Capitol Insurrection GOP January 6 WTF?!

Tom Cotton Gets Schooled For Saying J6 Rioters ‘Just Wandered’ Into the Capitol

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) got called out and corrected this morning when he suggested on ABC News that rioters who attacked the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, merely “wandered” into the building.

This Week host Jonathan Karl reminded Cotton of a statement he made following the riot regarding Donald Trump’s role in that horrific day: “It’s past time for the president to accept the results of the election, quit misleading the American people, and repudiate mob violence.”

“More than three years later, Trump has still not accepted the results,” Karl told the senator. “He is still misleading the American people.”

Cotton incorrectly replied that Trump had accepted the results of the 2020 election “that very day.”

“He still hasn’t accepted the results of the election,” Karl countered. “He’s also calling the people that attacked the Capitol hostages. And he’s suggesting that he would, may pardon all of them. I mean, I assume you don’t agree with that.”

“He said that he would consider pardons, and some of them probably…” Cotton sputtered.

Karl interjected, “And he called them hostages. So you agree these are hostages?”

“Some of them have been held in pre-trial detention longer than the sentences for the crimes with which they are charged,” Cotton insisted. “For people who just wandered into the Capitol, they thought it was open or was on the grounds.”

That’s when Karl slapped Cotton with a timely fact-check.

“I mean, that wasn’t like wandering. This wasn’t a tourist visit.”

Rather than address that point, Cotton whined the Justice Department had failed to prosecute “left-wing street militia threatening to assassinate Supreme Court justices.”

“People who were involved in that riot, who assaulted police officers, or who defaced and damaged public property should face the legal consequences,” he added.

“Isn’t it odd that the Republican nominee doesn’t agree with that?” Karl wondered.

“What shouldn’t be used is every grandma who had a red MAGA hat that was within a country mile of the Capitol on January 6th shouldn’t be sitting in pre-trial detention for a longer time than the crimes for which they might face a sentence,” Cotton whined.

Like nearly every member of the GOP since Donald Trump took complete control of their failing political party, Tom Cotton has become little more than a hypocritical shill who cannot criticize the failed ex-president, even when he incites an insurrection. Is it any wonder why so many Americans are sick and tired of Republicans and their bullshit?

Donald Trump Elections GOP

WATCH A Fox News Host Confront Tom Cotton For Being Terrified Of Donald Trump

Fox News host Shannon Bream put Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) on the spot for his and others in the GOP’s fear of failed former president Donald Trump and the way he is “brainwashing” Republicans.

On Fox News Sunday, Bream referenced a recent report from Politico about how Trump had successfully convinced congressional Republicans to kill bipartisan legislation dealing with the border.

“So President Biden not only gets to blame you guys about the border, but he gets to blame President Trump, who he says tanked this whole deal, saying he wants to keep it alive as a campaign issue and that basically, he’s running the GOP at this point,” Bream began.

“Politico says this, quote, it’s devastating Trump seizes unmatched control over GOP, talking a quote there from an analyst, and saying this, he’s got a stronghold, quoting Amy Tarkanian, former chair of the Nevada Republican Party.”

“I don’t know how to explain it,” Bream said, quoting a GOP strategist. “It’s completely mind-boggling to me, the type of brainwashing that has been done.”

“Critics say there’s no check on him within the GOP,” she added. “You’re all afraid of him. You’ve endorsed him. What do you make of this argument that he’s essentially taken away your autonomy as a senator?”

Cotton tried to suggest that he wasn’t merely a puppet for Trump and the MAGA movement, but his denial wasn’t very convincing.

“Not all, Shannon,” he responded. “What President Trump saw about this bill is what most Arkansans saw about it, what all but four Republican senators saw, which is that it does not solve the problem.”

“What I want to do, what most Republican senators want to do, what President Trump wants to do is stop the border crisis,” he continued. “And now we can see, with Joe Biden ideologically invested in open borders, the way to stop that crisis is to elect President Trump this fall.”

“He did it once. He can do it again.”

But did Trump actually stop the border crisis, as Cotton suggests? A new report from Semafor suggests he didn’t, and the numbers are not on Trump’s side.

During its final two years, Trump’s administration released 713,000 immigrants into the US, or 52% of all people crossing the border, per a recent Cato Institute analysis. By comparison, the Biden administration released 49% of migrants entering between ports of entry in the first two years, totaling 2.5 million.

Tom Cotton and 99.9% all Republicans have turned the GOP over to Trump and the MAGA extremists. Are they brainwashed, or are they merely showing their true colors now that Trump has made it acceptable to be a bigot if you’re a member of his party?

GOP History Social Media

Tom Cotton Gets Hit With A Brutal History Lesson For His ‘Ignorant And Stupid’ Civil War Comments

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) walked into a rhetorical trap of his own creation Thursday when he attempted to defend former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, who flubbed a question about the primary cause of the Civil War this week during a campaign event.

Cotton made his comments on Twitter/X, where he suggested that Democrats had supported the expansion of slavery rather than vote for Abraham Lincoln. That, the senator maintained, was what led to war among the states.

“The Civil War started because the American people elected an anti-slavery Republican as president and Democrats revolted rather than accept minor restrictions on the expansion of slavery to the western territories,” Cotton wrote on social media.

He added:

Really? Wow! That’s one hell of a bizarre reading of history, and it wasn’t long before others on social media began giving Cotton a much-needed lesson on what actually took place in the United States and has transpired in the years since the Civil War ended in 1865.


Capitol Insurrection Congress GOP January 6

Liz Cheney Claps Back At Tom Cotton After He Slams Jan. 6 Hearings – But Admits He Hasn’t Watched Them

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) made Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) look like a complete fool after he criticized the hearings being conducted by the House Select Committee investigating the January 6 Capitol insurrection.

Cotton appeared on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show Monday and slammed the hearings, Mediaite reports:

“It was clear in Nancy Pelosi’s refusal to seat Jim Jordan and Jim Banks as Republican members of that committee, a break with precedent going back to the beginning of the House of Representatives in the 18th Century. And I think what you’ve seen over the last few weeks is why Anglo-American jurisprudence going back centuries has found that adversarial inquiry, cross-examination is the best way to get at the truth.”

Cotton later confessed that he hadn’t actually watched the hearings, but had merely seen “a snippet here or there on the news.”

“I will confess that I did not watch that hearing, and I have not watched any of the hearings, so I’ve not seen any of them out of the context that I see a snippet here or there on the news.”

It’s kind of hard to accurately gauge the fairness or probative value of a congressional hearing if you haven’t seen any of it, and that’s exactly what Cheney reminded Cotton on Twitter, where she absolutely destroyed him:

It should be interesting to see if Cotton attempts a retort to Cheney. If he has even a shred of a brain, he won’t. Then again, he’s already proven that he isn’t exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer.


Donald Trump Foreign Policy Russia

WATCH Tom Cotton Get Called Out For Refusing To Condemn Trump’s Lavish Praise Of Vladimir Putin

Proving that he has the spine of a jellyfish, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) resolutely refused to condemn failed, one-term former President Donald Trump for his praise of Russian President Vladimir Putin and his invasion of Ukraine, which he called “savvy” and “genius.”

ABC host George Stephanopoulos asked Cotton point blank on Sunday:

“Are you prepared to condemn that kind of rhetoric from the leader of your party?”

The Arkansas Republican replied:

“George, you’ve heard what I have to say about Vladimir Putin, that he is a ruthless dictator who has launched a naked unprovoked war of aggression. Thankfully, the Ukrainian army has anti-tank missiles that President Obama would not supply, that we did supply last time Republicans were in charge in Washington.”

Stephanopoulos pressed the senator again:

“Why can’t you condemn Donald Trump for those comments?”

Cotton waffled and refused to respond:

“If you want to know what Donald Trump thinks about Vladimir Putin or any other topic, I would encourage you to invite him on your show. I don’t speak on behalf of other politicians. They can speak for themselves.”

The ABC host asked again:

“You are a senior member of the Republican Party. Donald Trump is the leader of the Republican Party. He said last night, again, suggested that he would be running for president. When Fox News asked if he had a message for Vladimir Putin, he said he has no message. Why can’t you condemn that? I feel quite confident that if Barack Obama or Joe Biden said something like that, you’d be first in line to criticize them.”


“Again, George, if you want to talk to the former president about his views or his message, you can have him on your show. My message to Vladimir Putin is quite clear. He needs to leave Ukraine unless he wants to face moms and teenagers with Molotov cocktails and grandmothers and grandfathers with AK-47s for years to come.”

Even though Trump is weaker politically than he’s ever been, most Republicans still refuse to cross him. That alone tells you the party is nothing more than a collection of gutless sycophants. Every last one of them needs to be voted out of office.

Here’s the video from ABC News: