Elections GOP U.S. Senate

New Texas Poll Has Some Disturbing News For Ted Cruz’s Campaign

2024 is starting to look like it could well be the end of Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) political career, with a new poll showing him with just a narrow one-point lead over his Democratic opponent, Rep. Colin Allred.

According to Newsweek, the poll comes with just a little over a month until voters go to the polls in the Lone Star State.

A Public Policy Polling/Clean and Prosperous America survey of 759 registered Texas voters showed Cruz is ahead of Allred by 47 percent to 46. In a previous August poll, the incumbent led Allred by 2 points (47 percent to 45). The poll was carried out on September 25-26. The results have a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percent.

But perhaps most troubling for Cruz is the fact that he’s underwater when it comes to how the voters view him, with a net favorability rating of 41% favorable and 49% unfavorable. A month ago, Cruz had a favorability of 43%, which suggests he could still be in freefall, always bad news for an incumbent.

Allred, on the other hand, has a net favorable rating of 5 points, with 40% of those surveyed giving him a positive rating and 35% saying they view him unfavorably.

All of this has Cruz struggling to find a strategy that could bolster his chances in the closing weeks of the 2024 campaign, Daniella Diaz of Politico notes.

Money is also an issue for Cruz, with Allred awash in cash.

“Allred is swimming in campaign cash, which has put Cruz back on his heels and forced conservative outside groups to engage. So far, Allred has spent $26.2 million on general election TV ads, compared to about $14.3 million for Cruz. So, two pro-Republican outside groups, including the Club for Growth-linked Win It Back PAC, are jumping in.”

Could Cruz become an also-ran? If so, he won’t have anyone to blame, as Allred is making clear by reminding Texas voters of the incumbent’s past bad decisions.

“Whether talking to voters on the campaign trail or in his TV ads, Allred is seeking to remind voters about Cruz’s jaunt to the Mexican beach during a historic freeze in the state that left millions without heat, water and access to food and is directly related to the death of more than 200 Texans. The moment was met with criticism even from his fellow Texas Republicans and considered a PR nightmare.”

How sweet would it be to see both Trump and Cruz go down in flames?

Donald Trump Elections GOP U.S. Senate

Trump Campaign Official Suggests Ted Cruz Is About To Lose His Senate Seat

Could Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) be on the verge of losing his Senate seat in November? Such a question might seem absurd considering how conservative the Lone Star State has historically been when it comes to the people it sends to the upper chamber of Congress, but a top adviser to former president Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign is suggesting that Cruz is in trouble and could be beaten by his Democratic opponent, Rep. Colin Allred.

Chris LaCivita, a senior campaign adviser to Trump, shared his concerns on social media for the entire internet to pick over, posting on Twitter/X, “What the hell is wrong with the Senate race in Texas ? I think i know …and i think i know his name ….time to get some real professionals in to save @tedcruz.”

According to HuffPost, LaCivita’s tweet suggests growing GOP concern over Cruz’s flagging campaign, with a recent poll showing a four-point lead for Cruz 47%-43%, well within the poll’s 3.5% margin of error.

Keep in mind that Trump himself has yet to endorse Cruz in his race against Allred, which seems odd considering that the Texas Republican has staunchly defended Donald no matter what disgusting things he says or does.

LaCivita’s tweet led to plenty of social media discussion and mockery.

If Cruz does go down to defeat in November, it’s likely to be part of a larger blue wave that would see Democrats controlling the White House and both houses of Congress.

Elections GOP U.S. Senate

WATCH: Josh Hawley Tries To Ambush His Democratic Opponent And Gets Humiliated

Sen. Josh “Running Man” Hawley (R-MO) showed up at the Missouri State Fair on Thursday, but he wasn’t there to see the exhibits and enjoy the food. Instead, he decided he’d ambush his Democratic opponent, Lucas Kunce, and whine about the two not being able to arrange a debate.

Hawley posted a video of his confrontation with Kunce on Twitter, perhaps thinking it would make him look tough and spontaneous, but only proving what a complete douche he is.

The video begins with Hawley saying, “Guys, how are you? Let’s go find Lucas Kunce. Let’s go find him. Come on, where’s he been? I haven’t seen him, you guys seen him? He hasn’t been out of his basement two weeks, let’s go find him. Where is he? Where is he? Where is he? Where is he?”

After finding Kunce, Hawley exclaims,  “Lucas Kunce! We gonna debate today?”

Kunce: “How you doing, man?”

Hawley: “We gonna debate today?”

To that, Kunce notes, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, dude.”

Hawley:  “You don’t know!? I read your bullshit letter to the Farm Bureau. Are you going to sue the Farm Bureau?”

The Farm Bureau reference, according to HuffPost, involves a campaign contribution made to Hawley.

Kunce’s campaign has agreed to five televised debates, according to St. Louis Fox affiliate KTVI-TV. But Kunce would not participate in a non-televised debate hosted by the Missouri Farm Bureau that his campaign contends would violate campaign finance law, since the group endorsed Hawley and donated $5,000 to his campaign, according to the Missouri Independent.

In a letter to the bureau, the Kunce campaign cited Federal Election Commission law preventing organizations that endorse and financially back candidates from hosting debates, the website said.

“Lucas does not wish to expose the Farm Bureau or your members to unnecessary risk,” Kunce campaign manager Caleb Cavaretta wrote.

After a few seconds of back-and-forth between the two men, Hawley asks Kunce, “It’s great to see out of your basement, Lucas. By the way, are you gonna do any campaign events around the state or just media?”

That’s when Kunce struck Hawley with the perfect retort.

“Josh, why are you so weird? Man, why are you so creepy?”

Here’s the encounter at the state fair, as presented by Hawley:

Kunce responded with a posting of his own:

Hawley was dragged on Twitter for his stunt.

Donald Trump Elections GOP U.S. Senate

GOP Senator Ready To Leave The Party Because She’s ‘Done’ With Donald Trump

Even if he manages to win a second term in office come November, Donald Trump may well find himself losing a member of his party in the U.S. Senate.

Manu Raju of CNN reports that during his recent discussion with Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), the senator said she’s “done” with Trump as the standard bearer of her party.

“I wish that as Republicans, we had … a nominee that I could get behind. I certainly can’t get behind Donald Trump.”

Would Murkowski renounce the GOP and become an independent?

“Oh, I think I’m very independent minded. I just regret that our party is seemingly becoming a party of Donald Trump.”

Is that a yes? Again, Murkowski refused to commit to what political affiliation she might choose.

“I am navigating my way through some very interesting political times. Let’s just leave it at that.”

Murkowski voted to convict Trump during his 2021 impeachment trial in the Senate. She also voted “present” instead of yay or nay on the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court after accusations of sexual assault were made against him by a former high school classmate, Christine Blasey Ford. Kavanaugh was later confirmed by a razor-thin margin, 50 to 48.

The Alaska Republican told Raju that she strongly disagrees with Trump calling January 6 prisoners “hostages” or “patriots” who deserve presidential pardons.

“I don’t think that it can be defended. What happened on January 6 was … an effort by people who stormed the building in an effort to stop an election certification of an election. It can’t be defended.”

Losing a Republican senator could be devastating to the GOP, which is seeking to regain control of the Senate in the upcoming election. And it might also mean that Trump would be unable to get his judicial nominees appointed to the bench. That alone would be a big blow to Republican efforts to confirm increasingly conservative judges.

GOP U.S. Senate

GOP Sen. John Kennedy Has A Conniption Fit When Reminded He Used To Be A Democrat

Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) is one of the biggest blowhards in Congress, and he proved that again this week during a confirmation hearing for one of President Joe Biden’s judicial nominees, suggesting she was a Marxist simply because she happens to be a Democrat.

HuffPost reports Kennedy asked Melissa DuBose, Biden’s nominee for the U.S. district court in Rhode Island, “Are you still a Marxist?”

“I am not nor have I ever been a Marxist,” DuBose responded.

Kennedy continued to press his specious allegation of DuBose being a Marxist, even suggesting that she was lying under oath, quoting an interview DuBose gave in 2000 when she worked at a coffee shop and said she was “in my Marxist phase.”

Even though DuBose explained that comment, Kennedy acted as if he hadn’t heard a word she’d said, again asking, “My question is real simple,” he said. “Are you still a Marxist?”

DuBose reiterated that she was not a Marxist.

“I am not a Marxist. I do not espouse Marxist theory or ideology. I never have, I never will. I’m a very proud Democrat.”

Committee member Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) then joined the debate.

“This was many, many, many, many, many years ago,” Whitehouse said of DuBose’s. Perhaps during the time when my colleague Sen. Kennedy was a Democrat, showing that people can change their views, even if it were true that you were in a Marxist phase.”

Whitehouse’s jibe enraged Kennedy, who began shouting.

“I’ve never been a Marxist!” he shouted. “I’ve never been a Marxist! And I’ve never admitted I was a Marxist and then not turned a document over to this committee!”