Donald Trump GOP WTF?!

Jim Jordan: Trump Can Ignore Rulings From Judges Because He Was ‘Elected’

If there was any remaining doubt that Republicans are ready, willing, and able to install Felon-in-Chief Donald Trump as an all-powerful dictator answerable to no one, it was burned to the ground and ceremonially stomped on by Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) during an appearance on CNN this morning.

“Inside Politics” host Manu Raju pointedly asked Jordan about a recent ruling from a federal judge on Trump’s plan to try and end birthright citizenship via executive order.

“I’m talking about, there’s a pattern where judges are saying they’re going too far on these issues,” Raju noted.

“All I know is, again, Article Two, Section One, the very first sentence, ‘The executive power shall be vested in a president,'” Jordanreplied, citing the Constitution. “I think it’s important, ‘a president of the United States of America,’ not in bureaucrats, not in career people — in the president. The guy who put his name on the ballot.”

“This is a fundamental difference we have with the left. The left thinks, ‘Oh, it’s the career experts who make the decisions,’ Jordan added. “That’s not how our country works. It’s the guy who puts his name on the ballot, gets elected by ‘We the people.’ He gets to make the decisions, or she gets to make the decisions. That’s how — we don’t want the Faucis of the world and all the people in the bureaucracy making the decisions. We want the guy who puts their name on the ballot and gets elected by the American people.”

“But, you guys are elected, too, you know, co-equal branch of the government,” Raju reminded Jordan.

We the People also means the judges and others in government who serve as invaluable checks and balances on the power of the other branches. The Founding Fathers saw what a king or dictator can do when he has unchecked power. That’s why they started a revolution to break away from England and form a nation with a new system of government where one person doesn’t have unlimited power.

If Jordan and the GOP want to live in a country where one man has all the say on every matter, they need to pack up their shit and move to Russia. And they need to take Trump with them.

Donald Trump Elections GOP

Jim Jordan Whines When Asked Why The 2020 Election Was Fraudulent But 2024 Is Copacetic

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) failed to explain why he thought the 2020 election had been “rigged” but 2024 was free of any interference when asked about it on CNN this morning, instead whining and trying to downplay all of Donald Trump’s discredited conspiracy theories of why he lost to President Joe Biden four years ago.

CNN host Dana Bash began by telling Jordan, “In the run-up to the election, even on election night itself, Donald Trump baselessly accused Democrats of cheating. As soon as the results started to come in and show it going his way he stopped – nothing about that. I haven’t seen you or your colleagues claiming any election irregularities , no rampant voting brought this time. It seems to me that Republicans claim voting fraud and election integrity when you lose and not when you win.”

“No, I mean, again, as I said before, this election I think was the greatest political comeback we’ve ever seen,” Jordan replied with a shit-eating grin on his face. “He [Trump] did something that even Teddy Roosevelt could not do for goodness sake and the country–“

“But you think it was a free and fair election?” Bash asked.

Rather than respond, Jordan said he had seen an interview with a Latino voter who said he had cast his ballot for Trump because he didn’t think Democrats cared about people like him.

 “But last time around he claimed –– your leader claimed that there were problems with fraud.”

When Jordan attempted to talk over the host, she continued to press.

“But last time around it wasn’t so much about the policy differences or the personality differences, there were false claims about election fraud when Donald Trump lost. This time Donald Trump won and you think the election was free and fair. You see there is a little bit –“

Jordan: “I think the Democrats have to ask why we go from getting anyone 81 million to 71 million. What happened to those 10 million people? Maybe it’s not smart to run an election where you have no policies.”

“Why was it different from 2020 when he lost? Is that the only difference?” Bash asked for a third time.

“There were concerns about 2020 with all the mail-in voting that happened in Pennsylvania, they came in without any signature verification which is required,” Jordan claimed. “There were all kinds of concerns with how the 2020 election was run but—”

“There was no widespread fraud,” Bash reminded the congressman, who could only smile like a demented fool.

So 2020 was a fraudulent election, but 2024 is perfect? What a crock of shit!

Congress Crime Donald Trump GOP Uncategorized

Jim Jordan Gets His A*s Handed To Him At Hearing For Defending ‘Degenerate Spoiled Brat’ Trump

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) was thoroughly humiliated at a hearing of the House Judiciary Committee when Democratic Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett (VI) accused him of holding a hearing on the “weaponization” of government by the Biden administration for one purpose: To protect failed former president Donald Trump from his dozens of alleged crimes.

“Why are we back this time?” Plasket asked. “We’re here because former President Trump is on trial in New York. That’s why we’re here.”

“On Monday and Tuesday of this week, his former attorney Michael Cohen delivered devastating testimony implicating former President Trump in a hush money payment scheme,” she continued. “We all know that the former president exacts loyalty from all of his followers and especially GOP officials and those that work for him. Blind loyalty.”

Plaskett also mocked Republicans who “hightailed it to New York City to show him that they are with him.”

“And Trump, in turn, demands that every Republican official serve him like the incorrigible, degenerate, spoiled brat that he is and use their positions to aid his criminal defense.”

The congresswoman accused Jordan of holding the hearing to placate right-wing media figures such as Fox’s Maria Bartiromo and ex-Trump administration adviser Steve Bannon, who now hosts a podcast.

“We’re here at the beck and call of Trump fanatics and talking heads on cable and internet talk shows in the MAGA world who, like Bartiromo and Bannon, have goaded this committee to act.”

Of course, the congresswoman is absolutely right. Jordan and his ilk are desperate to cover Trump’s tracks and divert attention away from the 88 criminal charges he’s facing for allegedly interfering in the 2020 election, inciting an insurrection, and stealing classified documents.

But those who try and excuse the depraved acts of a lifetime criminal like Trump are in many ways just as guilty as he is and deserve to be voted out of office and charged for their crimes, too.

Elections GOP

WATCH Jim Jordan Lose The Ability To Speak When Confronted With Facts By ‘60 Minutes’

For perhaps the first time since he arrived in the U.S. House of Representatives, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) lost the ability to speak during an interview with Lesley Stahl of “60 Minutes” which aired Sunday evening.

Discussing censorship on social media platforms, Jordan argued that sites such as Facebook and Twitter shouldn’t be allowed to take down inaccurate posts and instead let people decide what they want to believe.

That led Stahl to ask, “What about this idea that the 2020 election was stolen? You think that these companies should allow people to say that and that individuals can make up their own minds.”

“I’ve not said that,” Jordan insisted. “What I’ve said is there were concerns about the 2020 election; I think Americans agree with that.”

“No, they don’t,” said Stahl.

Jordan: “You don’t think they think there were concerns with the 2020 election?”

“Most people don’t question the result, that’s all I’m saying,” Stahl told Jordan.

“Fair enough,” said Jordan.

Seconds later, things got tense.

“They don’t question whether Biden won or not,” she said.

Not a peep from Jordan.

“Right?” she asked.

Again, complete silence from Jordan.

“Right?” she asked again.

Nothing from the congressman. Not one word. Just a look of confusion.

“Most people don’t question the outcome,” Stahl said.

“Right,” Jordan finally said.

Jordan, it should be noted, vociferously insisted that Trump had won in 2020 and should be declared the victor despite Biden winning both the popular and electoral vote.

Social media isn’t the problem when it comes to lies. The problem is when you have people in positions of power spouting bullshit from the rooftops in an effort to overturn a valid election.

Congress GOP Viral Video

WATCH Eric Swalwell DESTROY Jim Jordan With A Brutal Reference To ‘What Happens In A Locker Room’

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) laid a brutal verbal burn on House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) for suddenly being “interested in what happens in a locker room,” a clear reference to a sex scandal that took place on the Ohio State University men’s wrestling team while Jordan was an assistant coach for the program from 1987 to 1995.

During committee debate on a bill sponsored by House Republicans to address the issue of biological women supposedly being “victimized” by sharing locker rooms with transgender women, Swalwell took aim at Jordan.

“I guess it’s a good thing that some folks on the other side are now interested in what happens in a locker room, and we’re not going to look the other way, okay, I’ll accept that,” Swalwell remarked.

Swalwell added that transgender people victimizing women in locker rooms is not actually a “thing.”

“This is not a thing, and so I just invite my Democratic colleagues who have so passionately spoken on this to continue to passionately speak on this, but to just reject this as a thing.”

Turning to Jordan, Swawell declared, “And thank you for caring about what happens in locker rooms.”

HuffPost notes, “That was a not-so-subtle reminder of a time when Jordan was in a locker room as an assistant wrestling coach at Ohio State University, where he was accused of ignoring molestation allegations against the team’s doctor.”

Swalwell’s comments set off a torrent of commentary on social media.