Donald Trump Foreign Policy Russia

WATCH Tom Cotton Get Called Out For Refusing To Condemn Trump’s Lavish Praise Of Vladimir Putin

Proving that he has the spine of a jellyfish, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) resolutely refused to condemn failed, one-term former President Donald Trump for his praise of Russian President Vladimir Putin and his invasion of Ukraine, which he called “savvy” and “genius.”

ABC host George Stephanopoulos asked Cotton point blank on Sunday:

“Are you prepared to condemn that kind of rhetoric from the leader of your party?”

The Arkansas Republican replied:

“George, you’ve heard what I have to say about Vladimir Putin, that he is a ruthless dictator who has launched a naked unprovoked war of aggression. Thankfully, the Ukrainian army has anti-tank missiles that President Obama would not supply, that we did supply last time Republicans were in charge in Washington.”

Stephanopoulos pressed the senator again:

“Why can’t you condemn Donald Trump for those comments?”

Cotton waffled and refused to respond:

“If you want to know what Donald Trump thinks about Vladimir Putin or any other topic, I would encourage you to invite him on your show. I don’t speak on behalf of other politicians. They can speak for themselves.”

The ABC host asked again:

“You are a senior member of the Republican Party. Donald Trump is the leader of the Republican Party. He said last night, again, suggested that he would be running for president. When Fox News asked if he had a message for Vladimir Putin, he said he has no message. Why can’t you condemn that? I feel quite confident that if Barack Obama or Joe Biden said something like that, you’d be first in line to criticize them.”


“Again, George, if you want to talk to the former president about his views or his message, you can have him on your show. My message to Vladimir Putin is quite clear. He needs to leave Ukraine unless he wants to face moms and teenagers with Molotov cocktails and grandmothers and grandfathers with AK-47s for years to come.”

Even though Trump is weaker politically than he’s ever been, most Republicans still refuse to cross him. That alone tells you the party is nothing more than a collection of gutless sycophants. Every last one of them needs to be voted out of office.

Here’s the video from ABC News:


Foreign Policy GOP Russia

Tom Cotton Gets His A*s Handed To Him When He Accuses Democrats Of Being Soft On Putin

During a debate in the Senate on the lifting of sanctions on a pipeline, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) accused Democrats of “appeasing” Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Newsweek reports:

Cotton took broad aim at how the Democrats had handled Moscow in criticism, referring in particular to the Biden administration’s suspension of sanctions on entities involved with the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

Critics, including both Republicans and Democrats, say that the pipeline, which will take gas between Russia and Germany, gives Putin a geopolitical advantage. The pipeline was stalled by German lawmakers this week.

That led Cotton to remark:

“The simplest way to deter invasion of Ukraine, the simplest way to deter Russian aggression, is to draw clear red lines of enforcement, something that Joe Biden will not do, something that apparently the Democratic senators will not force him to do.”

In response, New Hampshire Democratic Sen. Jeanne Shaheen immediately fired back at Cotton, reminding him that he’d been allowed to visit Russia while the Russian government refused to grant her entry:

“I just have to take real umbrage at your suggestion, Sen. Cotton. I’m the one who Vladimir Putin refused a visa to get into Russia, because of my opposition to Russia, and to what Putin was doing.”

She then added:

“He didn’t deny you a visa to get into the country. So don’t talk to me about how I’ve not been tough enough on Russia, because that dog won’t hunt!”

Keep in mind this is the same Tom Cotton who refused to impeach failed, one-term former President Donald Trump for extorting our Ukrainian allies unless they agree to help him trash President Joe Biden. He delayed military aid to them at a time when Ukraine was being harassed and threatened with attack by Putin’s military.

Do us all a favor, Sen. Cotton: Sit down and shut the hell up.

Foreign Policy GOP Military The Biden Administration U.S. Senate

Tom Cotton Gets Taken To School When He Asks Joint Chiefs Chairman Why He Hasn’t Resigned

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) got a lesson in military discipline and patriotism when he attempted to suggest that Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, should have have resigned when President Joe Biden decided to withdraw American forces from Afghanistan despite military leaders suggesting some U.S. troops should remain.

Cotton, who served in the Army, specifically asked Milley why he didn’t resign in protest when his recommendations weren’t followed. To that, the general replied:

“Senator, as a senior military officer, resigning is a really serious thing. It’s a political act if I’m resigning in protest. My job is to provide legal advice or the best military advice to the president. That’s my legal requirement. That’s what the law is. The president doesn’t have to agree with that advice. He doesn’t have to make those decisions just because we’re generals.”

Milley added that resigning just because a president doesn’t take his advice, “Would be an incredible act of political defiance for a commissioned officer to just resign.”

“This country doesn’t want generals figuring out what orders we’re going to accept and do or not. That’s not our job. It’s critical. My dad didn’t get a choice to resign at Iwo Jima. They can’t resign, so I’m not going to resign. There’s no way. If the orders are legal, we’re in a different place. If the orders are legal from civilian authority, I intend to carry them out.”

The fact that Cotton would ask such a question proves his only goal was to try and trash Biden as commander-in-chief and score political points instead of giving a damn about what’s in the long-term best interests of the United States.

If Sen. Cotton is unhappy with American foreign policy under this administration, then he should toss his hat into the 2024 presidential race and see if voters like his ideas. Otherwise, he should sit quietly and be thankful we have a president who gives a damn about our troops.