Congress GOP

GOP Congressman Calls Marjorie Taylor Greene ‘Idiotic’ For Causing Chaos In The House

Republican New York Congressman Mike Lawler said Sunday that efforts by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) to remove Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) as House speaker are “idiotic” and have accomplished nothing but creating chaos.

Speaking with CNN’s Dana Bash on “State of the Union,” Lawler said Greene’s proposed motion to vacate the speaker’s seat is ill-advised and will only cause more problems.

Bash asked Lawler if he believed Greene would formally file the motion to vacate next week.

“I can’t speak for her, obviously,” he said.

“She has introduced it. She has not yet made it privileged but, as I said the day that she introduced it, it’s idiotic and it’s not going to actually help advance the cause that she believes in.”

Lawler added, “In fact, it undermines our House Republican majority. Look, voters enacted a House Republican majority because they wanted a check and balance on the Biden administration. They wanted to stop the reckless out-of-control spending that increased by 5 trillion in just two years and gave us record inflation. They didn’t like the disastrous withdrawal out of Afghanistan, and they saw the disastrous foreign policy decisions that the Biden administration has made when it comes to Iran.”

What Lawler failed to address is the fact that the lunatics are running the asylum in the Republican Party. They support an insurrectionist scumbag who has 91 criminal charges hanging over his head, and they’ve also failed to control the wackos like Greene who have taken over the GOP. Hopefully, they’ll soon be in the minority again and relegated to the back benches of Congress.

Here’s the video of Lawler’s appearance on CNN:

Donald Trump Elections The Trump Adminstration

Forgotten Lawsuit Is About To Bring ‘Ghosts’ From Trump’s Past Back To Haunt Him

A 2020 lawsuit accusing failed former president Donald Trump of illegally clearing racial injustice protesters at Lafayette Square Park with tear gas is back on the docket. It could result in “ghosts” from the disgraced ex-president’s past coming back to haunt him as he seeks a second term in office, according to a report from Law & Crime.

The lawsuit, Buchanan v. Trump, would impose damages on Trump and members of his administration such as former Attorney General Bill Barr, who had been ruled immune from prosecution because they were acting in their official capacity.

Now, however, an amended complaint has been approved by a judge.

“And that is exactly what’s unfolded quietly in the background of Trump’s many other pressing legal dramas in recent weeks and months. Though the merits of the plaintiff’s amended claims have yet to be decided, a judge has granted the parties the right to serve Trump.”

The suit is expected to be filed by mid-April, according to attorneys for the plaintiffs.

“We anticipate filing our claims against Mr. Trump by April 12, as the Court directed in granting our motion to amend in part. Our clients look forward to seeing Mr. Trump in Court and holding him accountable for his and others’ attacks on the rights of peaceful protesters in Lafayette Square,” Lee Crain, a partner at Gibson Dunn, said.

With the United States Supreme Court scheduled to rule if Trump has immunity from any actions he took while serving as head of state, the Buchanan lawsuit could result in more skeletons exiting the proverbial closet, exposing him as a would-be dictator who cannot stand criticism. It could also convince undecided voters that a vote for Trump would result in him imposing a totalitarian state that would prohibit all dissent.

“Based on the original claims, the new lawsuit is expected to reflect similarly and pursue him in his personal capacity for the distress he caused. Whether he stays on as a named defendant, with his personal presence over Lafayette Square looming so large that June, it is likely he would be asked to testify in proceedings regardless.”

So even if Trump is ruled immune as a defendant, he would likely be forced to testify during a presidential campaign that already shows him falling behind in fundraising and the polls. His actions on that day in Lafayette Square could wind up costing him the election. That would be both fitting and ironic for the wannabe dictator.

Donald Trump Elections GOP WTF?!

MT Greene Says She Has ‘Proof’ 2020 Ballots For Trump Were ‘Lost In The Mail’

Georgia Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene says she now has “proof” that thousands of votes for failed former president Donald Trump in the 2020 election were “lost in the mail.”

During an appearance on former Trump administration official Steve Bannon’s podcast, Greene remarked, “In 2020, when absentee ballot voting was at its highest. And so when President Trump got on the phone with our secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, and said, ‘Can you find the votes? Where are they?’ He was basically looking for ballots, and these ballots have been lost in the mail.”

“And so there was nothing wrong with Trump, with what President Trump said. As a matter of fact, I think he’ll be vindicated easily by a lot of the work that I’m doing and the proof that I’ll be showing pretty soon,” Greene added.

Later in the discussion, Greene asserted that the “failures of the post office and how many absentee ballots do not get counted because they come in late. And this is something that I’m working on very hard with some election offices across the state. And it’s more I’ve got to deliver to you at a later time when I have the numbers.”

At a later time? Around the same time as Trump’s infamous promise to release his health care and infrastructure plans?

Bannon asked Greene, “But but I know, I know, I know you want to get the facts. Are you telling this audience the most powerful audience in all MAGA, that there are issues with the primary that really haven’t been disclosed yet, that there are issues with mail-in ballots in the Georgia primary? Is that what you’re telling us?”

Greene replied, “Based on 2022 and 2020, these absentee ballots cannot be trusted because the Post Office is not delivering them. Now, the question as to why the Post Office is not delivering them is a whole ‘nother issue.”

Journalist Dave Weigel did a fact-check of Greene’s claims.

Others on social media also weighed in on Greene’s specious utterings.


Donald Trump Elections Social Media

Mark Hamill’s Timely List Of Trump’s ‘Best Words’ Is A Must-Read

Mark Hamill (aka Luke Skywalker of “Star Wars” fame) has been paying close attention to failed former president Donald Trump’s utterances over the past few years and has now complied a list of the Donald’s “best words” which he shared Wednesday on Twitter for the world to enjoy.

“His made up words are fun, Hamill wrote. “(DISINFORMATES, MISINFORMATES, COVFEFE, etc.) but his more-than plentiful misspellings absolutely RULE!”

Then came the list.

  • “Stollen” for stolen
  • “Honered” for honored
  • “Unpresidented” for unprecedented
  • “Smocking” for smoking
  • “Sole” for soul
  • “Frorida” for Florida
  • “Melanie” for Melania
  • “Capital Hill” for Capitol Hill
  • “Infair” for unfair
  • “Shoebiz” for showbiz
  • “Marine Core” for Marine Corps
  • “Boarder” for border
  • “Loose” for lose
  • “Leightweight” for lightweight
  • “Grest” for great
  • “Hearby” for hereby

And who can forget a timeless classic, Hamill concluded: “Hamberders.”

Others on social media had some suggestions, too.

Ah, yes. Only the best words. Even though they usually make no damn sense at all, just like everything the former guy says.

Abortion Supreme Court

Ketanji Brown Jackson Swats Down Alito For His Bogus ‘Scientific Knowledge’ Of Abortion

During oral arguments in the Supreme Court case of FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine on Tuesday, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson made it clear to fellow justice Samuel Alito that she wasn’t about to put up with his so-called “scientific knowledge” of abortion or drugs that allow women to exercise their reproductive freedom.

The Daily Beast notes that the case involves the drug mifepristone, a drug that can be used by women in the privacy of their homes and is now the method of choice for 63% of women across the country.

The justices heard arguments Tuesday morning from a lawyer for the anti-abortion Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, which holds that the FDA erred in allowing mifepristone, one of the drugs used in a medication abortion, to be dispensed remotely. The FDA and most major medical associations say the ruling is sound, pointing to studies showing no difference in severe complications when the pills are dispensed via telemedicine versus in person.

Attorneys arguing on behalf of the drug noted that the plaintiffs in the case had no legal standing to even bring the case, which led Alito to ask, “Shouldn’t someone be able to challenge that in court? The American people have no remedy for that?”

Alito later asked essentially the same question of an attorney for Danco, the company that manufactures mifepristone.

“During the questioning of the solicitor general, the statement was made that no court has ever previously second-guessed the FDA’s judgment about access to a drug,” Alito said.

“Do you think the FDA is infallible?”

That prompted Justice Jackson to inquire, “You were asked if the agency is infallible, and I guess I’m wondering about the flip side, which is do you think that courts have specialized scientific knowledge with respect to pharmaceuticals?”

“Do you have concerns about judges parsing medical and scientific studies?”

As Justice Jackson rightly observed, courts and judges do not have special medical knowledge. Doctors and scientists, however, do, and they’re the ones who should make the decisions on what drugs are safe and are available to the public.