Congress Elections GOP

Lauren Boebert Accused Of ‘Illegally Spending’ $60,000 In Run-Up To 2022 Midterm Election

Colorado Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert is in trouble yet again for illegally spending $60,000 worth of campaign money in the run-up to the 2022 midterm election and reporting it improperly, according to a complaint filed with the Federal Elections Commission (FEC).

End Citizens United filed the complaint. It alleges that Boebert spent some $60,000 on “get out the vote” phone calls and text messages.

Those outreach efforts are considered “in-kind” expenditures, but Boebert’s campaign didn’t report them as such, which is a violation of FEC rules.

According to the complaint, Newsweek reports,”Boebert may have made an illegal in-kind contribution to herself that exceeds the $5,000 limit set by federal law, or spent money to influence another campaign without reporting it, as required by federal law.”

“Congresswoman Boebert used her leadership PAC as a personal bank but, unfortunately for her, this practice is illegal under federal law,” End Citizens United President Tiffany Muller noted.

The details of the expenditures clearly indicate that Boebert and her campaign did indeed violate the FEC rule.

Boebert For Congress reported paying $4,623.22 to Telephone Town Hall Meeting, Inc. for “text message advertising” on October 28, 2022, FEC filings show, while We The People Leadership PAC paid $6,221.73 to Telephone Town Hall Meeting, Inc. for “Voter Contact – GOTV Calls/Texts”

Then, on November 18, 2022, We The People Leadership PAC paid Telephone Town Hall Meeting, Inc. for $53,760.25 for conducting “Voter Contact – GOTV Calls/Texts.”

The group believes that as two of the payments occurred on the same day, this also indicates the leadership PAC’s disbursement was either a contribution to Boebert’s campaign or an independent expenditure in support of Boebert or other candidates.

The congresswoman has not yet commented on the alleged violation.

Congress U.S. Senate

New Senate Composition Means Manchin And Sinema Are About To ‘Lose Power’

Next Tuesday, if Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) defeats GOP challenger Herschel Walker (and every metric suggests he will), Democrats will have a 51-49 advantage in the U.S. Senate, a gain of one seat in the recent midterm elections.

And if Warnock wins, Sens. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) will no longer be able to stand in the way of progress being made by their Democratic colleagues in the upper chamber of Congress.

Nick Reynolds of Newsweek explains:

Depending on the result of next week’s runoff election between Georgia Democrat Raphael Warnock and Republican Herschel Walker, Democrats stand to control 51 seats in the U.S. Senate as well as the tie-breaking vote of Vice President Kamala Harris, requiring both senators to break with their party to sink a piece of legislation.

Bottom line: Manchin and Sinema are about to lose what power they have.

“I don’t expect Manchin or Sinema to have much influence to be quite honest,” Joshua Huder, a senior fellow at Georgetown University’s Government Affairs Institute, told Newsweek.


“To the degree that they do have influence, it’ll be much more in the vein of the infrastructure bill-type influence,” Huder said in reference to concessions they received for fossil fuel permitting and corporate tax carveouts in a recent infrastructure package.

“They’re not going to be able to kill Democratic initiatives like they did,” he added. “They’re not going to be able to threaten not to go along with the filibuster.

“They’re not going to be able to do any of the stuff that really gave them a lot of veto power. They can be a positive influence in the sense that they can negotiate with Republicans, but that’s really the limit of what they can do.”

Gregory Magarian, a professor at the Washington University School of Law in St. Louis, concurs, noting:

“Republicans will need to pass legislation that Democrats will accept, while what we’ve seen Manchin and Sinema do over the last couple of years is pull the legislation sufficiently far to the right to be acceptable to those pivotal House Republicans.

“So at that point, if we’re thinking about this in fairly linear ideological terms, there really shouldn’t be anything left for Manchin and Sinema to do.”

Good! All they’ve done is obstruct, so it’s time they became powerless and irrelevant.


Elections GOP U.S. Senate

Lindsey Graham Does 35 Push-Ups To Support Herschel Walker – And It’s Even Worse Than You Can Imagine

In an effort to get Georgia Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker elected in next months runoff election, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) made an appearance on Sean Hannity’s show Wednesday evening and agreed to do push-ups to prove his support for Walker.

Queerty ran across the video of Graham working out on Walker’s YouTube account and reports:

The challenge came about after Sean Hannity spoke to Walker and Graham on a Fox News segment. He said that Walker impressed him previously with his ability to do push-ups. Hannity suggested Walker check out whether Graham was up to the challenge of doing some himself.

This led to a campaign video in which Graham challenges viewers to donate $34 if he and Walker can each do 34 push-ups. It’s unclear why they plumped for the number 34.

In the video, Graham happily gets down and does 35 push-ups, followed by Walker.

Before you watch the video, you might want to make sure your children and elderly relatives are out of the room. It could well be too much for impressionable youngsters and lead to cardiac arrest for anyone over the age of 60 once they start laughing and can’t quit.

Graham was also present when Walker was being interviewed and the candidate proudly proclaimed that “This erection is about the people.”

Erection election in a pumped up direction. Since Walker is too clueless to explain policy, the push-ups tell all you need to know about the “substance” of his campaign.

Congress Elections GOP

Lauren Boebert Claims Her Razor-Thin Reelection Was Fair After Saying The 2020 Election Was Rigged

Today’s entrant in the category of Biggest Hypocrite of the Year is none other than our favorite clueless congresswoman, Lauren Boebert (R-CO), who declared Thursday (and again on Friday) that she had been reelected, even though a mandatory recount will be done because the race between her and her Democratic opponent, Adam Frisch, was separated by just a few hundred votes.

On Thursday, Boebert released this statement:

“I’m told that there are less than 200 votes outstanding, which makes me so happy to announce, we have won this race!…Past recounts in Colorado have resulted in far fewer votes being adjusted than anything that could affect the current outcome we’re seeing tonight.”

She’s claiming victory even though she raised holy hell when Joe Biden was declared the victor over Donald Trump in the 2020 election. She has even suggested that the violence on January 6, 2021 was justified because Trump had the election “stolen” from him. He didn’t, of course, but Lauren didn’t want to miss a chance to kiss Trump’s fat ass in order to prove her undying loyalty to the Orange Menace.

After Frisch conceded the race on Friday, Boebert posted this:

Work? Is that a damn joke! Lauren Boebert has done nothing over the past two years except tweet, whine, hold press conferences, and manage to lose her failing restaurant, Shooters Grill, which has gone under and was heavily in debt when it closed.

Shooters was Boebert’s pride and joy, because she claimed it was proof that hard work pays off in the United States and you don’t need a college degree to be successful. Success, however, is a foreign concept to this woman. She had never succeeded at anything, and the fact that she barely won a second term in a district that has voted Republican since 2010 is a damning indictment of her first term in office.

Lauren Boebert is a grifter and a failure. No wonder she worships Donald Trump.

Elections GOP WTF?!

The MAGA Conspiracy Theories On Why Kari Lake Lost Have Begun – And They’re BEYOND Batsh*t Crazy

A couple of weeks ago, Arizona GOP gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake was asked if she would accept the results of the 2022 midterm election, no matter the outcome.

The New York Times reported at the time that Lake sounded supremely confident that she would be victorious and refused to even entertain the notion that she might not.

“I’m going to win the election, and I will accept that result,” Ms. Lake said in an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

The host, Dana Bash, then asked, “If you lose, will you accept that?” Ms. Lake, who is running against Arizona’s Democratic secretary of state, Katie Hobbs, responded by repeating, “I’m going to win the election, and I will accept that result.”

“The people of Arizona will never support and vote for a coward like Katie Hobbs,” she added, setting up a framework in which, if Ms. Hobbs were to win, Ms. Lake could present the result as evidence of election fraud. That is one of the arguments Mr. Trump made, suggesting that the 2020 election must have been fraudulent because the idea of President Biden receiving majority support was unbelievable.

But a week after voters went to the polls, it’s now clear that Lake has lost to her Democratic opponent, Katie Hobbs, who will be the next governor of Arizona.

98% of the ballots have been counted in the Grand Canyon State, and here’s where the race between Hobbs and Lake stands:

But to hear Lake’s supporters tell it, the fight has only begun, because their candidate is being cheated out of an election she won.

Sound familiar? It’s the same tired old bullshit that the MAGA faithful have been spouting ever since Donald Trump got curb stomped by President Joe Biden back in 2020.

So, as you’d expect, the conspiracy theories regarding Lake’s failure have also begun, and some of them are downright goofy.

Let’s go to Twitter for a sampling of the craziness.

Clearly, it never ends. They lose, but all they do in the aftermath is whine. It’s pathetic and infuriating.