Anti-Vaxxers WTF?!

Anti-Vaxxers Are Already Claiming Matthew Perry Died Because He Took The Covid Shot

Even though no autopsy has been performed and there is no preliminary indication what may have led to the unexpected death of “Friends” star Matthew Perry at the age of 54, anti-vaxxers are already suggesting — without a hint of evidence — that the Covid vaccine killed him.

Mediaite reports:

The 54-year-old actor was found dead this weekend after an apparent drowning in a jacuzzi at his Los Angeles home. The precise cause of death remains under investigation, though so far there appear to be no signs of foul play, and reports have said that first responders were called to the scene for a cardiac arrest.

Perry was best known for his acclaimed 10-season performance of Chandler Bing on the hit show “Friends.” In recent years, Perry was also visible for his public struggles with drug addiction, undergoing multiple stints in rehab and dealing with various health issues.

Perry was also known for using his star power in the last two years to urge people to get vaccinated for Covid.

That vaccine advocacy was all it took for right-wingers to crap all over Perry’s memory by pronouncing their own ignorant diagnosis.


Anti-Vaxxers GOP

WATCH Rand Paul Get His A*s Handed To Him During A Hearing On Vaccines


Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) made a fool of himself at a hearing of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee Wednesday when attempted to suggest that young men who take the COVID-19 vaccine are more likely to have myocarditis (which is an inflammation of the heart muscle).

Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel was testifying before the committee and was asked by Paul:

“Is there a higher interest or a higher incidence of myocarditis among adolescent males 16 to 24 after taking your vaccine?”


“First, let me say we care deeply about safety and we are working closely with the CDC and the FDA.”

Paul: “Pretty much a yes or no,” Paul said. “Is there a higher incidence of myocarditis among boys 16 to 24 after they take your vaccine?”

“The data I’ve shown, actually, I’ve seen, sorry, from the CDC, actually shown that there’s less myocarditis for people who get the vaccine versus who get COVID infection,” Bancel noted.

A clearly shocked Paul asked, “You’re saying that for ages 16 to 24 among males who take the COVID vaccine, their risk of myocarditis is less than people who get the disease?”

Bancel confirmed what he had just said, “That is my understanding, Senator.”

Taken aback and looking as if Bancel had just slapped him, Paul exclaimed:

“That is not true. And I’d like to enter into the record six peer-reviewed papers from the Journal of Vaccine, the Annals of Medicine that say the complete opposite of what you say.”

According to the CDC, Bancel is right and Paul is (as usual) wrong, reporting, Myocarditis and pericarditis have rarely been reported.

Anti-Vaxxers QAnon WTF?!

QAnon Members Say Kirstie Alley Was ‘Assassinated’ Because She Was An Anti-Vaxxer

On Tuesday, the children of “Cheers” actress Kirstie Alley announced that their mother had died, issuing a statement which read:

“We are sad to inform you that our incredible, fierce and loving mother has passed away after a battle with cancer, only recently discovered.”

It was later reported that Alley had died as a result of colon cancer, with a rep telling People magazine that the late actress had indeed been diagnosed with the fatal disease.

But according to some in the QAnon cult, Alley was actually “assassinated” because she was opposed to COVID vaccines.

David Gilbert of Vice News reports:

On the QAnon message board the Great Awakening, members concluded that the sudden nature of Alley’s death was a clear sign that her death was part of a global plot to silence critics of the COVID vaccines. 

“I wholly believe the [deep state] has a way of dosing people with poisons that create aggressive cancers,” one member wrote. Another added: “She either just drew the short straw or she was poisoned by the Deep State for being a public Patriot.”

Yep, here we go again. The same people who believe world governments are control by a cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles who eat the brains of children in order to stay young now think that Kirstie Alley was killed because she was an anti-vaxxer.

Alley, a vocal Trump supporter, had spread multiple conspiracy theories on her social media channels in recent years about COVID-19 and vaccines. She tweeted in October last year that until the vaccines “can prevent me from getting COVID or prevent you from getting it. I won’t be getting it and will ignore mandates to get it.. seems fair to me.”

Alley had also expressed her support of the QAnon movement, tweeting out this in October of 2020:

There’s also chatter that Alley was killed by the COVID vaccine, which she allegedly had to take before she was allowed to appear on “The Masked Singer.”

Some conspiracy theorists claimed on extremist message boards, as well as social networks like Truth Social, Gab, and Telegram, that because she had recently joined the cast of The Masked Singer Alley would have been “forced” to get a vaccine against her will. Others speculated, without any evidence, that she would have had to be vaccinated in order to receive treatment for her cancer.

Not batshit crazy enough for you? Well, consider that Alley was 71 when she died. But 71 reversed is 17 and the 17th letter of the alphabet is Q.

“Smells fishy,” a prominent QAnon group wrote on Telegram. “She’d been asking a lot of questions about official narratives. Funny thing, these fast acting cancers and celebs that don’t fall in line.”

What smells really fishy is the bullshit that gets passed off as “fact” by the QAnon cultists.

Anti-Vaxxers Coronavirus Social Media WTF?!

MT Greene Gets Slapped Down For Posting Blatant Lie That Anti-Vaxxers Are Being Denied Medical Treatment

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) went on fact-free, extended Twitter rant (19 tweets!) on Saturday, spewing conspiracy theories, vitriol, and plenty of whining as she compared what she called “Before COVID” and “After COVID,” even going to far as to suggest (incorrectly) that some people who aren’t vaccinated are being denied medical treatment.

Greene asserted in her tweetstorm that the only reason the government is urging Americans to get vaccinated is to enrich pharmaceutical companies, which is more than a bit hypocritical when you consider that she owns stock in companies that are producing the vaccine:

Greene holds stock in AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson, each worth between $1,000 and $15,000, according to an August 13, 2020, filing from Greene with the clerk of the House of Representatives.

Here are some of the lowlights from Greene’s social media meltdown:

Is any of what Greene alleges true? Of course not! The woman hasn’t said anything accurate or factual since she announced she was running for Congress. And she’s only accelerated her bullshit since getting elected.

Reaction to Greene’s stupidity was immediate and harsh:

UPDATE: Greene’s Twitter account has been permanently suspended for spreading lies and misinformation about COVID.

Anti-Vaxxers Congress Sex Scandals Social Media

Eric Swalwell Trolls Jim Jordan On Twitter: ‘Ohio Should Mandate Sexual Assault Reporting For Coaches’

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) seems to have a pathological need to draw attention to himself despite the fact that such attention usually comes back to bite him right on the ass.

Such is the case with a tweet Jordan sent out regarding vaccine mandates, according to Mediaite:

While many prominent conservatives have spoken out and even banned mandates against Covid-19, few have suggested there should be such prohibitions against all vaccine mandates. But on Tuesday, that’s appeared to be what Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) did, tweeting on Tuesday that his state should ban all vax mandates.

Really? All vaccine mandates should be banned? Does that include childhood vaccinations which keep our kids and school safe? Or would Jordan prefer if students were missing months of classroom time because they were constantly contracting one disease after another? Some would even wind up dead as a result, but at least the congressman would have an issue he could put on a bumper sticker.

That led Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) to fire off a devastating response to Jordan, referencing the sexual abuse scandal that took place while Jordan was a wrestling coach at Ohio State University. It has been alleged that Jordan knew abuse was taking place but didn’t report it to university administrators or the authorities:

That’s what you call burning someone down to the ashes on Twitter.

Well done, Congressman Swalwell.