Elections Fox News Kamala Harris Racism

Fox Contributor Slammed For ‘Racist Garbage’ Attack On Kamala Harris

According to Fox News contributor Charles Gasparino, American voters should be terrified by the prospect of President Joe Biden dropping out of the 2024 race for the White House. Why? Because, Gasparino alleges in an article he wrote for the New York Post, Biden’s departure would clear the way for Vice President Kamala Harris to potentially be president of the United States.

Why is Gasparino so apoplectic about Harris as U.S. head of state? Well, because she’s a black woman, of course.

In his op-ed, Gasparino writes, “There is a raging debate in corporate America on the future of DEI, aka Diversity ­Equity and Inclusion, because it is literally destroying businesses that go there.”

“And yet the American public may soon be subjected to DEI writ large in the next president of the United States, if Kamala Harris finds her way to the top of the Democratic ticket while Joe Biden wilts away as the party’s presidential nominee after his horrific ­debate performance.”

“Yes, maybe the most irrepressibly fatuous politician in America may become the leader of the free world because the Democratic Party is unable to break its DEI stranglehold.”

Wouldn’t Harris be the logical choice to replace Biden if he were to step aside? After all, she’s been his vice president for four years and was part of the team that helped implement the Biden agenda. She’s also sharp as a whip, a brilliant debater, and has never lost an election.

Gasparinio’s column set off a firestorm of negative reactions on social media, where many commenters noted that he should have just called her the N-word and embraced his blatant racism.

Donald Trump Elections Racism

Trump’s ‘Black Roundtable’ At Detroit Church Features Almost Nothing But White People

Convicted felon Donald Trump held what was billed as a “black roundtable” at a Detroit church on Saturday, but based on reports from the event, the vast majority of the audience was lily white.

According to CNN:

“Donald Trump’s campaign on Saturday launched a coalition group targeting Black voters as the former president campaigned in Detroit in an effort to win over a segment of the electorate that has long overwhelmingly backed Democrats.”

“Trump held a community roundtable at the predominantly Black 180 Church in Detroit, where he was joined by two Black Republicans — Florida Rep. Byron Donalds and former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson — who were part of the launch of the ‘Black Americans for Trump’ group.”

While he was at it, the disgraced ex-president also bragged that he had done “more for the Black population than any American president since Abraham Lincoln,” which is an odd statement considering that Trump has routinely suggested that African Americans accused of crimes should be executed.

However, it was the preponderance of white faces at the Detroit event that led to the most discussion on social media, where some people called the event a scam.

Donald Trump Elections Fox News Racism WTF?!

Fox News Host: Blacks Will Vote For Trump Because They ‘Love Sneakers’

Fox News host Raymond Arroyo is predicting that black voters will happily cast their ballots for failed one-term former president Donald Trump in November because he just released his own line of tennis shoes and black people “love sneakers.”

According to Newsweek, Arroyo remarked, “This is connecting with Black America because they love sneakers.”

“This a big deal, certainly in the inner city. So when you have Trump roll out his sneaker line, they’re like, ‘wait a minute, this is cool.’ He’s reaching them on a level that defies and is above politics. The culture always trumps politics. And Trump understands culture like no politician I’ve ever seen.”

Arroyo added, “Anybody willing to put 400 bucks down for a pair of sneakers? Yeah, I think that’s commitment and love. It’s something… it’s affection.”

The $399 per pair “Never Surrender High-Tops” are shiny gold and have an American flag on the back, along with a “T” for Trump. To call them gaudy would be an insult to the word gaudy. Trashy would be more accurate, but even that doesn’t do justice to how incredibly hideous the sneakers are.

But black people are gonna love them, according to Arroyo, who has probably never had a person of color as a friend since he was 2 years old.

Social media users took delight in destroying Arroyo for his blatantly bigoted comments.

Racism Trump Supporters WTF?!

Pro-Trumper Charlie Kirk Blasted From Left And Right For His Disgusting Attack On MLK Jr.

Charlie Kirk, the CEO and founder of the pro-Trump student group Turning Point USA, spent the holiday honoring the late civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. attacking Dr. King and trying to sully his memory.

On Twitter/X, Kirk wrote:

“Who was MLK? A myth has been created and it has grown totally out of control. While he was alive most people disliked him, yet today he is the most honored, worshipped, even deified person of the 20th century. Today we are going to tell the truth and explain how this myth was born. Happy Monday.”

Just last week, William Turton of Wired reported that Kirk was planning “to launch a campaign against MLK,” which didn’t exactly make sense.

Even for Kirk and Turning Point USA, the attacks on King represent a dramatic shift. The group has profited from the use of King’s image. Turning Point USA’s website sold a $55 T-shirt with MLK’s name and stickers of King that say ‘Let freedom ring.’ After an inquiry from WIRED, both products were removed from TPUSA’s store.

Kirk should have kept his big mouth shut, according to nearly everyone who responded to his tone-deaf tweet.

Donald Trump education Racism Social Media

Trump Shares Meme On Social Media That Threatens Black Poll Workers

Disgraced former president Donald Trump reposted a meme Monday on his financially strapped Truth Social site that many are saying is clearly meant as a threat to black poll workers who will help count ballots in the upcoming 2024 election.

The meme shows two black poll workers sitting at a table, both of whom are wearing protective masks that read “Biden/Harris 2020.”

The photo is accompanied by this message: “Start arresting the poll workers and watch how fast they tell you who told them to cheat.”

As you might expect, that set off a torrent of discussion on Twitter.