Donald Trump Elections Viral Video

WATCH Donnie Faceplant When A Latino Voter Asks Him How He Plans To ‘Win Back My Vote’

Disgraced former president Donald Trump participated in a town hall meeting Wednesday evening with undecided Latino voters that was hosted by Univision, and at the event a man suggested that the ex-head of state would have to “win back” his vote.

Ramiro Gonzalez, a Florida Republican, noted that he had been extremely upset by Trump’s actions on January 6, 2021, when thousands of his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol.

“I am a Republican. I want to give you the opportunity to try and win back my vote. Your action, and maybe inaction, during your presidency and the last few years sort of … was a little disturbing to me. What happened during Jan. 6 and the fact that you waited so long to take action while your supporters were attacking the Capitol.”

Rather than give an actual response to Gonzalez, Trump suggested that no one had done anything wrong on Jan. 6. because “no one was killed.”

“You had hundreds of thousands of people come to Washington. They didn’t come because of me, they came because of the election,” Trump said. “Some of those people went down to the Capitol — I said, ‘peacefully and patriotically.’ Nothing done wrong. At all. Nothing done wrong.”

“Maybe we’ll get your vote,” he added. “Sounds like maybe I won’t, but that’s OK, too.”

Newsweek reports that Trump also tried to blame the rioting on others. As he did, the camera panned to three women in the audience.

“All three women can be seen sitting with their arms folded while listening to the former president speak, with the one on the far left moving her head up and widening her eyes at the point where Trump seemed to contradict himself.”

Based on all of that, it’s safe to say Trump won’t be getting Mr. Gonzalez’s vote, and until he owns up to his actions (and inaction) on Jan. 6, the failed former president doesn’t deserve anyone’s support.

Donald Trump Elections Viral Video WTF?!

WTF?! Trump Abruptly Ends Town Hall Q&A And Dances To Music For 39 Minutes!

If you happened to look at your Twitter/X feed this morning, you probably saw that one of the trending topics was “dementia.”

Dementia? Hmm. Who could that possibly apply to? If you guessed failed former president Donald Trump, give yourself a pat on the back and prepare yourself for what comes next.

According to Newsweek, Trump held a town hall meeting in Oaks, Pennsylvania, on Monday evening. It was hosted by South Dakota GOP Gov. Kristi Noem, who also happens to be a confessed dog murderer and overall vile douchebag.

Proceedings were paused while two attendees received medical attention, at which point Trump jokingly asked whether “anybody else would like to faint?” He then said: “Let’s not do any more questions. Let’s just listen to music. Let’s make it into a music. Who the hell wants to hear questions, right?”

Video or it didn’t happen, right? Here ya go:

What in the hell is that?! Can you imagine what Trump would have said if Vice President Kamala Harris had done the same thing? He made fun of President Joe Biden for using a teleprompter during his speeches, even though the Donald relies on one, too.

Of course, to hear the Trump campaign tell it (i.e. spin it), the musical interlude was just a nice change of pace that proves what a great man of the people their candidate is.

Campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung immediately went into damage control mode, posting on Twitter, “Something very special is happening in Pennsylvania right now at the Trump townhall. @realDonaldTrump is unlike any politician in history, and it’s great.”

But very few people were buying what Cheung was selling, and social media exploded with well-deserved mockery for the twice-impeached ex-head of state.

Someone really needs to stage an intervention. Of course, no one will, because they need Donnie so they can continue their grifting.

Barack Obama Donald Trump Elections Viral Video

Obama Goes Viral By Skewering Insecure Trump With Hilarious Diaper Joke

At a jampacked campaign rally in support of Vice President Kamala Harris Thursday evening in Pittsburgh, former President Barack Obama commented on the man who followed him in the White House that went viral in less than an hour and continues to be shared on social media this morning.

Obama praised a proposed tax credit of $6,000 for new parents that’s part of Harris’ economic plan, noting, “She wants to make it easier to afford stuff like a crib, or a car seat or diapers.”

“I remember changing diapers,” he added. He then asked the rallygoers, “Do you think Donald Trump ever changed a diaper?”

The room erupted in laughter when someone in the crowd yelled, “His own!”

 “I almost said that but decided I shouldn’t say it,” Obama replied as the audience began laughing and applauding again.

Obama added, “Instead of giving more tax breaks to billionaires and raising prices on working families, Kamala will give a tax cut to 100 million middle-class and working people here in America.”

The former president’s remarks in Pittsburgh clearly struck a nerve with the Trump camp as campaign communications director Steven Cheung fired off an angry response.

“Barack Hussein Obama couldn’t even make a coherent defense of Kamala Harris’ record because even he knows she represents a disastrous four years of skyrocketing inflation, an out-of-control border, and rampant crime that terrorizes communities across the country.”

Nice try, Steven, but that’s not going to make the diaper comment disappear, and it’s likely to increase the damage inflicted by Obama, who remains incredibly popular with the American electorate.

Obama’s remarks were hailed online.

Elon Musk Kamala Harris Viral Video

WATCH Elon Musk And Tucker Carlson Laugh At The Prospect Of Kamala Harris Being ‘Assassinated’

Twitter CEO Elon Musk and former Fox News host Tucker Carlson think it’s hilarious that Vice President Kamala Harris might be assassinated if she wins the 2024 election over failed former president Donald Trump.

Musk was a guest on Carlson’s online show, and he addressed the fact that he had made a “joke” about Harris being assassinated on Twitter which he posted last month.

“I made a joke which, I realize, I deleted, which is like no one is even bothering to try to kill Kamala because it’s pointless. What do you achieve? Nothing. Just find another puppet.”

Carlson: “It’s deep and true.”

To that, Musk replied, “Nobody’s trying to kill Joe Biden. That would be pointless.”

 “You actually put that up?” Carlson asked.

“People interpreted it as though I was calling for people to assassinate her, but I was like … doesn’t it seem strange that no one has even bothered to try?” Musk explained as he laughed. “Nobody tries to assassinate a puppet.”

As both men laughed, Carlson noted, “That’s hilarious.”

Know what would be funny? If the U.S. Secret Service paid a visit to Carlson and Musk and told them if they make one more joke about a presidential candidate being assassinated, they’ll be prosecuted to the maximum extent of the law.

Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson are both pissants, and they need to be held to account for their willingness to spread hatred and ideas of murder. Yes, there’s a First Amendment, but even it has limits.

Donald Trump Elections Viral Video WTF?!

Trump Starts Drooling During Campaign Speech In Georgia And Grosses Out The Internet

Donald Trump is not well, and the signs of his rapid mental decline are increasing with every interview he gives or speech he makes to his adoring acolytes.

For some time now, it’s been clear that the failed one-term president isn’t as mentally sharp as he was four years ago when he lost in a landslide to President Joe Biden. He rambles more, loses his train of thought, and mispronounces the simplest words.

Just last week, the disgraced ex-head of state mixed up Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan with the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, as Newsweek reported at the time.

“We were energy independent, we were soon going to be energy dominant, and we would’ve been now having so much money coming out of the energy. We just have the best.

“We have Bagram in Alaska. They say it might be as big, might be bigger than, all of Saudi Arabia. I got it approved. Ronald Reagan couldn’t do it. Nobody could do it. I got it done.”

And now Donald is drooling on himself.

Yes, really.

During a campaign rally in Savannah, Georgia, on Tuesday, Trump drooled while addressing his fans. Take a look:

The video set off a wave of speculation about what might be happening with the rapidly declining GOP presidential nominee, with some speculating it could be related to drug usage.