Donald Trump Elections Trump Supporters

This Viral Video Helps Explain The MAGA Movement And Its Danger

If you’ve ever seen any footage from a rally held by failed, one-term former president Donald Trump, the following thought may have crossed your mind as you watch how the crowd reacts to the disgusting things their political savior spouts.

What in the hell is wrong with these people?

Here’s a theory, courtesy of Time Magazine as part of an interview they did with author Tina Nguyen, who managed to extricate herself from the Trump/MAGA movement:

MAGA is: ‘Screw this, we’re burning it all down. We don’t care how, we don’t care how destructive it is.’ It’s degrees of execution and destructive qualities that are the splits between the two.

And now, thanks to the internet, we have a video that exposes and explains the MAGA cancer that continues to grow in this country. It was posted on Twitter by social media influencer Brian Krassenstein. Feel free to share the video far and wide so more people will learn the dangers of Trump and his army of supporters.

These people are an existential threat to the United States and their candidate must be defeated at the ballot box and then incarcerated for his crimes.

Donald Trump Elections Kamala Harris Trump Supporters WTF?!

Latest MAGA Conspiracy Theory: Harris Cheated By Wearing ‘Audio Earrings’ At Debate

As Vice President Kamala Harris noted at last night’s debate, disgraced ex-president Donald Trump lost the 2020 election in an electoral landslide and is having trouble “processing” his failure.

Donald also claims today that he doesn’t think Harris won the debate as overwhelmingly as suggested by polls and focus groups of voters.

According to some of Trump’s most fervent supporters, even if Harris was victorious on Tuesday evening, she only prevailed because she cheated, according to Newsweek, which reports that internet chatter has increased that goes like this: Harris was wearing “audio earrings” that fed her information and lines to use against Trump.

“Following yesterday’s Trump-Harris debate, there were claims on social media that Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris was wearing hidden earphones disguised as pearl earrings, a tech product that does not appear to be available for purchase.”

Specifically, some MAGA faithful claim Harris wore Nova H1 audio earrings.

“An online search for the Nova H1 Audio Earrings shows that they do not currently appear to be on sale anywhere, and NOVA Products’ website redirects to another company, Icebach Sound Solutions.”

“Additionally, backers on crowdfunding site Kickstarter have left messages from over a year ago asking for delivery status of their purchased H1 earrings that supposedly never materialized. NOVA Products’ last login to Kickstarter was in May 2023.”

Well-known Trump worshiper/gadfly Laura Loomer was one of the first to spread the lie that Harris had cheated by wearing the earrings with sound devices in them, Mediaite notes.

That was all it took to send Trumpers into an online tizzy, but their fact-free posts were met with plenty of resistance. Take a look:

Donald Trump Elections GOP

Tim Walz Is Trump And MAGA’s Worst Nightmare – And He Proves It In This Viral Interview

Now that he has been chosen as Vice President Kamala Harris’ running mate, many are wondering what sort of campaigner Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz will be.

Based on an interview he gave to Elena Schneider of Politico, Walz is the perfect person to take on failed former president Donald Trump and his MAGA surrogates.

Asked about today’s Republican Party as led by Trump and his VP pick, Sen. J.D. Vance, Walz noted, “These guys are weird,” he said. “Once they start running, their weirdness shows up, and especially with the nominee on the other side.”

Walz added:

“This is going to be a binary choice. Democracy, or what we saw with the former president. Projects, like roads getting built, or dysfunction. Pre-existing conditions being covered by health care, or having that ripped out. Those binary choices will start to become clear. They saw us act, how we acted during Covid, they saw us act on the recovery. It’ll work itself out.”

On the biggest issue of the 2024 election, personal freedom, Walz has this to say, “There’s one golden rule in a small town, (for) those of you aren’t from a small town. Mind your own damn business. We don’t need ‘em. I don’t know who’s asking for this crazy stuff that they’re pushing. Who’s asking to ban birth control? Who’s asking to raise the price of insulin?”

He has also urged Democrats to be proud of their political roots and the labels that come with them from the opposition:

“Don’t ever shy away from our progressive values. One person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.”

There’s nothing weird about that, which is a hell of a lot more than you can say for Trump, Vance, and the vast majority of today’s GOP.

GOP Lara Trump Social Media Trump Supporters WTF?!

Lara Trump’s ‘Inappropriate’ Workout Video Causes The MAGA Faithful To Explode With Rage

Lara Trump is married to convicted felon Donald Trump’s son, Eric, and also happens to be the current co-chair of the Republican National Committee, a position that makes her one of the most influential members of the GOP in the Age of Trump.

Mrs. Trump is also an avid social media user, constantly posting content on Twitter and Instagram, including videos of her workout routine.

But a video she shared over the July 4th holiday isn’t sitting well with many of the MAGA faithful, who seemed to object to her gyrations and the fact that she was working out to rap music.

Here’s the video:

To most rational human beings, the video would be no big deal. But to many pro-Trumpers, it was tasteless and also included (gasp!) a rap music soundtrack, which led them to pitch a collective social media hissy fit.

Next time, maybe Lara should do her workout to some Perry Como or Ray Coniff. Then again, the Trumpers would probably whine about that the way they whine about everything else.


Donald Trump Elections Social Media

Mark Hamill Goes Viral With Hilarious New Meaning For Trump’s ‘MAGA’

“Star Wars” icon Mark Hamill (a.k.a. Luke Skywalker) went viral Monday with a video posting he made on Twitter of convicted felon Donald Trump being dissed by a college student when he tried to kiss her.

The video, which was originally shared online by gun control advocate David Hogg, who survived the 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, shows the twice-impeached Trump trying to pull a girl who introduced him in for what winds up being an incredibly awkward semi-kiss.

In response, Hamill added his own take on what Trump’s signature “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) campaign slogan should stand for.

That set off a torrent of additional commentary on Twitter.