried the polls may be a harbinger of bad news to come when ballots are cast in November.

But as New York Times analyst Nate Cohn notes in a piece he wrote for the newspaper, a quick look behind the numbers reveals that Trump’s support is much weaker than the raw numbers reveal.

Why? Well, mainly because Trump’s so-called polling advantage is among less engaged voters, who aren’t exactly a good indicator of what will happen when balloting begins.

“President Biden has actually led the last three Times/Siena national polls among those who voted in the 2020 election, even as he has trailed among registered voters overall. And looking back over the last few years, almost all of Mr. Trump’s gains have come from these less engaged voters.”

That means Trump’s lead in the polls is illusory at best and could actually be a lead for Biden, Cohn explains.

“While the race has been stable so far, Mr. Trump’s dependence on disengaged voters makes it easy to imagine how it could quickly become more volatile. As voters tune in over the next six months, there’s a chance that disengaged but traditionally Democratic voters could revert to their usual partisan leanings. Alternately, many of these disaffected voters might ultimately stay home, which might help Mr. Biden.”

The preponderance of disengaged voters nearly six months out from the election also makes the job of a pollster that much more challenging, Cohn adds.

“While millions of irregular voters will undoubtedly turn out this November, no one knows just how many of them will ultimately show up — let alone exactly which ones will do so,” he writes. “This too is always a challenge for pollsters, but the deep divide between regular and irregular Democrats this cycle means that the polls may be unusually sensitive to the ultimate makeup of the electorate, with Mr. Biden potentially favored if enough of his disengaged defectors stay home.”

Remember 2016? All of the polls showed Hillary Clinton with a commanding lead over Trump. Despite that, she lost.

And in 2020, while many polls showed Joe Biden ahead on Election Day, none of them showed him winning in a popular and electoral vote landslide, which he did.

This will likely be a close election, but the polls probably won’t reflect the result any more this time than they have in the recent past.

Donald Trump Elections Polls

Exit Polls From New Hampshire Show Major Red Flags For Trump’s Campaign

Even though he won Tuesday’s New Hampshire Republican primary, failed one-term former president Donald Trump is clearly losing support according to exit polls which show that GOP voters hold much more moderate views on major issues which will decide the 2024 election.

That was the topic of discussion on CNN, where political analyst Gloria Borger noted, “Can I just talk about the abortion number? Because I think that is so striking.”

Anchor Erin Burnett replied, “This is 67 percent oppose a ban in New Hampshire, Only 27 percent favor it.”

Borger continued.

“Right. So here, you have a Republican primary, effectively. And you have this 67 percent number. And you have Joe Biden and Kamala Harris tonight talking about the repeal of Roe v. Wade. It is the one surefire issue — one of the one surefire issues that the Democrats have going into this next election. And it is unclear how motivational it will be, but when you see a number like that, you have to assume it will be very motivational.”

Burnett: “It’s worked in red states, Kansas, Ohio.”

Another panelist then weighed in.

“And listen, it is also why Nikki Haley is sounding a little more moderate than Donald Trump and sounds more moderate than Ron DeSantis, as well. It is shocking to me — we’ll see if these numbers change. The immigration, like 45 percent of these voters think that folks should be offered a legal pathway here in this country. You know, Donald Trump obviously wants to ride the immigration issue to the White House in the way that he did in 2016. He doesn’t quite have the Build the Wall slogan, but he has more vicious things like deportation. But so far, at least with these exit polls, some of these folks are sounding very moderate. The big question is, are we seeing that Donald Trump has a much softer underbelly as a GOP frontrunner than we thought?”

Abortion is the single biggest issue in the 2024 election, and it’s also the issue that will drag down Trump and the GOP. They know it and that’s why they don’t want to talk about it.