Congress GOP History Social Media WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Humiliating American History Fail Gets Her Schooled On Social Media

Proving yet again that she’s unquestionably the dumbest member of Congress, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) posted something on Twitter so historically inaccurate that many people wondered if it was a joke.

But the joke was none other than Greene herself.

In the midst of the July 4th holiday weekend, Greene proudly declared that many of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were under 35, which some took as a jibe at President Joe Biden, who is 81.

As the Reader’s Context note states, six of the men listed by Greene didn’t sign the Declaration of Independence, a fact that she could have easily discovered if she’d bothered to take 10 seconds and do a quick Google search for “Signers of the Declaration of Independence.”

In other words, Greene got six of the eight names she listed wrong, which resulted in her getting called out on Twitter for her moronic fake history lesson.


Congress GOP History

WATCH Jamie Raskin Take A GOPer To The Woodshed Over The Pledge Of Allegiance

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) gave a Republican colleague a much-needed lesson in American history yesterday during a debate in the House of Representatives.

According to HuffPost, Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-WI) was speaking on the subject of adding a citizenship question to the U.S. census when he referenced a line in the Pledge of Allegiance which reads, “and to the Republic for which is stands,” which led him to quote Benjamin Franklin.

“After our Constitution was ratified, he talked about giving us a republic, if we can keep it, and I think people should analyze those two little quotes and wonder why there were references to republic in both of them.”

That led Raskin to note that he had been “inspired” by Grothmans’s comments, and then he took his GOP colleague to school.

He said that “radical Baptist minister” Rev. Francis Bellamy wrote the pledge for the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’ arrival to the Americas. He was concerned over the continued salute of the Confederate battle flag in the South.

“And so he wanted to write a flag salute that would be unifying for the Union,” explained Raskin, who noted that Congress added “under God” in 1954.

The Maryland Democrat also noted that Franklin was a strong supporter of immigration and added he had once loaned a friend some money.

His friend assured him that the principal was well invested, but paying interest would be against their religion, Raskin said. Franklin then told his friend that he meant to say it’s against his “principle” to pay him interest on the loan and against his “interest” to pay him the principal.

“Well look, here our principles and our interests converge, very much,” Raskin said.

“The principles are set forth in the Constitution, which is we count everybody and everybody is part of the census, and everybody is part of the reapportionment process. It’s been like that since 1790.”

Mocking the proposal to add a citizenship question to the censu, Raskin concluded his remarks with this salvo:

“But it’s also in our interest because, as my colleagues have said, this is a land that is built on immigration, except for the Native Americans that were already here and the people who were brought over as slaves. All of us are descendants of immigrants to this country.”

It has been said before but needs to be repeated: Jamie Raskin is a national treasure.

Donald Trump GOP History The Trump Adminstration

New Survey Ranks Donald Trump As The Worst President In History

While many of us have long believed that Donald Trump will go down in history as the worst president the United States has ever elected, a just released survey from the Presidential Greatness Project suggests that the 45th president is indeed the bottom of the barrel when it comes to American leaders.

Newsweek reports the purpose of the survey was to “create a ranking of presidential greatness that covered all presidents from George Washington to Joe Biden.”

Respondents were asked to rate each U.S. president on a scale of zero to 100 for their “overall greatness,” with zero being failure, 50 being average and 100 being great. The ratings were averaged for each president and then ranked from highest average to lowest.

Lincoln placed first with a 95.03 average, followed by Franklin Delano Roosevelt in at No. 2 with 90.83, George Washington at No. 3 with 90.32, Teddy Roosevelt at No. 4 with 78.58 and Thomas Jefferson at No. 5 with 77.53, the survey results show.

The latest results come from 54 responses from scholars “whose work engages presidential politics” and who are members of the American Political Science Association. The survey was conducted online in November and December of 2023.

Just how badly did Trump do when compared to other U.S. heads of state? So much so that he rated lower than James Buchanan, who consistently ranks near the bottom of similar polls.

Trump received the lowest rating with a 10.92 average, behind James Buchanan at No. 44 with 16.71, Andrew Johnson at No. 43 with 21.56, Franklin Pierce at No. 42 with 24.6, William Henry Harrison at No. 41 with 26.01 and Warren Harding at No. 40 with 27.76, according to the Presidential Greatness Project.

President Joe Biden was ranked in the top third of the list, placing at No.14 with a rating of 62.7.

The new survey also ranks Trump as the “most polarizing” president in the 247 year history of the United States.

In 2019, as he was about to be impeached, Trump proudly declared himself to be the “greatest of all presidents.”

 “‘Not only have the Democrats not advanced key pieces of legislation that would help the economy, but the polls, especially in early states, are showing that voters are tuning out.’ @PeteHegseth They don’t want our greatest of all presidents impeached!”

Greatest of all presidents? Not even close.

GOP History Social Media

Tom Cotton Gets Hit With A Brutal History Lesson For His ‘Ignorant And Stupid’ Civil War Comments

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) walked into a rhetorical trap of his own creation Thursday when he attempted to defend former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, who flubbed a question about the primary cause of the Civil War this week during a campaign event.

Cotton made his comments on Twitter/X, where he suggested that Democrats had supported the expansion of slavery rather than vote for Abraham Lincoln. That, the senator maintained, was what led to war among the states.

“The Civil War started because the American people elected an anti-slavery Republican as president and Democrats revolted rather than accept minor restrictions on the expansion of slavery to the western territories,” Cotton wrote on social media.

He added:

Really? Wow! That’s one hell of a bizarre reading of history, and it wasn’t long before others on social media began giving Cotton a much-needed lesson on what actually took place in the United States and has transpired in the years since the Civil War ended in 1865.


Congress GOP History

Lauren Boebert Tries To Quote The Declaration Of Independence And It Doesn’t Go Well

It’s not an exaggeration to say that Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) is the dumbest member of Congress. After all, she had to take the GED high school equivalency exam multiple times before she finally managed to pass it.

On Tuesday, Boebert once again proved her stupidity during a discussion with right-wing agitator Charlie Kirk on his podcast.

The topic was guns and the Second Amendment, which led Kirk to comment, “So Lauren, we’re seeing the gun grabbers going into full gear. Let’s just play a couple pieces of tape here. Um, let’s go to, I haven’t even heard this one yet, Joe Scarborough.”

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough:

“They talk about a freedom that they’ve made up in their own twisted heads because they’ve been, they’ve been whipped into a paranoid frenzy by the NRA for 25 years. You know, now they’re claiming the Second Amendment protects things it just doesn’t protect.”

That led Kirk to ask the Colorado Republican, “Lauren, did we just invent this out of thin air because of a quote, ‘paranoid frenzy?’ Your response.”

Boebert replied:

“Right. This made-up freedom. Uh, I don’t think that defending, uh, one’s life is a made-up freedom. Um, it, it’s right there, um, in the preamble, we have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, um, or personal property, whichever rendition or whatever version you want to, uh, go by. Um, but also this is an assault on cops are, are you kidding me?”

The right to personal property? That’s nowhere in the Declaration of Independence, which it seems Boebert was attempting (and failing) to quote.

Here are the “inalienable rights” cited in the preamble to the Declaration:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Twitter users gave Boebert an “F” for her version of the preamble.