Donald Trump Elections Elon Musk Joe Biden Social Media WTF?!

Elon Musk In Hot Water After Sharing AI Video Of ‘Trump Murdering Biden’ On Twitter

Twitter CEO Elon Musk may soon be getting a visit from the U.S. Secret Service after sharing a violent video on his social media platform Saturday that shows an animated Donald Trump killing President Joe Biden in a scene from the 1999 film “The Matrix.”

In the video, Trump is cast as Neo, dodging bullets shot at him by Biden. Near the end of the video, Trump jumps into Biden’s body and causes him to explode.

The violent video has been viewed over 112 million times and shared by other Twitter users 466,000 times.

But as many on social media noted, Musk seems to have threatened a sitting president, which is not only dangerous, but also a federal crime at a time when the country is already on edge after Trump was shot and wounded last Saturday by a lone gunman.


Donald Trump Elections Joe Biden Social Media

Trump Posts A ‘Highlight Reel’ Of Himself To Prove He’s Fit And Twitter Can’t Stop Laughing

According to disgraced, failed, one-term former president Donald Trump, he’s the most mentally and physically fit man to ever hold the office of President of the United States. After all, his booking form in Fulton County, Georgia listed his height and weight as 6-foot-3 and 215 pounds, even though that’s 30 pounds lighter than the weight he disclosed after his last official White House physical.

HuffPost reports that what got Donnie so upset and prompted him to post the video — entitled “Trump’s Got The Touch” — is a new poll which shows that 49% of Americans don’t think he’s mentally fit to be president again. Apparently, the disgraced ex-president wants to challenge Biden to some sort of competition.

“I will name the place and the test, and it will be a tough one,” Trump wrote. “Nobody will come even close to me! We can also throw some physical activity into it. I just won the Senior Club Championship at a big golf club, with many very good players. To do so you need strength, accuracy, touch and, above all, mental toughness.”

And then there’s the clip itself, which is described as, Trump “tossing the football as a younger man and recently in Iowa; celebrating a hole-in-one; making a free throw at Madison Square Garden; sinking a long putt; playing catch with Hall of Fame pitcher Mariano Rivera at the White House; and throwing out the ceremonial first pitch at a minor league baseball game.”

Watch “Trump’s Got The Touch” for yourself by clicking here, which will take you to the Truth Social posting/video.

The clip set off spasms of laughter and mockery on Twitter. Take a look:


Congress Elon Musk Social Media

AOC Claps Back HARD After Elon Musk Says She ‘Isn’t That Smart’

Twitter CEO Elon Musk found out the hard way that if you’re going to attack New York Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, you’d better bring more than some pathetic snarky putdown or else be prepared to suffer the consequences.

It seems that Musk saw a video from AOC in which she noted the stark difference in the number of immigrants being allowed into the United States these days versus the much reduced number of immigrants currently being accepted as potential citizens.

Ashely St. Clair of the right-wing Babylon Bee lamely called Ocasio-Cortez out.

That led Musk to join the debate, completely uninvited.

Not that smart? That’s laughable coming from a man who purchased Twitter for $44 billion and has almost driven it into the ground, watching the social media platform lose two-thirds of its total value in just a year’s time.

The Guardian reports:

Fidelity, an asset manager that held a stake in Twitter worth about $20m after Musk acquired the business for $44bn, said in a corporate filing that its stake was now worth just under $6.6m. That would value the overall company, now officially called X Holdings Corp after Musk’s early venture, at just $14.75bn.

Ocasio-Cortez was only too happy to fire back at Musk.

When Musk attempted a retort, his response fell far short, much like his failing career in the business world.

Sorry, Elon, but no one is impressed by your massive failures. In fact, we kind of wish you’d buy a deserted island, move there, and never return.

Oh, and don’t take a cell phone or computer with you when you leave. No one wants to read your juvenile rantings.


GOP Social Media

MT Greene Tries To Pay Tribute To Jimmy Buffett And Humiliates Herself By Misspelling His Name

Georgia Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene tried to attach her name to the death of legendary singer-songwriter Jimmy Buffett, who died on Friday, but all she managed to accomplish was drawing attention to the fact that she’s one of the dumbest people to ever serve in the U.S. Congress.

Hours after it was announced that Buffett had died at the age of 76 from lymphoma, Greene posted this on Twitter:

Very sad to hear that Jimmy Buffet passed away.

I’ve spent countless times on my boat or dock listening to his great timeless music.

Prayers for his family and friends. RIP..

As a dreamer of dreams and a travelin’ man I have chalked up many a mile Read dozens of books about heroes and crooks And I learned much from both of their styles Son of a son, son of a son Son of a son of a sailor

Here’s a screenshot in case the congresswoman decides to go back and correct or delete her tweet:

Jimmy Buffet? His last name was BUFFETT.

It’s one thing to say you’re a fan, but it’s quite another to make such a claim and not even spell the deceased person’s name correctly.

Greene also failed to mention that Buffett was a lifelong Democrat who supported progressive causes and even made fun of failed former president Donald Trump, Mediaite reports.

The Late Legendary “Margaritaville” singer Jimmy Buffett once roasted then-future President Donald Trump at a Hillary Clinton rally headlined by then-Vice President Joe Biden.

The social media reaction to Greene’s misspelled post was also hilarious.


Congress GOP Military Social Media WTF?!

Twitter Erupts With Mockery After Kevin McCarthy Declares ‘We Don’t Want Disneyland To Train Our Military’

Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) says he has an important message he wants to share with the American people: He will never allow the United States military to be trained by Disneyland.

You may now laugh and shake your head, because that’s exactly what Kevin deserves.

The House speaker made that very ― sorry, can’t help it ― goofy promise Friday after the chamber passed the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act, which raises pay for service members by 5.2% while also blocking abortion coverage, Pentagon diversity initiatives and transgender health care. After the Senate passes its own version of the bill, a compromise will have to be reached on the final legislation, HuffPost reports.

“We don’t want Disneyland to train our military,” the California Republican said, touting the bill’s passage in the House. He added on Twitter that the legislation “ENDS the wokism in the military.”

Other than McCarthy’s ludicrous comments, be sure and note when you watch the video the reaction of the two fellow Republican House members standing on either side of the Speaker. They look like they’re about to fall asleep or start laughing uncontrollably.

Fortunately, one thing did come out of the ridiculous legislation and McCarthy’s remarks: The hilarious mockery he received on Twitter.