GOP Lara Trump Social Media Trump Supporters WTF?!

Lara Trump’s ‘Inappropriate’ Workout Video Causes The MAGA Faithful To Explode With Rage

Lara Trump is married to convicted felon Donald Trump’s son, Eric, and also happens to be the current co-chair of the Republican National Committee, a position that makes her one of the most influential members of the GOP in the Age of Trump.

Mrs. Trump is also an avid social media user, constantly posting content on Twitter and Instagram, including videos of her workout routine.

But a video she shared over the July 4th holiday isn’t sitting well with many of the MAGA faithful, who seemed to object to her gyrations and the fact that she was working out to rap music.

Here’s the video:

To most rational human beings, the video would be no big deal. But to many pro-Trumpers, it was tasteless and also included (gasp!) a rap music soundtrack, which led them to pitch a collective social media hissy fit.

Next time, maybe Lara should do her workout to some Perry Como or Ray Coniff. Then again, the Trumpers would probably whine about that the way they whine about everything else.


Donald Trump Elections Joe Biden

Lara Trump Is Already Whining That The Upcoming Presidential Debates Are ‘Rigged’

Even though President Joe Biden agreed Wednesday that he will indeed debate former president Donald Trump at least twice in the months ahead, it wasn’t enough for the Trump campaign, which immediately began whining and moaning on right-wing media.

Take, for example, Republican National Committee co-chair Lara Trump, who showed up on Fox News and was prompted by host Sean Hannity, “But the fact that your father-in-law has said yes to two liberal networks and Fox, I think is fair.”

That led Lara to whine, “We want to see more of them on a stage, not less. And you’re right, it’s rigged so heavily in Joe Biden’s favor but everything always is.”

“It’s rigged so heavily in Joe Biden’s favor, but everything always is! You’ve got Hollywood against Donald Trump. You’ve got the music industry against Donald Trump. Mainstream media. Despite that and even the judicial system at this point, he is beating Joe Biden in every poll out there. It’s amazing to see.”

How, you may ask, is it “rigged?” Well, according to the Trump campaign, it’s because the debates will be hosted by CNN and ABC News, but Fox will be left out. Considering that Fox isn’t actually news and settled a massive multimillion dollar lawsuit for disseminating lies about the 2020 election, there’s no reason to let the conservative outlet have a shot at hosting anything.

Elections GOP

Lara Trump Admits The GOP Will Try And Keep Millions Of 2024 Votes From Being Counted

Republican National Committee (RNC) co-chair Lara Trump is making no secret of GOP plans for the 2024 election: They want to guarantee that millions of ballots aren’t counted in the hope that their efforts will hand the election to failed former president Donald Trump.

Speaking with Fox News host Maria Bartiromo, Trump proudly announced that her party has filed suit in the state of Nevada to make it illegal for any votes to be counted after Election Day.

“You cannot have ballots counted, Maria, after elections are over,” Trump said. “And right now, that is one of the many lawsuits we have out across this country to ensure that just that happens, that we have a free, fair, and transparent election.”

“So in Nevada, as you pointed out, we are saying we want, on election day, that to be the last day that mail-in ballots can be counted. And we’ve been very successful in a lot of lawsuits.”

Similar efforts are taking place in the key swing state of Pennsylvania, Trump revealed.

“They wanted to take off dates from mail-in ballots, of course, the Democrats, in an effort to make it easier to cheat.”

So if a ballot isn’t counted on the day of the election, it should be thrown out, according to the GOP.

As HuffPost notes, the Republican effort is meant to undermine the 2024 election.

“The lawsuit filed by the RNC in Nevada doesn’t seek to stop counting ballots after Election Day, but rather seeks to prohibit counting any mail-in ballots received after that date, even if they were postmarked in time.

Under the state’s current law, ballots received up to four days after Election “Day are counted, as long as they are postmarked before the end of the day on Election Day.”

It didn’t take long for social media to explode with criticism of the RNC plan.

GOP Lara Trump WTF?!

Lara Trump’s Strange Bedtime Ritual Leaves CPAC Attendees Scratching Their Heads

Speaking Thursday at the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) convention in Washington, D.C., Lara Trump, the daughter-in-law of failed one-term president Donald Trump, tried desperately to get some sort of applause or approval from attendees.

At one point during her speech, Mrs. Trump proudly declared, “Now, some of you may know, Eric and I are blessed to have two beautiful children, our son Luke and our daughter, named after my home state, Carolina. Every night, Eric and I have a tradition. We stop whatever we have going on, and we go do bedtime with the kids.”

“And while they say their prayers and the Pledge of Allegiance, of course, I often think to myself, what kind of country will they live in in 10, 20, or 30 years?” she added. “What kind of country are we creating for our children and our grandchildren?”

WTF?! Despite the crowd being hardcore Trump supporters whose political leanings are just to the right of Atilla the Hun, Lara’s recitation of her family’s bedtime routine was greeted with silence. You could almost hear crickets chirping.

Twitter/X users had some thoughts on Lara Trump’s comments, too.

Lara Trump Social Media Viral Video WTF?!

Lara Trump’s Mar-a-Lago ‘Concert’ Is So Bad That Social Media Can’t Stop Laughing

Lara Trump, the daughter-in-law of failed one-term former president Donald Trump, performed a cover version of the late Tom Petty’s 1989 song, “I Won’t Back Down” recently at Mar-a-Lago.

A video of the performance was posted on Twitter/X by Ron Filipkowski.

The video has gone viral.

But while the crowd at Mar-a-Lago may look like they’re enjoying Lara’s vocal stylings, that enthusiasm wasn’t shared by many who viewed the performance online.