Donald Trump Donald Trump Jr. Elections WTF?!

Donald Trump Jr. Demands His Daddy Be ‘Put In Charge’ Of Hurricane Helene Disaster Response

Minutes after the vice presidential debate between Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) and Gov. Tim Walz, toxic nepo baby Donald Trump Jr. told Fox News that his old man needs to be coordinating the federal response to Hurricane Helene.

According to Don Jr., his daddy had worked with Twitter CEO Elon Musk to bring internet access to those impacted by the hurricane because the Biden administration had been too busy giving “$8 billion to Ukraine.”

“How about we just send it to North Carolina, Georgia? My father’s doing more for North Carolina and Georgia by getting Elon to bring in Starlink and supplies to be able to create communications.”

What Junior neglected to mention is that Starlink access was already up and running before the disgraced ex-president called Musk.

However, Don Jr. was far from finished with his unhinged rant.

“Honestly, what Kamala Harris and Joe Biden should do is like, ‘Donald, please, please take over the disaster response because we’re too busy taking care of our enemies around the world and making sure that Iran feels comfortable and is well-funded to keep attacking our enemies.’ I mean, that’s what they should do. If he wanted to actually solve something for the American people, put him in charge now.”

Don Jr’s whining comes just days after his father claimed that officials in Georgia had been unable to contact President Joe Biden and request emergency supplies for areas of the Peach State that were hit the worst by Hurricane Helene.

As with nearly everything that comes from the mouth of the failed former president, it turns out that his claim of inaction by the Biden administration was a crock of shit, with Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) noting, “He just said, ‘Hey, what do you need?’ And I told him, you know, we got what we need. We will work through the federal process.”

Biden also took a swipe at his predecessor, telling reporters from the Oval Office, “He’s lying, and the governor told him he was lying. I don’t know why he does this. And the reason I get so angry about — I don’t care about what he says about me, I care what he what he communicates to people that are in need, implies that we’re not doing everything possible. We are.”

Instead of having any of the Trump family members take over anything, here’s a better idea: Let them help Donald get his affairs in order for the long prison sentence he’s likely facing after he loses in a landslide to Vice President Kamala Harris.

Donald Trump Jr. Elections GOP

Trump’s Effort To Get Out The Vote In Battleground States Is Failing Miserably

When the 2024 election is over and we look back at what led to the outcome, don’t be surprised if voter turnout in several key battleground states winds up being the determining factor. It certainly was in 2020, when President Joe Biden won a popular and electoral victory over disgraced former president Donald Trump.

While the Trump campaign has pledged to increase its efforts to get voters to the polls in November, their actions appear to be the ultimate case of too little too late, according to a revealing article from The Guardian.

Months before Biden dropped out of the race and Vice President Kamala Harris became the Democratic nominee, the Republican National Committee (RNC) made a splashy pledge to open 90 offices around the country, but they are nowhere near that number and appear to have outsourced voter turnout efforts to other GOP-aligned organizations that don’t have access to the sort of money or volunteers being raised by the RNC.

“The Trump campaign has put fewer resources into its ground game in battleground states, according to people familiar with the matter — and Republican officials have derisively said the Trump operation is more comparable in size to a midterm cycle than a presidential.”

Just how badly outnumbered and outworked is the Trump campaign compared to the efforts underway by Democrats? Consider these numbers: The Trump 2024 campaign has 350 staffers in battleground campaign offices. In contrast, the Harris campaign has 375 staffers in Pennsylvania alone, which is considered a must-win battleground for any presidential candidate, especially since the current election may be as close or closer than 2020.

That’s not all the bad news for Trump and the GOP, as outside groups such as Turnout for America, Turning Point Action, America First Works, and Elon Musk’s America PAC are only now starting to hire staffers. Early voting starts in some states as soon as mid-September, which suggests any last-minute voter turnout efforts by Republicans and their surrogates are likely to be a waste of time.

As usual, it appears that Trump is a day late and a dollar short. That’s not surprising when you consider that he’s been a failure his entire life and only succeeds at grifting and lying.

Donald Trump Jr. Elections GOP Social Media

Donald Trump Jr’s Disgusting Attempt To Slag Tim Walz Backfires Badly On Him

If you were wondering whether or not desperation is setting in among the Trump-Vance 2024 campaign, the answer arrived in disgusting and downright weird fashion from none other than Donald Trump Jr.

Hoping to thwart the endless array of jibes and memes circulating on social media about Sen. J.D. Vance allegedly having sex with a couch (he didn’t), Don Jr. decided to counter with a lie about Democratic running mate Gov. Tim Walz, HuffPost reports.

Well, ever since Walz mocked Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance with a reference to a satirical-but-false internet meme that claimed the “Hillbilly Elegy” author wrote about having sex with a sofa, Trump toadies have been trying to get even.

For some reason, somebody decided to combat the false couch sex claims by claiming that Walz enjoys drinking horse semen.

Weird, right?

Here’s what Junior posted on Twitter:

Not funny and not the least bit effective, as a person on the Reddit channel “Ask A Liberal” explained:

“Well, if that’s your strategy, you can go ahead and make up gross stories about Tim Walz. But I wouldn’t expect it to work out in quite the same way. Everyone seems to hate JD Vance, while everyone seems to really like Tim Walz.”

“Mean-spirited jokes tend to be easier to (aheh) swallow when the butt of those jokes is considered an ‘acceptable target.'”

Twitter users also let Don Jr. know that his “joke” reeked of childishness and desperation.

Donald Trump Donald Trump Jr. Elections Social Media

Enraged Don Jr. Has An Online Meltdown Over Democrats Calling His Daddy ‘Weird’

Bless his shrunken, coal-black heart, Donald Trump Jr. loves to dish out insults and nicknames for anyone he disagrees with, but he pitches a fit like a spoiled two-year-old when anyone dares to turn the tables and brand him or his old man with a less-than-flattering word.

Such is the case regarding the Democratic usage of the word “weird” to describe the odd political philosophy of today’s Republican Party.

Junior exploded on social media today in response to a posting from Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), who is failed one-term former president Donald Trump’s running mate.

Here’s what Vance posted on Twitter: “Let’s have a national conversation about weird, Kamala.”

That led Don Jr. to join the electronic debate.

Has there ever been a bigger case of projection in history than Kamala Harris calling someone “weird?”

Sounds like Harris and other Democrats have definitely gotten under the collective GOP skin, which was as thin as tissue paper to begin with.

It didn’t take long for internet karma to catch up with and steamroll Don Jr.

Donald Trump Jr. Elections GOP

Don Jr’s Manic, Rambling Interview With J.D. Vance Spurs Calls For An Intervention

Donald Trump Jr’s bizarre, jittery interview with Republican Vice Presidential nominee J.D. Vance hit the internet Thursday, and it immediately started an online conversation about whether or not the disgraced ex-president’s oldest son is using drugs and in desperate need of an intervention.

In the interview, Don Jr. raged as he suggested that white women are no longer allowed to be executives in corporate America because “we have to check three or four boxes … if you’re a trans communist this, that, and the other, you too can be the CEO of a Fortune 500 company with no experience whatsoever!”

Junior also mocked warnings from President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris that democracy is “literally at risk” when voters go to the polls later this year and whined that Biden and Harris pretend to be “moderate even though their policies aren’t.”

The video, which has been viewed over 28,000 times on Twitter and shared nearly 6,000 more, prompted commenters to suggest that Don Jr. needed to find the nearest rehab facility and check himself in immediately.