Congress Donald Trump Elections GOP

Congressman Calls J.D. Vance The ‘Hatched’ Child Of Trump And Marjorie Taylor Greene

Sen J.D. Vance (R-OH) could soon be a heartbeat away from the Oval Office, and that’s a terrifying prospect, according to Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY), who called Vance “the baby of MAGA and QAnon” during an appearance on MSNBC.

Speaking with host Nicolle Wallace, Goldman noted that just minutes after failed former president Donald Trump was shot in Pennsylvania, Vance was on social media blaming President Joe Biden and Democrats for what the FBI is calling a failed assassination attempt.

“I mean, it’s so extreme, you know, it’s like if Marjorie Taylor Greene and Donald Trump got together and hatched something, and that’s J.D. Vance,” Goldman explained. “It’s insane — some of his views. His extremism on abortion — no exception for rape or incest. He has said he would not have certified the last election and will not guarantee that he will certify this election. He has overtly supported Vladimir Putin and Russia in his effort to take over the democratic country of Ukraine.”

The New York Democrat added that Vance is a “neophyte and a novice who has flip-flopped over the last several years after being a NeverTrumper and calling him the potential next American Hitler to now selling his soul so that he can rise the ranks, and Donald Trump loves that.”

J.D. Vance is indeed a member of the extreme right wing of the Republican Party. He has suggested that women should stay in abusive marriages for the sake of their children and made it clear that he thinks all abortions should be banned in the United States, even if a pregnancy was the result of rape or incest.

In other words, Vance is the perfect running mate for Donald Trump because both of them are direct threats to the American republic.


Donald Trump Elections GOP Social Media WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene Slammed For Saying Democrats Are ‘Flat Out Evil’ And Tried To ‘Murder’ Trump

Despite calls from both Democrats and Republicans to tamp down the incendiary rhetoric that may have contributed to the attempted assassination of disgraced former president Donald Trump, GOP Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA) decided she would escalate the issue by saying on Twitter that Democrats are “flat out evil” and attempted to “murder” Trump.

“We are in a battle between GOOD and EVIL,” Greene said over the weekend. “The Democrats are the party of pedophiles, murdering the innocent unborn, violence, and bloody, meaningless, endless wars.”

She then added, “They want to lock up their political opponents, and terrorize innocent Americans who would tell the truth about it.”

“The Democrat party is flat out evil, and yesterday they tried to murder President Trump.”

With reports now coming from the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee that Trump will call for “unity” when he speaks on Thursday evening, Greene’s posting was not well-received on social media, where she was pelted with derision.

Congress GOP History Social Media WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Humiliating American History Fail Gets Her Schooled On Social Media

Proving yet again that she’s unquestionably the dumbest member of Congress, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) posted something on Twitter so historically inaccurate that many people wondered if it was a joke.

But the joke was none other than Greene herself.

In the midst of the July 4th holiday weekend, Greene proudly declared that many of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were under 35, which some took as a jibe at President Joe Biden, who is 81.

As the Reader’s Context note states, six of the men listed by Greene didn’t sign the Declaration of Independence, a fact that she could have easily discovered if she’d bothered to take 10 seconds and do a quick Google search for “Signers of the Declaration of Independence.”

In other words, Greene got six of the eight names she listed wrong, which resulted in her getting called out on Twitter for her moronic fake history lesson.


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MT Greene Brutally Heckled By Protesters At GOP Rally: ‘Get The F*ck Out Of My State!’ 

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) showed up in Virginia this week to campaign on behalf of a fellow right-wing extremist GOP candidate for Congress, but she didn’t stay long as protesters heckled and verbally excoriated her until she turned tail and left in disgrace.

According to the Daily Progress, Greene was in Albemarle County to campaign for Republican John McGuire, who is running in Virginia’s 5th Congressional District against incumbent Congressman Bob Good.

Greene and McGuire arrived at a polling station at the Albemarle County Social Services building Wednesday in a bus emblazoned with the name and likeness of former President Donald Trump, who recently endorsed McGuire over Good. That endorsement came two days before Trump became the first former president to be convicted of a felony for using hush money payments to influence his 2016 election.

However, it soon became clear that Greene was not welcome in the county, as she was met by dozens of protesters who let her know exactly what they thought of her.

“Are you having fun?” one protester yelled toward the bus. “You didn’t have to come here. You could have gone somewhere else.”

Another protester told the controversial Greene, “A real Charlottesville welcome, bitch,” while others angrily shouted, “Get the f*ck out of my state!”

Five minutes later, Greene and McGuire were back on the Trump-emblazoned bus, clearly shaken by what had happened and trying to put a positive spin the debacle, with McGuire’s campaign issuing a statement that read, “Deranged leftists hell-bent on destroying this country. Just like President Trump, we won’t be afraid to stand up to the radical left. This is why we need to get rid of Bob Good. We can’t afford backstabbers when the USA is at stake.”

While Greene may well be a darling of convicted felon Donald Trump and others in the extremist MAGA movement that has taken over the GOP, it’s clear that her appeal is limited and may even wind up being detrimental to the candidates she endorses. And the same can be said for Trump, whose approval rating has continued to tank since he was found guilty in Manhattan.

Comments on social media also suggest that Greene isn’t going to win any popularity contest.

Donald Trump GOP Social Media

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Online Call For People’s ‘Favorite Thing’ About Trump Goes Hilariously Awry

Always eager to prove her slavish devotion to convicted felon Donald Trump, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) went on Twitter and asked social media users to share their “favorite thing” about the disgraced former president.

The results, however, were a slap in the face to both Trump and Greene.

Here’s Greene’s post:

How nice he is? Oh, please! Donald Trump has been an asshole his entire life and gets even more mean-spirited with each passing day.

Cares about everyone? He’s a malignant narcissist, so that’s impossible.

Loves his family? They’re just props. He “loves” Melania so much that he cheated on her while she was pregnant with Barron. Matter of fact, he’s cheated on all three of his wives. Yeah, a real family man.

Oh, and let’s not forget that Donald has also openly lusted about how sexy Ivanka is. He even said when she was 13 that he was more sexually attracted to her than his wife.

Twitter users had a proverbial field day destroying Greene’s online bullshit about her political lord and savior.