GOP Social Media

Ted Cruz’s Warning To Texans About Hurricane Beryl Comes Back To Bite Him Right On The A*s

Bless his atrophied heart, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) just couldn’t resist humiliating himself for the entire internet to see with a tweet he sent out urging Lone Star State residents to stay safe as they prepare for Hurricane Beryl.

According to HuffPost, Cruz made his comments in response to another social media posting.

The Donald Trump loyalist on Sunday shared a video from Jim McIngvale (aka “Mattress Mack”), the founder of Gallery Furniture in Houston, offering help “if things get bad” when the storm hits.

“Mack is an American hero,” wrote Cruz. “Stay safe & avoid high water as the hurricane makes landfall.”

Of course, being that this is the same Ted Cruz who abandoned the state he supposedly represents in the Senate during a massive 2021 winter storm and headed to Cancun for a mini-vacation with his family, Twitter users quickly reminded him of his cowardly actions three years ago and how the irony in his pretending to care was just too damn much.

Donald Trump Elections GOP

Ted Cruz’s ‘Celibate’ Defense Of Trump Backfires On Him In Spectacular Fashion

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) desperately (and pathetically) tried to defend failed former president Donald Trump during an appearance on Fox News last night and only succeded in humiliating himself and the ex-president with a bizarre claim that no one thought the Donald had been “celibate” his entire life.

Speaking with Fox host Sean Hannity regarding Trump’s ongoing criminal trial in Manhattan for allegedly falsifying business records and interfering in the 2016 election by paying hush money to adult film star Stormy Daniels to hide an extramarital affair he had with her.

“The testimony of Stormy Daniels was salacious. That was the point of it. Listen, there is no person on planet Earth that believes Donald Trump has been celibate all his life,” Cruz insisted. “That is not news. But they want to drag him through the gutter because this is a political smear job. It’s not about the rule of law and it’s frankly– it’s tragic what is happening because the rule of law is important. It protects all of us. This is what banana republics do.”

Of course, Trump isn’t on trial for the affair he had, or even for the $130,000 he paid to Daniels. But his actions do suggest he did so in order to hide the information from voters, especially after release of the infamous “Access Hollywood” interview in which he bragged that he enjoyed grabbing women “by the pussy” and kissing them against their will.

Online critics lit into Cruz, branding him a hypocratic enabler of sexual assault who’s always eager to defend Trump, no matter how disgusting his behavior might be.

Capitol Insurrection Donald Trump GOP Supreme Court

Ted Cruz And Jim Jordan Could Be Toast If SCOTUS Rules Trump Is An Insurrectionist

As failed one-term former president Donald Trump waits to see what happens with the U.S. District Court of Appeals for Washington, D.C. regarding whether or not he can legally be removed from the ballot in the upcoming election, there are two other key Republicans who are also wondering what could happen to them if the Supreme Court winds up taking the case and rules that Trump is indeed an insurrectionist.

Those two members of the GOP are Rep. Jim Jordan (OH) and Sen. Ted Cruz (TX), according to an illuminating article from MSNBC opinion writer and editor Hayes Brown.

Brown notes that over 200 members of Congress signed on to an amicus brief that supports Trump.

While the GOP lawmakers’ amicus brief is better drafted than most of Trump’s filings, it can’t be ignored that there’s a deeply self-serving element to their arguments. That’s especially true for those members who, under the Colorado Supreme Court’s ruling, could also credibly be described as having ‘engaged in insurrection’ — and thus theoretically be disqualified from holding office.

The deepest fears of federal elected officials such as Cruz and Jordan can be found in one specific section of the brief, which pulls the curtain back on what everyone who played a role in January 6 fears most, Brown adds.

The self-interested lawmakers give up the game with this line from the brief: ‘Although not directly relevant to President Trump, the Colorado Supreme Court would give itself the power to judge the qualifications of those who would be elected to the House or Senate.’ That would be especially troubling for Reps. Jim Jordan of Ohio and Paul Gosar and Andy Biggs of Arizona. The three of them were knee-deep in plotting to overturn the election, and, in a more just world, they would have faced expulsion for violating Section 3. It’s their inclusion as signatories on the amicus brief that makes this filing particularly odious.

Cruz was one of the prime figures who urged others in the GOP to join the brief.

The members who directly aided Trump’s efforts are especially interested in this case, but the effort to file the brief was led in the House by Majority Leader Steve Scalise, R-La., and in the Senate by Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas. Cruz’s participation is worth a side-eye given that he led the charge among Senate Republicans in challenging electoral votes in states where Trump called President-elect Joe Biden’s victory fraudulent. He also pitched a 10-day electoral commission to investigate the nonexistent fraud and potentially give state legislatures time to change their electoral slates as Trump would prefer. He never endorsed Trump’s wildest conspiracy theories, but he was caught on audio hoping Biden’s win would be reversed.

So if the Supreme Court decides that Trump can be removed from ballots, Cruz, Jordan, and others who took part in the plot to overturn the 2020 election could soon find they’ve been excluded from running or serving in any federal post, too. And that would be devastating to the GOP, which is quickly becoming known as the party of insurrection.

GOP Social Media

‘Spineless’ Ted Cruz Gets Destroyed On Social Media For His Latest Self-Inflicted Humiliation

Even though only one state (Iowa) has cast ballots in the 2024 Republican presidential caucuses and primaries, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is demanding that failed former president Donald Trump be declared the party’s nominee.

Cruz made that announcement Tuesday, along with a full-throated endorsement of Trump during an interview with Fox host Sean Hannity.

You may recall that it wasn’t very long ago that Cruz had a very different view of Trump, whom he accused of being a “sniveling coward,” a “pathological liar” and someone who has “an issue with women,” as CNN noted in a segment that aired Tuesday.

Cruz’s latest fawning subservience to the Donald drew withering mockery on social media.

Fox News GOP Whining Media in America

WATCH: Fox Host Swats Down Ted Cruz For Claiming MSNBC Doesn’t ‘Cover News’

Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz got an on-air fact check from Fox News host Howard Kurtz Sunday when he claimed that MSNBC is “dishonest” and doesn’t cover news.

Appearing on Media Buzz, Cruz attacked any news outlet that didn’t lean to the right.

Kurtz began by asking the senator, “You say for conservators of big bucks buy a damn movie studio, buy a network, buy CNN. But you think the megacorporations that these outlets, that own these outlets, are run by wild-eyed liberals?”

“Well, for whatever reason, yes,” Cruz replied. “And MSNBC is a rabidly partisan, dishonest institution. They’re not, they don’t cover news, you know.”

Kurtz: “Sure, they cover news. Not the way you want it.”

“No, they don’t, no, they don’t,” Cruz insisted, suggesting that neither MSNBC or CNN had reported on his so-called funding bill for aid to Israel, which has no chance of passing both houses of Congress.

“They’re trying to do a bigger package,” Kurtz noted, once again fact-checking Cruz.

Cruz then told the host, “If you watch CNN, MSNBC, there is no border crisis. Doesn’t exist, because they don’t cover on those facts.”

But Kurtz wouldn’t let that lie slide, either, telling Cruz the two networks do indeed cover the border “at times” and adding, “MSNBC has been covering the border crisis at least this week.”

Just how out of touch and extreme right-wing is Ted Cruz? So much that even traditional allies like Fox are letting him know he’s full of shit.
