Donald Trump GOP Whining WTF?!

Angry Trump Whines About Cable News Outlets Covering Hurricane Ida ‘All Night Long’

Failed, one-term, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump is livid that cable news outlets spent most of Sunday reporting on Hurricane Ida, which was bearing down on the Gulf Coast and made landfall last night.


During a call-in interview with right-wing radio host Todd Starnes, Trump whined that the networks should have been covering events in Afghanistan, which they did all last week:

“Because Afghanistan is not even something that can be discussed in a rational way. The level of stupidity — and we had a great agreement. And Biden admitted the other day, he made a mistake because they didn’t want him to say that no people have been killed since this agreement was signed.”

Actually, the “agreement” Trump referred to was put in place during the final months of his administration, and it was a deeply flawed plan that allowed the Taliban to take control of the country in record time. Trump even sent then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to Doha, Qatar, to meet with members of the Taliban, something President Joe Biden has refused to do because he doesn’t want to give the group legitimacy the way Trump did.

Trump also claimed he had been tough on the Taliban and had told the leader of the group he would bomb his house first if anything went wrong. However, considering that the former president is a pathological liar, that’s probably complete nonsense:

“And the media, which is fake and crooked and corrupt, they’re the worst people, they’re the most corrupt people. The only thing I don’t understand is why. They’ve got to hate our country. And they are in fact the enemy of the people. But the corrupt media shows the hurricane all night long.”

Then why doesn’t Trump start his own media company? Probably because no one will invest any money on a project he’s attached to. Trump has always been a failure in the business world and is an incompetent fool who had millions of dollars handed to him by his father. He later squandered that money and had to be bailed out on multiple occasions by his family and banks such as Deutsche Bank, which is getting ready to call the Donald’s loans in later this year.

Here’s an idea for you, Donald: Put the crank away and go to bed instead of staying up all night tweaking. You’re burning out the few brain cells you have left.

Fox News Terrorism The Biden Administration

Psaki Says What We’re All Thinking When Asked Yet Another Asinine Question By Fox’s Peter Doocy

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki managed to shut down Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy yet again at Friday’s daily press briefing when he asked how the terrorists who murdered 13 U.S. service members in Afghanistan yesterday would be dealt with.

Mediaite reports that Doocy asked Psaki:

“What does that look like? Is he going to order a mission to kill the people responsible or would he be satisfied if they are captured and brought to trial?”

Psaki responded:

“I think he made clear yesterday that he does not want them to live on the Earth anymore.”

For a follow-up question, Doocy inquired:

“Are we going to try to bring those known terrorists to justice before we leave the country?”

The press secretary replied:

“Peter, I think our focus right now is on doing everything we can to get the remaining American citizens who want to depart out of the country, to get our Afghan partners out of the country. This is not a preferred relationship or a situation that we would have designed if we had started from scratch. I think that’s very clear.”

Is Doocy so clueless that he doubts the prowess of the U.S. military and their ability to track down those responsible and mete out the necessary punishment? Or is he trying to suggest that President Biden isn’t capable of making a decision to order the elimination of those who killed our brave troops as they tried to evacuate people from a hellhole?

Thank you, Jen Psaki, for putting Peter Doocy in his place yet again.

Donald Trump Sexism

Trump Goes On Crude Sexist Rant During Interview With Right-Wing Radio Host

Here’s a simple, irrefutable fact about failed, one-term, twice impeached former President Donald Trump: He’s a rabid misogynist who thinks women serve no purpose other than providing sex and raising children.

Over the years, the disgusting things Trump has said about women have been well documented. Here’s what he said in his 1997 book The Art of the Comeback:

“The smart ones act very feminine and needy, but inside they are real killers. The person who came up with the expression ‘the weaker sex’ was either very naïve or had to be kidding. I have seen women manipulate men with just a twitch of their eye — or perhaps another body part.”

And now Trump is back, and he’s on the attack against women in politics, raging at Vice President Kamala Harris and Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), among others, telling radio host Hugh Hewitt:

“I think that she’s (Harris) terrible. I think that she, I was surprised when he picked her, because she was done, she had done very poor in the debates, and she had done very poor in the polling. She was heading in the wrong direction, but he picked her. Look, everything this guy does is sort of strange.

“And I just looked a recent poll where she’s down even lower than him, which is pretty hard, because he’s down very low. I also looked at polls where I’m winning by many points, but I was when we had the election. I don’t know. We have people in office that did not win the election, okay? They didn’t win the election.”

Actually, they DID win the election, and they won it in a landslide, unless you choose to believe that the Chinese used “special thermometers” to alter the 2020 vote count.

When Hewitt asked if any of the possible GOP presidential contenders had impressed him enough to warrant an endorsement if he decides not to run in 2024, Trump replied:

“A number, I don’t want to say right now. This isn’t the right time to say. I just picked somebody to run against a person named Liz Cheney, who’s off her rocker. And I’ll be announcing that sometime today.”

Donald Trump hasn’t changed. He’s just as disgusting and hateful as ever. He belongs behind bars. Not only for his financial crimes, but also for taking part in an attempted coup against the U.S. government. And while we’re at it, let’s also make sure he’s held responsible for the dozens of sexual assaults and rapes he’s alleged to have committed over his lifetime. He doesn’t deserve to walk among law-abiding citizens any longer.


Congress Foreign Policy The Biden Administration WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene: Impeach Kamala Harris For Not Personally Evacuating Americans From Kabul

It’s a given that Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is probably the loosest cannon in the entire U.S. Congress, but something she said Monday could well place her in the Moron Hall of Fame.

During an appearance on the extreme right-wing Real America’s Voice network, Greene said she was outraged that Vice President Kamala Harris isn’t in Kabul, Afghanistan, helping to evacuate Americans from the country. The only solution, Greene said, was to impeach Harris:

“For her to not speak out about this, for her not to fly over to Afghanistan to the Kabul airport is disgraceful, and unforgivable. She should be impeached as well. All of them are complicit in this. And they knew. They knew.”

This comes just a day after Greene demanded that President Joe Biden also be impeached for withdrawing American troops from Afghanistan, a move that was initiated under Greene’s lord and savior, Donald Trump.

Using Green’s blueprint, Biden and Harris would both be impeached and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi would become president. Clearly, the congresswoman from Georgia didn’t think this one through all the way. Provided, that is, she’s even capable of thought.

Twitter soon reminded Ms. Greene that she needs to learn to keep her mouth shut and stay off social media unless she wants even more mockery:

Here’s a better idea for Marjorie Taylor Greene: If you’re so concerned about Americans in Kabul, why don’t you fly over and help evacuate them? Probably because you’re too chickenshit and selfish to do anything for another human being.


Foreign Policy Fox News Fox News Lies The Biden Administration

Jen Psaki Smacks Down Fox’s Peter Doocy For Saying Americans Are ‘Stranded’ In Afghanistan

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki put Fox News reporter Peter Doocy in his place Monday when he attempted to suggest that the Biden administration is leaving Americans “stranded” in Afghanistan, despite the fact that the U.S. has already airlifted 40,000 Afghans and Americans out of the country so far.

After he let loose with his question/editorial comment, Psaki made it clear she wasn’t about to let Doocy use a question to spread lies, telling him:

“First of all I think it’s irresponsible to say ‘Americans are stranded.’ They are not. We are committed to bringing Americans who want to come home, home. We are in touch with them via phone, via text, via email, via any way that we can possibly reach Americans, to get them home if they want to return.

“No American is stranded.”

Doocy tried to push back on what Psaki said, but she immediately shot him down:

“I’m just calling you out for saying that we are stranding Americans in Afghanistan when we have been very clear that we are not leaving Americans who want to return home, we are going to bring them home and I think that’s important for the American public to hear and understand.”

Fox — along with right-wing “news” outlets Newmax and OAN — is looking for a way to attack the Biden administration anyway they can. They know his policies are popular with the American people, so they’re hoping to spread a lie that somehow Americans are being left behind in Afghanistan. They’re also conveniently neglecting to mention that the withdrawal began while failed, one-term former President Donald Trump was still in office.

Doocy was also pilloried on social media for his remarks:

For the next press conference, maybe Fox News can just send Wile E. Coyote and have him show off some of his wonderful wares directly from the Acme Corporation right before they explode and leave him picking up his teeth.