Crime Donald Trump Sedition The Trump Adminstration

Ex-Prosecutor: A Grand Jury Is Building A Case For ‘Seditious Conspiracy’ Against Trump

There’s a very good chance that in a federal courthouse somewhere in Washington, D.C. right now, a grand jury has been empaneled and is meeting to hear evidence and hand down indictments for crimes committed on January 6 when an enraged mob of Trump supporters stormed the Capitol, which resulted in the death of five people, including a police officer.

According to former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner, one of the suspects being considered for indictment is none other than former President Donald Trump.

Speaking with Dean Obeidallah, Kirschner explained:

 “I do believe that the U.S. Attorney’s office for the District of Columbia, my former professional home for decades, is in the grand jury aggressively investigating the insurrection.

“And after they confess, they will ask the motive question, why did you do this? Indeed, every last one of them will be saying the same thing.

“’Donald Trump told me to. He told me that people in that building up the street that he was going to march on with us, he punked out, they stole my vote. They stole our election. And he told us to go in there and stop them.'”

Take those confessions to a grand jury, along with the people who participated in the rioting, and you’ve got a slam dunk case against Donald Trump, Kirschner continued:

“Well first of all, that’s inciting insurrection, and second, what that does, is it’s building a case against Donald Trump and Don Jr. and Giuliani for, among other things, their pep talk telling these insurrectionists to get up the street and get into the capital.

“I think that all of my friends and colleagues at the DC U.S. Attorney’s office are working night and day to build a seditious conspiracy case, and incitement to insurrection case against Donald Trump and the others, and not to argue against myself, and the argument is Donald Trump should be locked up right now.”

Imagine it: A grand jury hands down an indictment against Donald Trump, Don Jr., and others for seditious conspiracy. The case against them is airtight and they’re all convicted. How long would they be looking at in prison for such a crime? A minimum of 10 years behind bars. But it could be much longer.

When Donald Trump told the crowd to march on the Capitol, he may have sealed his fate.


Donald Trump Sedition WTF?!

Saturday Sedition: Trump Calls For ‘Termination’ Of The Constitution And Returning Him To The Presidency

Disgraced, failed, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump called for the “termination” of the U.S. Constitution and his return to the presidency Saturday on his Truth Social site.

Trump’s post was in reaction to news that during the 2020 election, Twitter removed tweets that contained nude photos of President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter. Those photos were kept off Twitter because they were labeled as “revenge porn” and not newsworthy.

Despite the Hunter Biden story being a giant nothing burger, Trump posted an angry screed online.

“So, with the revelation of MASSIVE & WIDESPREAD FRAUD & DECEPTION in working closely with Big Tech Companies, the DNC, & the Democrat Party, do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION?” Trump wrote on his Truth Social platform. “A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great ‘Founders’ did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!”

Peter Baker of the New York Times noted that the ex-president had just crossed a dangerous line.

“Needless to say, can’t think of a time in the United States when a former president (and would-be future president) has called for suspending the Constitution to let him seize power. Even after all the shocks of the last few years, this one is remarkable.”

Donald Trump Sedition

An Obscure 19th Century Federal Law Could Finally Rid Us Of Donald Trump

Since January 6, it’s been clear that the rioters who stormed the U.S. Capitol and staged an insurrection were operating at the urging of former President Donald Trump, and it now appears that he can be charged in a way that would keep him from ever serving in public office again.

Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe was a guest on MSNBC, and he was asked by host Alex Witt:

“So, Laurence, the DOJ has actually named Trump, they’ve cited his false claims about the election, this in a legal argument to try to keep an accused capitol rioter under monitoring. Does that connection create any legal jeopardy for him?”

Tribe responded:

“Well, it’s at least an indication that they’re beginning to connect the dots.

“That is, if it is the case as the Department of Justice has asserted in saying that somebody ought to be constantly monitored and not trusted to be completely at liberty, if they’re saying that part of what is fomenting violence even now is the claim by Trump and some of his followers that the election was stolen, and if that is fomenting violence now, then the claim that it was all stolen and that the mob should use force to prevent the transition of power to Joe Biden by interrupting the counting of the electoral votes on January 6th, all of that seems to be part and parcel of a violation of a very important federal criminal law that goes back to the civil rights, civil war era. That is, 18 U.S.C § 2383.”

That just so happens to be the section of federal law that covers rebellion or insurrection against the government. It reads:

“Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”

According to Prof. Tribe:

“That law, I think, may well apply to Donald Trump.”

If it does, not only would Trump go to prison, he would also be ineligible for any public office for the rest of his miserable life.

Here’s Professor Tribe on MSNBC:


Crime Domestic Terrorism Elections Justice Department Sedition

DOJ Issues New Criminal Conspiracy Charges Against Capitol Insurrectionists

The wait is over for some of the people who participated in the January 6 storming of the U.S. Capitol which resulted in the deaths of five people, including a member of the Capitol Police Force.

CNN reports that the U.S. Department of Justice has begun handing down more criminal conspiracy charges against members of the group known as the Oath Keepers:

“The Justice Department has added four new defendants to the federal criminal conspiracy case against Oath Keepers who allegedly prepared for and took part in the US Capitol riot, according to a new indictment made public in DC District Court on Sunday.

“The newly named Oath Keeper defendants are Joseph Hackett, who went by ‘Ahab,’ Jason Dolan, who went by ‘Turmoil,’ and William Isaacs, all from Florida. A fourth new defendant’s name and alleged actions are still redacted.”

All of the Oath Keeper defendants are accused of taking part in a criminal conspiracy and entering the restricted Capitol grounds:

 “Isaacs, for instance, allegedly yelled, ‘The fight’s not over’ once the Oath Keepers group had gotten inside the building, and he waved rioters down the hallway toward the Senate, according to the indictment.”

Additionally, five of the individuals already named as defendants are also facing charges of allegedly deleting their social media and cell phone activity, which could lead to them being convicted of obstruction of justice and other federal felonies.

The new court filings also lay out disturbing new details about how the Oath Keepers illegally attempted to smuggle weapons into Washington, D.C. for the Jan. 6 event:

“Department of Justice prosecutors were describing in court filings what else they’ve learned about the group’s so-called Quick Reaction Force, an effort to allegedly bring guns to a Northern Virginia Comfort Inn as backup for the siege.

“Previously, prosecutors had described how the Oath Keepers gathered and stashed weapons at the Comfort Inn, and how defendant Thomas Caldwell of Virginia allegedly had floated an idea of ferrying weapons across the Potomac River to assist with the Capitol siege.”

Before federal prosecutors are finished, many of the Oath Keeper defendants could well be facing charges that would put them in federal prison for the remained of their lives, a fitting punishment for anyone who dares to try and overthrow the elected representatives of the nation as they were going about their official duty of certifying the 2020 presidential election results.

Ironically, the Oath Keepers love to portray themselves as being devoted to the principle of defending the Constitution “against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” But they’re nothing more than terrorist punks who deserve to rot behind bars.