Donald Trump Jr. Elections GOP

Don Jr’s Manic, Rambling Interview With J.D. Vance Spurs Calls For An Intervention

Donald Trump Jr’s bizarre, jittery interview with Republican Vice Presidential nominee J.D. Vance hit the internet Thursday, and it immediately started an online conversation about whether or not the disgraced ex-president’s oldest son is using drugs and in desperate need of an intervention.

In the interview, Don Jr. raged as he suggested that white women are no longer allowed to be executives in corporate America because “we have to check three or four boxes … if you’re a trans communist this, that, and the other, you too can be the CEO of a Fortune 500 company with no experience whatsoever!”

Junior also mocked warnings from President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris that democracy is “literally at risk” when voters go to the polls later this year and whined that Biden and Harris pretend to be “moderate even though their policies aren’t.”

The video, which has been viewed over 28,000 times on Twitter and shared nearly 6,000 more, prompted commenters to suggest that Don Jr. needed to find the nearest rehab facility and check himself in immediately.


Donald Trump Elections Kamala Harris

Kamala Drops Her First Campaign Ad – And It’s Guaranteed To Enrage Trump

Vice President Kamala Harris released her first campaign ad on Wednesday, and the reaction to it has been extremely positive, leading to millions of views on social media.

The ad begins with Harris telling viewers, “In this election, we each face a question. What kind of country do we want to live in?”

There are some people who think we should be a country of chaos. Of fear. Of hate.

But us. We choose something different.

We choose freedom.

The freedom not just to get by, but get ahead. The freedom to be safe from gun violence. The freedom to make decisions about your own body.

We choose a future where no child lives in poverty. Where we all can afford health care, where no one is above the law.

We believe in the promise of America and we are ready to fight for it.

Because when we fight, we win. So join us.

Go to and let’s get to work.

Though it’s safe to assume that disgraced ex-president Donald Trump won’t like the ad, most people who commented on Twitter certainly did.

Donald Trump Elections Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris Supremely Trolls Trump By Using His Latest Rant Against Him

Convicted felon and 2024 Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is running scared, and he’s letting the entire world know that he’s absolutely terrified of facing Vice President Kamala Harris in the upcoming election.

HuffPost reports that Trump was ranting and raving at a campaign rally he held Wednesday in North Carolina.

Trump claimed that President Joe Biden is trying to put him in jail and “she’s the one behind it” along with “radical left judges.”

“So think of it: They get me to that position, and then their campaign says ‘I’m the prosecutor and he is the convicted felon.’ That’s their campaign,” Trump said. “I don’t think people are going to buy it.”

If it’s not going to work as Trump suggests, then why reiterate it and give it more life? Seems like the smarter strategy would be to go after your opponent with facts, but Donnie has never been a fan of truth or reality. They tend to get in the way of his paranoid delusions and endless conspiracy theories.

Within a few hours of Trump’s comments, the Harris campaign had already taken the quote and turned it against the disgraced former president.

Social media users also joined the fun at Donnie’s expense.

Donald Trump Elections WTF?!

Trump Told His Nephew That People With Disabilities ‘Should Just Die’

At the height of the coronavirus pandemic in May of 2020, failed former president Donald Trump suggested to his nephew that any person with a disability who caught the disease “should just die” to save on medical expenses.

Fred Trump III, the brother of psychologist and author Mary Trump and the eldest son of Fred Trump Jr., has written a book, All in the Family: The Trumps and How We Got This Way, in which he reveals his uncle’s shocking comments.

According to excerpts from the book published by The Independent, the remarks from the disgraced ex-president came shortly after a meeting on the pandemic.

“Following the meeting, Fred III said he was ushered back into the Oval Office with his uncle and [Human Services Secretary Alex] Azar at the then-president’s request. His uncle greeted him: ‘Hey, pal — how’s everything going?'”

After Fred III replied that things were “good” and thanked his uncle for agreeing to meet with him, his uncle began discussing the meeting he had just left.

“Those people … The shape they’re in, all the expenses, maybe those kinds of people should just die,” Donald told his nephew.

Fred III said when that happened, “he truly did not know what to say,” especially since his son William, was diagnosed at birth with a rare seizure disorder that has caused major cognitive and physical damage.

As cruel as Trump’s comments to his nephew were, it wasn’t the first time the convicted felon had insulted those with disabilities.

In 2016, Trump publicly mocked reporter Serge Kovaleski, who suffers from arthrogryposis.

Donald Trump Elections Kamala Harris

Doug Emhoff Claps Back At Trump For His Hateful Attack On Kamala Harris

Second gentleman Doug Emhoff is sick and tired of convicted felon and GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s verbal barbs aimed at his wife, Vice President Kamala Harris, and he’s clapping back hard at the disgraced ex-president.

Specifically, Trump has been calling Harris “Lyin’ Kamala,” and said she’s “dumb as a rock.” He has also slammed her as as “totally failed and insignificant vice president.”

That led Emhoff to take off the gloves, telling reporters, “That’s all he’s got?”

“You heard the vice president yesterday making the case against Donald Trump very clearly,” Emhoff added, pointing to a speech she made at her Wilmington, Delaware, campaign headquarters Monday. “Laid out the case, directly and in a compelling fashion. But she also laid out a vision for the future, a vision where there’s freedom, where we’re not having to talk about these issues of today in this post-Dobbs hellscape that Donald Trump created.”

Emhoff also made it clear that his wife will win decisively over Trump when the votes are counted in November.

“She’s talking about an America that we all have a place in. … She’s gonna unite the country. She’s gonna earn this nomination. You see that happening and she’s gonna win this election.”

Donald Trump is terrified of Kamala Harris. It’s just that simple. And he damn well should be, because he knows she’s more than capable of making him look like the biggest crook to ever seek elected office. He’s a fraud and liar who gets his kicks by sexually assaulting women.

Be afraid, Donnie. Be very afraid.