Donald Trump Elections WTF?!

Trump Told His Nephew That People With Disabilities ‘Should Just Die’

At the height of the coronavirus pandemic in May of 2020, failed former president Donald Trump suggested to his nephew that any person with a disability who caught the disease “should just die” to save on medical expenses.

Fred Trump III, the brother of psychologist and author Mary Trump and the eldest son of Fred Trump Jr., has written a book, All in the Family: The Trumps and How We Got This Way, in which he reveals his uncle’s shocking comments.

According to excerpts from the book published by The Independent, the remarks from the disgraced ex-president came shortly after a meeting on the pandemic.

“Following the meeting, Fred III said he was ushered back into the Oval Office with his uncle and [Human Services Secretary Alex] Azar at the then-president’s request. His uncle greeted him: ‘Hey, pal — how’s everything going?'”

After Fred III replied that things were “good” and thanked his uncle for agreeing to meet with him, his uncle began discussing the meeting he had just left.

“Those people … The shape they’re in, all the expenses, maybe those kinds of people should just die,” Donald told his nephew.

Fred III said when that happened, “he truly did not know what to say,” especially since his son William, was diagnosed at birth with a rare seizure disorder that has caused major cognitive and physical damage.

As cruel as Trump’s comments to his nephew were, it wasn’t the first time the convicted felon had insulted those with disabilities.

In 2016, Trump publicly mocked reporter Serge Kovaleski, who suffers from arthrogryposis.

Donald Trump Elections GOP WTF?!

Ron Johnson Floats New Conspiracy Theory That Multiple Shooters Tried To Kill Trump

Wisconsin Republican Sen. Ron Johnson said this morning on Fox News that audio recordings taken when disgraced former president Donald Trump was shot last week in Pennsylvania suggest there may have been several shooters who were part of the plot. However, he was unable to provide a shred of evidence to support his conspiracy theory.

Speaking with Fox host Maria Bartiromo, Johnson was asked about a chart he had given Trump before the rally.

“Wow, that chart that you gave President Trump ended up being incredibly important,” Bartiromo noted.

“So, you know, call it serendipity, divine intervention, it’ll be obviously an interesting footnote in history,” Johnson said. “I’m glad I was able to play that small part in saving his life.”

And then came his suggestion that there may have been more than one shooter.

“If you took video, save it, make a backup copy. We can glean things in terms of audio, in terms of where the shots came from.”

Bartiromo asked, “So, are you questioning whether or not there was a second shooter? Is that what you’re questioning, or if the shooter had a different gun?”

“I saw an extremely convincing video online, I know it’s all over the place,” Johnson replied. “There were three distinct shots early on, followed by another five in more staccato, more rapidly fired, and then the final one, which we believe took the shooter out.”

“How do you explain that?” Bartiromo inquired.

“I don’t know. I’m not an expert,” Johnson admitted. “But the individual putting that video out says it clearly shows that there were at least three different weapons fired that day.”

Oh, so there’s a video on the internet? Well since we know no one has ever faked video or audio and then posted it online, that must be proof of Johnson’s specious claim, right?

Before this is all over with, don’t be surprised if Ron Johnson and his GOP colleagues claim Lee Harvey Oswald returned from the grave to try and gun down Trump. And the sad part is, the morons who watch Fox will believe every damn word of it.

Donald Trump Elections Elon Musk Joe Biden Social Media WTF?!

Elon Musk In Hot Water After Sharing AI Video Of ‘Trump Murdering Biden’ On Twitter

Twitter CEO Elon Musk may soon be getting a visit from the U.S. Secret Service after sharing a violent video on his social media platform Saturday that shows an animated Donald Trump killing President Joe Biden in a scene from the 1999 film “The Matrix.”

In the video, Trump is cast as Neo, dodging bullets shot at him by Biden. Near the end of the video, Trump jumps into Biden’s body and causes him to explode.

The violent video has been viewed over 112 million times and shared by other Twitter users 466,000 times.

But as many on social media noted, Musk seems to have threatened a sitting president, which is not only dangerous, but also a federal crime at a time when the country is already on edge after Trump was shot and wounded last Saturday by a lone gunman.


Donald Trump Jr. Social Media Viral Video WTF?!

Don Jr. Creeps Out The Internet By Asking His Teen Daughter If He Can ‘Look Sexy’ Like Her

Donald Trump Jr., the eldest son of convicted felon Donald Trump, is getting pilloried on social media for comments he made about his daughter, Kai, before she spoke at the Republican National Convention this week.

According to Newsweek, Don Jr. posted a video of himself and Kai preparing for their convention appearance.

In a video posted to his official TikTok account Thursday, Trump Jr., the former president’s eldest son, can be seen in a chair next to his 17-year-old daughter Kai while a cosmetic artist dabs his face with a makeup pad.

“Kai, what do you think? Getting makeup, make me look sexy like you?” he said to the camera.

“I think you look very beautiful,” his daughter replied.

He then added, “I don’t do this often, but in HD you better do it,” appearing to refer to his public appearance at the RNC, which was filmed.

Junior’s father has made similar comments about his daughter, Ivanka Trump, suggesting that he found her to be sexier than his wife when she was only 13 years old.

Twitter users expressed disgust for Don Jr’s remarks, suggesting that such a comment isn’t appropriate, even as a joke.

Maybe when Kai has children in a few years, Don Jr. can make inappropriate sexual comments about them, too. After all, it’s all the rage in the Trump family.

GOP Social Media WTF?!

Matt Gaetz Freaks Out RNC Viewers With Apparent ‘Facelift’ And Gets Trolled Online: ‘Lay Off The Botox’

Something strange happened at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday evening when Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) took the stage to address the assembled delegates.

As Gaetz stepped to the podium to speak, it was immediately obvious that something was different about his appearance, as Patriot Takes noted on Twitter with a side-by-side photo comparison of the Florida Republican.

Holy shit! Did Matty get a facelift? Or has he been hitting the Botox to look younger? Whatever the reason, it didn’t take long before social media exploded with top-notch mockery and trolling. Take a look: