Business Donald Trump Social Media

Financial Analysts Warn That Trump Media Is On The Verge Of Going Down The Drain

If you happen to own any shares of Trump Media & Technology Group, you should dump them as soon as possible before the price collapses completely and you lose every penny of your investment, financial analysts are warning.

Forbes Senior Editor Dan Alexander says Trump Media is “bleeding money,” telling CNN host Erin Burnett, “It is a sad story. And the trouble here is that if you look at the fundamentals of the company — it’s poised to go down a lot more.”

When it was first offered on the stock market in late March, Trump Media reached a high of over $79 a share. It now stands at $23.77.

The company has even admitted that its financial situation could easily lead to bankruptcy, noting in a filing, “A number of companies that were associated with President Donald J. Trump have filed for bankruptcy,” reads one of the sections of the document. “There can be no assurances that TMTG will not also become bankrupt.”

That, according to Alexander, means Trump Media stock “should fall by at least another 90% before the metrics start to make any amount of sense.”

“For people who are just blindly putting their faith in Trump and in the company — that means that they can stand to lose a lot of money,” Alexander added.

The company was mainly set up to benefit Trump, Alexander went on to explain.

“Meanwhile, the retail shareholders were putting up huge sums to buy in. The ultimate effect is that they put in the cash and the other people walk away with the shares.”

As Rick Wilson rightly observed several years ago, everything Donald Trump touches dies. Including his so-called “media company.”

Business Donald Trump Social Media

Trump’s Truth Social Stock Tanks After Report Reveals Site Lost $58 Million In 2023

Just last week, Donald Trump’s new media venture which backs his Truth Social site was flying high, earning him billions on paper and leading some to suggest he might use the rising value of the stock as collateral for a bond to cover the massive court-imposed fines that have been assessed against him.

However, an SEC filing from Trump Media & Technology Group shows that Truth Social lost a massive $58 million in 2023, and that sent shares of the once-rising stock plummeting. As of Noon Monday, the price of a share was down nearly 20%, which suggests the stock is in freefall and not likely to recover, especially since it’s now clear that the venture is a failure.

The collapse of Trump Media & Technology Group’s stock price was predicted by those in the know, including Emily Stewart of Business Insider.

For one thing, TMTG, which owns the conservative Twitter copycat Truth Social, makes basically nothing. According to a new financial filing from the company released on Monday, its total revenue was $4.1 million in 2023. Extrapolate that out, and the stock is trading at something like 2,000 times the company’s annual revenue. That is, um, high. Apple, for example, trades at about seven times its total revenue. And given TMTG’s paltry revenue, it actually lost $58 million last year.

Despite his claims over the years, Donald Trump has never actually been successful at anything other than hyping himself and getting suckers to give him large sums of money that he quickly burns through, leaving everyone but himself wondering what became of their investment.

How could Truth Social, which has a smaller base of followers than both Facebook and Twitter, hope to compete? While the Trump name may have once held some allure, it hasn’t now for years, and with every angry posting Donald makes online, more people are alienated and abandon him.

It turns out that being “anti-woke” doesn’t pay well, Stewart explains in her article.

As much as people say they want to shop and invest their values, it often doesn’t turn out to be the case. Instead, most people opt for the convenient option and whatever they’re most used to doing already. There’s a reason most boycotts don’t work — people are busy and tired. It’s true on the left as well. Dig deep enough, and every company in the world can probably give you a reason not to want to give them your money.

Donald Trump has the stench of a loser all over him. He’s becoming more irrelevant by the day, and if he loses to President Joe Biden in November, don’t be surprised if he winds up filing for personal bankruptcy, even if he has to do so from prison.

Business Donald Trump The Trump Organization

Forbes Flattens The Former Guy After He ‘Demands’ They Apologize For Their Reporting

Though he loudly proclaims himself to be a “great businessman” who has made a fortune in the real estate business, that’s far from the truth, as we learned recently when Forbes magazine dropped failed former president Donald Trump from their ranking of the richest people in the United States.

As the magazine explained, the Trump Organization has taken some major reversals in recent years, and that’s mainly the result of moronic business decisions made by the Donald:

His net worth is down more than $600 million from a year ago. The biggest reason: Truth Social, his social-media business. Trump once envisioned a significant percentage of the country logging onto the platform. But that never happened. Roughly 6.5 million have signed up so far, about 1% of the total on X (né Twitter). Trump’s 90% stake in Truth Social’s parent company has plummeted in value from an estimated $730 million to less than $100 million.

Even though the article removing Trump from the richest Americans list was published weeks ago, Donnie lashed out on Truth Social two days ago, posting an unhinged screed:

“I hereby demand a full apology from the failing Forbes Magazine, and their third-rate psycho writer, Dan Alexander, for the many false and libelous articles they have written about me, and for the cooperation they have given to the Racist and Incompetent A.G. of New York State, Peekaboo James.

“[Forbes] is owned by the Communist Chinese Government, and China will do anything to stop MAGA. Forbes, a Globalist ‘Rag,’ is a propaganda play against TRUMP.”

Boo hoo! You want some cheese with that whine, Dotard?

That led Forbes senior editor Dan Alexander to respond to the disgraced ex-president on Twitter.

“Hey Donald Trump, if you want to point out a single false fact in any of the articles I’ve published about you—or in the book I wrote about you—feel free. In the meantime, I’m going to keep reporting—and carefully fact-checking every word I publish.”

Trump has yet to reply to Alexander, probably because he knows he has no facts to refute what Forbes has said about him.

Once again, we see what a pathetic wimp Donald Trump is and always will be. He’s a little man who’s terrified of the legal jam he’s in and likely to spend the rest of his life behind bars.

Donnie, you’re in no position to “hereby demand” anything, especially since the entire world knows what a failure you are.


Business Crime

New York AG May Impose ‘Corporate Death’ On The Trump Organization

Letitia James is the Attorney General for the state of New York, and that makes her one of the most powerful prosecutors in the country, especially since she’s making it clear that she intends to “use every area of the law” as she investigates the president, his family, and his business, as NBC News has reported:

“New York law allows the attorney general to seek restitution and damages — and, in extreme cases, dissolution — if a business is found to have engaged in persistent fraud. There’s also the Martin Act, a 1921 statute designed to protect investors.

“Past attorneys general have used the Martin Act, considered to be the U.S.’s toughest such state statute in this realm, to expand their powers in the financial crimes sector. The law empowers the attorney general to subpoena witnesses and documents for information pertaining to possible fraud.”


As many crimes as the Trump Organization is suspected of having committed (Trump University was just the tip of the iceberg, experts say), AG James could use a legal sledgehammer as she goes about bringing charges against the president’s company, which just so happens to be run by his two eldest sons, Don Jr. and Eric. And that could prove especially catastrophic for the Trump business empire. The power wielded by James under the laws of New York could even be used for a “judgment of corporate death” if she chooses to seek the total dismantling Trump’s holdings in real estate and other businesses.


The New York AG has already signaled the direction she plans to pursue, at least initially, having subpoenaed banks that do business with Trump as a way of seeing inside the Trump Organization and Trump’s bank accounts.

Something James told MSNBC host Ari Melber should be of special concern to the president and anyone with connections to the Trump Organization:

“Most of (Trump’s) business activities are performed in New York, he engages in business in New York, he operates in New York and it’s really critically important that New Yorkers as taxpayers — it’s really critically important that we understand and know whether or not he devalued his corporations and he received some tax benefits thereof, that he engaged in false claims against New Yorkers.”


Letitia James is going after Trump on numerous fronts. But it’s her investigation of the Trump Organization that could well pose the greatest legal danger to him.


Business Donald Trump The Trump Organization

Trump’s Financial Lies Just Got Him Booted From The World’s Most Exclusive Club

The same financial lies that have gotten disgraced, multiply-indicted ex-president Donald Trump in big trouble with the state of New York now have him in hot water with the most exclusive club in the world: The Forbes 400 ranking of America’s richest people.

Forbes announced today that as a result of Trump’s “relentless” lying to reporters for decades in a pathetic attempt to boost his ranking on the list, he has now been dumped from it completely.

His net worth is down more than $600 million from a year ago. The biggest reason: Truth Social, his social-media business. Trump once envisioned a significant percentage of the country logging onto the platform. But that never happened. Roughly 6.5 million have signed up so far, about 1% of the total on X (né Twitter). Trump’s 90% stake in Truth Social’s parent company has plummeted in value from an estimated $730 million to less than $100 million.

The failed former president is also failing badly on the real estate front, Forbes reports, with his Trump branded properties down in value by a staggering $170 million. That figure could be increasing by even more as the state of New York has also banned Trump and the Trump Organization from doing business in the state and are seeking at least $250 million in financial damages for the crimes allegedly committed by the company.

Is anything going well in the business world for Trump? Well, his golf clubs are at least making money.

As fewer people spend time in the office, more are goofing off on the golf course. That’s especially good news for Trump National Doral, the former president’s most valuable golf property, purchased for $150 million in 2012. Trump commenced an extensive renovation of the Miami resort, reportedly injecting more than $200 million of additional cash, before politics spoiled his investment.

The Donald has been off the list before, only to slither back onto it years later, Forbes notes.

In the 1990s, Trump took out enormous loans that resulted in well-publicized bankruptcies. He made a comeback from that but fell off once more in the midst of the Covid pandemic which hit the hotel and travel industry hard, leading to gigantic losses that he hoped would be offset by the launching of his Truth Social platform, which has been a total bust, with only 6.5 million users. That’s about 1% of the total who are on Twitter. Overall, Trump’s 90% stake in Truth Social’s parent company has fallen in value from $730 million to less than $100 million.

Can Trump reinvent himself this time and make a financial comeback? Considering that he’s 77 years old and facing decades in prison, it seems beyond impossible, especially for a man who doesn’t have an ounce of truth in his enormous, bloated body.