Foreign Policy GOP WTF?!

Unhinged Lindsey Graham Demands Gaza Be Bombed The Way Hiroshima Was In WWII

An enraged Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said today during an appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that Israel should bomb Gaza into oblivion the way the United States did the city of Hiroshima in World War II with a nuclear weapon.

Graham was asked by host Kristin Welker, “I guess the question is, why does Israel need the most massive bombs that can potentially level an entire block in order to wage this war? Why can’t it be more precise?”

The senator replied, “Why did we drop two bombs, nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end a war that we couldn’t afford to lose? You don’t understand, apparently, what Israel is facing.”

“So when we were faced with destruction as a nation after Pearl Harbor, fighting the Germans and the Japanese, we decided to end the war by bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki with nuclear weapons,” he continued. “That was the right decision. Give Israel the bombs they need to end the war they can’t afford to lose and work with them to minimize casualties.”

Welker noted “that there has been so much technology since those bombs were dropped that for that very reason, that is why Israel and other developed countries can be more precise.”

She also reminded Graham that former President Ronald Reagan had also withheld weapons from Israel.

“Did President Reagan show that using U.S. military aid as leverage can actually be an effective way to rein in and impact Israel’s policy?”

The question enraged Graham.

“This is the worst decision in the history of the U.S.-Israel relationship to deny weapons at a time the Jewish state could be destroyed. Can I say this? Why is it okay for America to not to to drop two nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end their existential threat war?”

“I thought it was OK. So, Israel, do whatever you have to do to survive as a Jewish state!” he ranted. “These military officials that you’re talking about are full of crap!”

Let’s all be thankful that Lindsey Graham will never be president of the United States. The crazy son of a bitch would have us in World War III within a week of taking office.

Congress Foreign Policy GOP U.S. Senate WTF?!

WATCH: Lindsey Graham EXPLODES When Asked A Question By Reporter During Trip To Israel

During a visit to Israel on Monday, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) had a full-scale meltdown when a reporter from right-wing network Newsmax asked him a question about Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI).

At a press conference, Newsmax’s Daniel Cohen began by thanking Graham for his support of Israel, but then asked, “And I’d like to ask any Democrat senator here that would like to speak to Rashida Tlaib. She still has a tweet up condemning Israel for a hospital attack.”

Graham replied, “We are here together, not to talk about the problems at home, which are many.”

Cohen pressed: “It’s a question.”

That’s when Graham grew angry.

“You’re not going to screw this up!” Graham shouted.

Cohen: “I’m not trying to screw it up.”

That only made Graham angrier, leading him to suggest Cohen should be removed.

“Get this guy out of here!”

Graham then pounded the podium and declared:

“I’m an American. And I believe in free speech. I don’t believe what the squad has to say at all. But I came here with Democrats and Republicans to let everybody in the world know.”

“Don’t judge every Democrat by the squad, and don’t judge every Republican by some of the things you hear.”

A few minutes later, Graham offered an apology to the reporter: “And I’m sorry, my friend. I probably shouldn’t have said it, but my nerves are raw right now.”

Here’s the video:


Donald Trump Espionage Foreign Policy Russia

New Questions Raised About Trump Possibly Sharing Intel Info That Led To The Attack On Israel

A 2017 meeting failed former president Donald Trump held in the Oval Office with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Russia’s ambassador to the United States, Sergey Kislyak, is once again in the spotlight as questions about how Israel could have been so unprepared for the Hamas terror attack are being raised, with some suggesting that intelligence data Trump shared with the two Russians may have found its way into the hands of Iran, which passed it along to Hamas to aid their planning of the deadly assault launched from the Gaza Strip.

Israel, we later learned, was the source of that intelligence, as NBC noted in May 2017:

The link to Israel was first reported by the New York Times a day after it was disclosed that Trump gave Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov intelligence about a laptop bomb threat and revealed the Syrian city where the information was collected.

And now Senior White House Communications Adviser Andrew Bates is hinting that Trump may have been partially responsible for the Hamas attack that has left over 1,000 Israelis dead.

According to Mediaite, Bates made the claim in response to a Twitter post from former Trump administration official Stephen Miller.

That response from Bates resulted in others suggesting that Trump may be partially to blame for Hamas’ attack.

The ex-president’s niece, Mary, pulled no punches.

Soon there was a deluge of discussion and accusation on Twitter.

It’s important to note that at the moment there is no direct evidence the information Trump shared with the two Russians was used to plan the Hamas attack on Israel, but shouldn’t there at least be congressional investigations into the matter? And if a link can be proven, what additional crimes should Donald Trump be charged with?


Foreign Policy GOP Joe Biden Terrorism

WATCH Nikki Haley Get Swatted Down When She Blames Biden For Attack On Israel

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley got a heavy dose of fact-checking Sunday when she began spouting lies during an appearance on “Meet the Press.”

Host Kristen Welker asked Haley if she thought it was irresponsible of Republicans to blame President Joe Biden for attacks on Israel by Hamas terrorists that have left at least 600 Israelis dead.

“Do you think it was irresponsible of your rivals to level that allegation without any evidence or proof?”

Instead, Haley decided she’d attack Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, suggesting that the $6 billion which is scheduled to be returned to Iran played a role in the attacks.

“They go and spread terrorism every time they get a dollar; it doesn’t go to the Iranian people; it does go to terrorist attacks, and Secretary Blinken is just wrong to imply that this money is not being moved around as we speak and yet, and that’s it.”

Welker pushed back:

“And yet, ambassador, there’s just no proof of that. Yet this is just the hours after that immediate attack. Is it irresponsible to level that charge when you really don’t have any evidence of that at this point in time?”

Rather than directly respond, Haley tried to change the parameters of the discussion.

“The evidence is look at what the Iranian people have done to freedom-loving people around the world look at what the Iranian people the Iranian regime has done to threaten Israel over the years.”

Once more, Welker corrected the former UN ambassador for the Trump administration.

“Ambassador Haley, just to be clear again, the secretary of state said categorically they have not seen a link.”

As is so often the case, a member of the GOP (especially one running for president) is only too happy to disseminate lies and conspiracy theories because they have no actual answers or policies of their own. And yet they wonder why the majority of Americans don’t believe a word they say.


China Congress GOP WTF?!

Matt Gaetz Gets Shredded When He Quotes From A Chinese ‘Propaganda’ Publication: Video

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) thoroughly humiliated himself during a session of the House Armed Services Committee on Tuesday, quoting from a Chinese state-run publication to “prove” that U.S. aid to Ukraine was being used improperly.

Gaetz was questioning Colin H. Kahl, Under Secretary of Defense, and he asked the official:

“How about CIA? Are they training folks in Ukraine?”

Kahl replied:

“Not going to talk about that in an unclassified setting. Happy to talk about that further in the classified briefings.”

Gaetz then inquired, “Is the Azov battalion getting access to U.S. weapons?”


“Not that I’m aware of, but. If you have information…”

The Florida Republican announced:

“I intend to enter into the record The Global Times investigative report that talks about training. It’s from the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensics Research Lab. Citing the Azov battalion was even getting stuff as far back as 2018.”

After the article had been entered into the record, Gaetz asked Kahl:

“Any reason to disagree with that assessment?”

Kahl responded:

“Is this the, I’m sorry, is this the Global Times from China?”

Gaetz: “No, this is…”

Kahl: “Well, that’s what you read.”

Clearly unsure of what he had read, Gaetz was forced to admit, “Yeah, it might be, yeah. Would that be a reason?”

Kahl told the congressman:

“I as a general matter, I don’t take Beijing’s propaganda at face value.”

Rather than move on, Gaetz asked Kahl: “Yeah. Just tell me if. If the allegation is true or false, I mean.”

Kahl reiterated what he had just said:

“I don’t have any evidence one way or the other. As a general matter, I don’t take Beijing’s propaganda at face value.”

Before moving on to another topic, Gaetz remarked:

“Fair, fair enough. I would agree with that assessment.”

Could it be any clearer that Matt Gaetz is a complete idiot?