Donald Trump Foreign Policy Vladimir Putin WTF?!

Republican Congressman Says Vladimir Putin Will Never ‘Take Advantage Of Donald Trump’

Although Coward-in-Chief Donald Trump has repeatedly capitulated to Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, a Republican congressman said today that Trump can be trusted to negotiate a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine because “nobody’s going to take advantage of Donald Trump.”

That absurd quote comes from Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), who was a guest on “Face the Nation,” and was asked by host Margaret Brennan, “Vladimir Putin, it sounds like you would agree, is an accused war criminal. He is a dictator. There is a warrant out for his arrest, as you know.”

“President Trump floated inviting him to the U.S. or even visiting Russia himself,” she added. “Do you think any of that is appropriate?”

“It’s more appropriate than not talking to him for the last two years, which is what President Biden did,” Crenshaw responded.

“Talking is different than inviting him to the United States,” Brennan reminded the congressman.

“You can parse it out however you like,” Crenshaw replied. “But the reality is, is you’re going to have to get him to the table somehow.”

Crenshaw also noted that Trump is “good at flattering people in order to get them to the table.”

“But flattering a very brutal dictator who’s pretty cunning, frankly,” Brennan noted. “You really think that’s a winning strategy?”

“He’s not that cunning,” Crenshaw insisted. “I think let Trump do his campaign promise and play this out. Look, nobody’s going to take advantage of Donald Trump.”

Despite what Congressman Crenshaw says, the facts suggest otherwise when it comes to Trump’s ongoing capitulation to Putin.

Earlier this week, Trump told reporters that Ukraine will have to give up some of the territory Russia has stolen from them since they invaded three years ago.

“Trump said Wednesday that he had talked to Russian President Vladimir Putin, adding it was unlikely that Ukraine would get back territory occupied by Russia or that it would eventually join NATO,” according to NBC News.

“Trump appeared to sympathize with Russia’s perspective, saying it ‘fought for that land’ and ‘lost a lot of soldiers.’  He declined to say, however, whether Ukraine would be an equal partner in any negotiations.”

In other words, Trump has already been taken advantage of and sold out our Ukrainian allies. That was Putin’s plan all along, and now his buddy Donald is ready to give him anything he wants.

Here’s the video from CBS News:

Donald Trump Russia Vladimir Putin

Nancy Pelosi’s Explanation Of Why Trump Is So Subservient To Putin Is PERFECT

Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) believes she knows why failed former president Donald Trump is constantly praising Russian war criminal Vladimir Putin, and she’s letting the world know.

Pelosi was a guest on MSNBC’s “Inside With Jen Psaki” Monday evening, and she told the host, “What does he have on Donald Trump that he has to constantly be catering to Putin?”

Calling Putin one of “the most evil people in the world,” Pelosi continued.

“I don’t know what he has on him, but I think it’s probably financial. Or something on the come ― something that he expects to get.”

Think about this: Have you ever once heard Trump say anything negative about Putin? And now consider some of the many positive things the failed former U.S. president has said regarding the Russian president:

  • “I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, ‘This is genius,’” Trump said during an interview. “Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine – of Ukraine. Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful.”
  • “They say, ‘Trump said Putin’s smart.’ I mean, he’s taking over a country for two dollars’ worth of sanctions,” Trump told a crowd at a fundraiser at Mar-a-Lago. “I’d say that’s pretty smart. He’s taking over a country – really a vast, vast location, a great piece of land with a lot of people, and just walking right in.”
  • In a speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference, Trump said, “Yesterday reporters asked me if I thought President Putin was smart. I said, ‘Of course, he’s smart,’ to which I was greeted with ‘Oh, that’s such a terrible thing to say.’ I like to tell them, ‘Yes, he’s smart.’”

Whatever the reason Trump is so enamored with Putin, is says a lot about Donald that he chooses to admire a man who has gleefully murdered women and children, taken Ukrainian kids hostage, and continues to engage in atrocities on a daily basis.

And whatever Putin has on Trump, the two of them deserve each other. Both of them are equally craven and evil.

Russia Social Media Viral Video

Vladimir Putin Mocks Tucker Carlson To His Face And The Internet Can’t Stop Laughing

In a blatant move meant to blunt criticism of his ongoing attacks on Ukraine, indicted war criminal Vladimir Putin agreed to sit down for an extensive interview with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who was dumped by the network in part for his lies about the 2020 election.

The interview, which lasts two hours, is little more than Putin trying to explain history to Carlson from the perspective of a Russian dictator who thinks he’s entitled to attack any country he wants and then claim self-defense.

One portion of the Putin-Carlson conversation has drawn the most interest because in it the Russian dictator clearly mocks Carlson, according to HuffPost.

In the conversation that dropped on X, formerly Twitter, Thursday, Putin had already blathered on about Russia and Ukraine’s history when he brought up the 2014 ouster of Kremlin-backed Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych after mass protests.

“With the backing of whom?” Carlson asked.

“With the backing of CIA, of course, the organization you wanted to join back in the day, as I understand,” Putin responded. “We should thank God they didn’t let you in.”

“Although it is a serious organization, I understand,” he added.

Be sure and check out the look on Carlson’s face when Putin reminds him that he was rejected by the CIA. Some have described it as one of constipation.

Those who viewed the video on Twitter/X delighted in the burn Putin inflicted on Carlson.


Donald Trump Foreign Policy Vladimir Putin

Hillary Clinton Only Needs One Word To Explain Trump’s Obsession With Vladimir Putin

Former Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton only needed one word to describe why failed ex-president Donald Trump constantly defends and praises Russian mass murderer/war criminal Vladimir Putin, HuffPost reports.

Referencing comments Trump made over the weekend during a campaign rally in Durham, New Hampshire regarding Putin, in which Trump quoted the Russian dictator as saying criminal charges against the Donald “shows the rottenness of the American political system, which cannot pretend to teach others about democracy,” Clinton posted this response on Twitter:

Just last month, Clinton appeared on “The View” and noted, “I think it would be the end of our country as we know it” if Trump wins in 2024.

Donald Trump Espionage Foreign Policy Russia Vladimir Putin

Top Secret Intel File On Russia Missing – Last Seen Before Trump Left Office

A file containing classified information about Russia and Russian efforts to influence the 2016 election disappeared in the last days of the Trump administration and has yet to be found, according to a terrifying report from CNN.

The binder contained raw intelligence the US and its NATO allies collected on Russians and Russian agents, including sources and methods that informed the US government’s assessment that Russian President Vladimir Putin sought to help Trump win the 2016 election, sources tell CNN.

The intelligence was so sensitive that lawmakers and congressional aides with top secret security clearances were able to review the material only at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, where their work scrutinizing it was itself kept in a locked safe.

The file was last seen at the White House when Trump sought to declassify it for public release. The disgraced former president has long been obsessed with news reports suggesting that the Kremlin actively worked to get him elected instead of then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

Additionally, the Russia binder wasn’t among the classified documents found when the FBI searched Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in August of last year, raising new questions about what might have become of the dossier.

New information suggests that the file was taken by former chief of staff Mark Meadows, CNN notes.

Cassidy Hutchinson, one of Meadows’ top aides, testified to Congress and wrote in her memoir that she believes Meadows took home an unredacted version of the binder. She said it had been kept in Meadows’ safe and that she saw him leave with it from the White House.

“I am almost positive it went home with Mr. Meadows,” Hutchinson told the January 6 committee in closed-door testimony, according to transcripts released last year.

George Terwilliger, an attorney for Meadows, denied his client is in possession of the file, remarking, “Anyone and any entity suggesting that he is responsible for anything missing does not have facts and should exercise great care before making false allegations.”

If the information is now in the hands of the Kremlin, has U.S. national security been compromised? And if so, what long-term ramifications could that pose for the overall security of the United States?

Perhaps members of the Trump administration, including the ex-president, need to be brought before a Senate committee and forced to testify under oath. After all, if they have nothing to hide, they should be eager to cooperate.