Anti-Vaxxers Coronavirus Social Media WTF?!

MT Greene Gets Slapped Down For Posting Blatant Lie That Anti-Vaxxers Are Being Denied Medical Treatment

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) went on fact-free, extended Twitter rant (19 tweets!) on Saturday, spewing conspiracy theories, vitriol, and plenty of whining as she compared what she called “Before COVID” and “After COVID,” even going to far as to suggest (incorrectly) that some people who aren’t vaccinated are being denied medical treatment.

Greene asserted in her tweetstorm that the only reason the government is urging Americans to get vaccinated is to enrich pharmaceutical companies, which is more than a bit hypocritical when you consider that she owns stock in companies that are producing the vaccine:

Greene holds stock in AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson, each worth between $1,000 and $15,000, according to an August 13, 2020, filing from Greene with the clerk of the House of Representatives.

Here are some of the lowlights from Greene’s social media meltdown:

Is any of what Greene alleges true? Of course not! The woman hasn’t said anything accurate or factual since she announced she was running for Congress. And she’s only accelerated her bullshit since getting elected.

Reaction to Greene’s stupidity was immediate and harsh:

UPDATE: Greene’s Twitter account has been permanently suspended for spreading lies and misinformation about COVID.

Coronavirus Donald Trump

Alex Jones: Donald Trump Is Either Ignorant Or ‘One Of The Most Evil Men Who Has Ever Lived’

Alex Jones is only good at one thing: Spinning bullshit conspiracy theories about everything that takes place in the United States.

Remember how Jones said the Sandy Hook shooting was a “false flag” staged by the U.S. government as a way to implement gun control? He’s still paying for that lie, and is on the hook for a cool fortune after he was sued by families of the 20 children who were gunned down on that horrific day back in 2012. Courts have said Jones has to pay damages for his lies about the massacre.

And now Jones is claiming that when former President Donald Trump defended taking the COVID-19 vaccine during an interview with right-wing activist Candace Owens, he was either too stupid to know what he was saying or is one of the most “evil” people in world history.

Specifically, Trump told Owens:

“Oh no, the vaccines work. But some people are the ones — the ones who get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones that don’t take the vaccine. But it’s still their choice. And if you take the vaccine, you’re protected.”

That declaration of support for the vaccine, Jones believes, means something horrible is going on, and he wants to make sure his moronic followers know what’s happening, telling them in what he dubbed “an emergency” Christmas message:

“This is an emergency Christmas Day warning to President Trump. You are either completely ignorant about the so-called vaccine gene therapy that you helped ram through with Operation Warp Speed or you are one of the most evil men who has ever lived to push this toxic poison on the public and to attack your constituents who they simply try to save their lives and the lives of others.”

Of course, Jones is right on both points when it comes to Donald Trump: He’s ignorant and also one of the most evil men who has ever lived. Millions of us have known that for years. The fact that it took this long for Alex Jones to figure that out suggests he’s dumber and at least as vile as the failed, one-term ex-president.

Coronavirus Donald Trump Fox News Joe Biden

WATCH: Jen Psaki Burns Peter Doocy Down When He Tries To Blame Biden For COVID Deaths

Once again Wednesday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki destroyed Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy when he tried to suggest that the reason so many Americans have died from COVID lies with President Joe Biden, completely neglecting the fact that the virus was already rampant thanks to failed, one-term former President Donald Trump’s massive neglect when it came to controlling the disease.

Doocy referenced a report that Trump knew he was COVID-positive before he participated the first 2020 presidential debate:

“There’s a lot of talk about the first Trump-Biden debate today. But at the second one in 2021, roughly 220,000 Americans had already died of COVID. Joe Biden said about Trump, ‘anyone who was responsible for that many deaths should not remain as President of the United States of America.’ Is that still the standard now that more Americans have died under President Biden?”

That was all Psaki needed to remind Doocy about some of the lowlights we all saw during the Trump administration when it came to fighting the pandemic:

“I think the fundamental question here is what are you doing to save lives and protect people? And the former president was suggesting people inject bleach. He apparently, reportedly didn’t even share with people he was going to interact with that he had tested positive for COVID himself. He continued to provide a forum for misinformation, which probably led to people not getting, not taking steps forward to get to protect themselves, to wear a mask, to eventually get vaccinated.”

The press secretary then contrasted Biden’s efforts to Trump’s bungling:

“This President has made the vaccine widely available. He’s relied on the health – the advice of his health and medical experts, and he is trying to be a part of solving this crisis, getting the pandemic under control. And I think there’s a pretty stark difference between their approaches.”

You’d think Doocy would learn a lesson and not ask such absurd questions. But the fact that he works for Fox proves he’s not much of a journalist.

Coronavirus U.S. Senate

Fauci Destroys Ted Cruz: ‘I Should Be Prosecuted?! What Happened On Jan. 6, Senator?!’

Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has had quite enough of blowhard Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and he’s fighting fire with fire when it comes to reminding the Texas Republican of the controversial (and possibly illegal) actions he took to try and keep failed, one-term former President Donald Trump in office.

Fauci was interviwed by CBS News and was asked by host Margaret Brennan about some of the contentious hearings the doctor has been subjected to in the Senate. He told her:

“Anybody who spins lies and threatens and all that theater that goes on with some of the investigations and the congressional committees and the Rand Pauls and all that other nonsense, that’s noise … that’s noise. I know what my job is.”

Brennan then asked about something Cruz had said:

“Senator Cruz told the attorney general you should be prosecuted.”

Fauci laughed and replied:

I should be prosecuted?! What happened on Jan. 6, senator?!”

Brennan then followed-up by asking:

“Do you think that this is about making you a scapegoat to deflect from [former] President Donald Trump?”


“Of course! You have to be asleep not to figure that one out.”

Dr. Fauci is a scientist. He doesn’t have time for politics; he’s too busy trying to save lives and make sure we’re ready for the next COVID variant that may threaten this country.

Ted Cruz, on the other hand, has been called “the most hated man” in the U.S. Senate. He’s a petty, sniveling human carbuncle who needs to be investigated and expelled from Congress.


Congress Coronavirus WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene Claims Horse Drug Ivermectin Won The ‘Nobel Peace Prize’ In Bizarre Rant

It’s been clear for some time now that Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) isn’t very bright. Just about every single time she opens her mouth, Greene makes a horse’s ass of herself and proves that her understanding of most issues is superficial at best.

Green’s latest expression of gross stupidity comes as the congresswoman attacks Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and chief medical adviser to President Joe Biden.

Appearing on “Real America’s Voice,” Greene began ranting that she didn’t understand why the anti-parasitic drug Ivermectin hasn’t been approved by the administration to treat COVID-19.

The reason, of course, is because Ivermectin has never been proven to be the least bit effective against coronavirus.

But according to Greene, Ivermectin is such a great drug that “it even won a Nobel Peace Prize.”

No. It didn’t.

In 2015, scientists William C. Campbell and Satoshi Omura were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for showing that Ivermectin is effective at treating infections caused by roundworm parasites.

But that wasn’t all of the idiocy Greene spewed. She also said this:

“It is deeply irresponsible for the Biden administration, the CDC, Dr. Fauci, and any of these doctors to be advising people to not prescribe it.”

Yes, and maybe after that they can urge people to inject disinfectant the way the brainless fool who was the 45th president suggested people do to cleanse their bodies of the virus.

Why in the hell do morons like Marjorie Taylor Greene have no problem urging people to take dangerous medications yet refuse to call for everyone to get something as simple as a vaccine? Their outrage over what could truly help this country defeat COVID is nothing more than a way for them to stir up hatred and fear. And all they’re accomplishing is sending more Americans to hospital ICUs and the grave.