GOP Viral Video

WATCH One Of Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Constituents Confront Her For Her Bigotry

Georgia Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene got an earful from one of her constituents at town hall she held in her district, and it all had to do with comments Greene made about Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY).

According to Radar Online, the black constituent asked Greene, “Do you know who Carolyn Donham is?”

When Greene admitted she didn’t, the woman continued.

“She was the woman who said that Emmett Till looked at her the wrong way, or said something to her, the way you did Jamaal Bowman,” she said. “You were on the steps of the Capitol talking about gun violence…”

The woman added, “I think you’re reckless. I think you’re reckless. You had no business saying, ‘Oh, he’s so big. Oh, I feel so, like, he’s gonna hurt me.’ It’s the same thing Carolyn Donham said that got Emmett Till killed, and that was reckless, and you did a reckless thing. And if anything happens to Jamaal Bowman, it’s going to be on your hands.”

Clearly taken aback by the woman’s comments, Greene finally responded.

“Let me ask you, were you in New York when he stood outside my car… and he brought a crowd around me? Were you there?” Greene asked. “No, you were not in New York City when that happened. It’s on video, it’s on video, and you may watch the video. And you can see how he cussed…That’s wrong. This isn’t about skin color. I refuse, I refuse for you to do that.”

After a few more seconds of back and forth, the majority of the audience stood and applauded Greene.

The video drew plenty of comments on Twitter.

Corruption Donald Trump Ivanka Trump The Trump Adminstration

Report Exposes The Extent Of Ivanka’s Corruption While Her Father Was POTUS

Even though she had absolutely zero experience when it came to government service, for four years Ivanka Trump was given unlimited access to the Oval Office and was reportedly one of her father’s most trusted advisers, which could help explain why Donald Trump was such a massive failure as president.

According to the New York Times, Ivanka was charged with overhauling programs that assisted small businesses run by women around the world, but the program “was so haphazardly managed by a federal agency that an independent watchdog was unable to determine whether it actually worked.

“In a report released on Thursday, the Government Accountability Office found that programs funded through the Women’s Entrepreneurship and Economic Empowerment Act, which Ms. Trump, the eldest daughter of former President Donald J. Trump, helped usher through Congress in late 2018, were deeply flawed and hampered by poor oversight.

“Officials at the U.S. Agency for International Development, which oversaw $265 million per year in spending on the initiative and an associated antipoverty program, never worked out “an explicit definition” of who was eligible to receive millions in aid, the report found.”

And yet, Republicans like to say that Ivanka was doing great things for women. Clearly, she wasn’t. Instead, she was using taxpayer money to fund a program that we cannot even measure the success or failure of. That’s the very definition of corruption.

The G.A.O. report also found that while Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel hailed Ivanka by claiming her efforts would “empower women all over the world,” the reality was far from what had been promised:

“Investigators, who interviewed agency workers in Africa, Asia, South America and Europe, reported that those workers ‘did not receive any guidance’ from top officials on how to define ‘the very poor,’ hampering efforts to deliver aid.”

Just like her father, Ivanka Trump isn’t good at anything other than lying and cheating. She’s a grifter and she wasted taxpayer money so she could pretend to be “governmenting.”


Donald Trump

Ghislaine Maxwell Says Jeffrey Epstein Had ‘Incriminating’ Videos Of Donald Trump

Ever since he was found dead in his cell at the Manhattan Correctional Complex in New York, there have been rumors that the late convicted sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein — who had a fondness for underage girls — may have left behind some damning evidence implicating some of his more famous friends in many of the same crimes he was convicted for committing.

According to Epstein’s former procurer of girls, Ghislaine Maxwell, those rumors are true, The Telegraph reports:

“Ghislaine Maxwell admitted that Jeffrey Epstein had secret recordings of Donald Trump and Bill Clinton, a CBS News producer has claimed in a new book.

“The British socialite, who is awaiting trial on charges of procuring girls for Epstein to abuse in the mid-1990s, was reportedly duped by journalist Ira Rosen into confirming that the sex offender had taped his famous friends.

“Reports that Epstein had planted secret recording devices in his homes and – it was rumoured – had potentially incriminating tapes of his many powerful associates have circulated for years but have never been verified.”

Rosen said he spoke with Maxwell prior to the 2016 election and managed to get her to admit the existence of such tapes:

“In his memoir, Mr. Rosen writes that he told Ms. Maxwell: ‘I want the tapes. I know he [Epstein] was videotaping everyone.’

“Mr. Rosen claims that Ms. Maxwell ‘gave me a stern look and pointed a finger in my face. She said: ‘I am the daughter of a press baron. I know the way you people think. If you do one side, you must do the other. If you get the tapes on Trump you have to do Clinton.'”

So there are tapes of Bill Clinton, too? That’s certainly what Rosen claims he was told by Maxwell when he interviewed her.

None of Epstein’s supposed tapes have ever seen the light of day, leading some to speculate that they might have been confiscated and destroyed to protect powerful members of the financial and political elite such as Clinton, Trump, and Prince Andrew of the British royal family.


Donald Trump Elections GOP

Chris Christie Explains How He Lives Rent-Free In Trump’s Head By Using ‘The One Thing He Can’t Stand’

Failed and multiply-indicted former president Donald Trump continues to luanch social media attacks on former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who is running against the ex-president for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, suggesting that Christie should drop out of the race.

On his failing Truth Social site, Trump wrote:

“Sloppy Chris Christie, who was rated the Worst Governor in the History of New Jersey, had the lowest approval rating, 8%, had 11 straight downgrades of New Jersey Bonds, a record, was thrown out of New Hampshire after his last debate, and endlessly suffered from the horrible and never ending Bridgegate scandal, SHOULD DROP OUT OF THE RACE. HE IS GOING NOWHERE AND IS VERY BAD FOR THE REPUBLICAN PARTY!”

But why in the world is Trump attacking Christie, who is polling in the single digits?

According to Christie, the answer is simple: Because he’s telling the brutal truth about Donnie.

During an appearance on CNN evening, Christie told host Kaitlan Collins, “He only wishes I was going away. I was laying out the truth about him.”

Christie added:

“He knows I’m not just some politician talking about his problems. I’m someone who’s done it, and done it well.
“I know how deep his problems are, and how much they’re damaging both the Republican Party and the country,” Christie said. “I’m not getting out this race. Maybe he should think about getting out of the race since he’ll be spending most of March and half of April in a courtroom in Washington, DC.”

The fact that Christie is running is also likely a reason Trump is refusing to participate in the GOP presidential debates. Trump knows Christie can eviscerate him during a face-to-face and make him look like a complete fool.

Here’s hoping Chris Christie remains in the race and continues to lob verbal artillery at Donnie. If nothing else, it should make for some great quotes and one-liners.


Crime Donald Trump Elections

Bombshell Report: Trump Knew Giuliani Was Drunk While Giving Him ‘Legal Advice’ – Which Destroys Donald’s Defense

The main defense being used by failed former president Donald Trump to shield himself from criminal charges related to efforts to overturn the 2020 election results is that he was merely acting on the advice of legal counsel.

But what if one of the people giving Trump legal advice was intoxicated? And what if the ex-president knew that but continued to let one of attorneys guide his decisions?

Thanks to a blockbuster report from Rolling Stone, we now know that Trump was indeed listening closely to what his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani told him, despite the fact that several people allege Guiliani was drunk most of the time while dispensing legal guidance.

Some witnesses told (Special Counsel Jack) Smith’s team that they saw Giuliani consuming significant quantities of alcohol; some told the special counsel’s office that they could clearly smell alcohol on Giuliani’s breath, including on election night, and that they noticed distinct changes in his demeanor from hours prior, the sources tell Rolling Stone.

Some have already told investigators that they were directly aware of moments when Trump had talked to others about Giuliani’s drinking, and that Trump spoke negatively about his then-top lawyer’s alcohol consumption. (Trump is known for being a longtime teetotaler.)

That would mean that the “advice of counsel” ploy being used by Trump is no longer valid, according to Mitchell Epner, a former Assistant United States Attorney for the District of New Jersey:

“In order to rely upon an advice of counsel defense, the defendant has to, number one, have made full disclosure of all material facts to the attorney. That requires that the attorney understands what’s being told to them. If you know that your attorney is drunk, that does not count as making full disclosure of all material facts.”

Former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner noted on MSNBC that Trump might have taken bad advice from an inebriated Guiliani as a “cover” to engage in illegal activities.

“Is he taking the advice from somebody who everyone in the room knows is drunk?” Kirschner asked. “If you’re taking advice from a thoughtful, sober, learned counsel, that, you know, might give you some protection on the advice of counsel front. But if you’re taking advice from, you know, from the town drunk sitting in the public square yelling at the clouds, you’re not going to have much of an advice of counsel defense.”

Kirschner added, “These are not salacious issues and I think more fundamentally, on the advice of counsel defense, I also think it is really hard for Donald Trump to pursue that when his counsel are his co-defendants in the Jan. 6 trial. They’re his unindicted co-defendants and there is no advice of co-defendant offense. So, that also complicated the advice of counsel defense that Donald Trump might otherwise have.”

Donnie might want to start thinking about a plea deal with Jack Smith.