Crime Donald Trump Fox News U.S. Senate

WATCH Steve Doocy School Rand Paul On The Dangers Of Saying The FBI Unfairly Targeted Trump

“Fox & Friends” co-host called Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and others in the GOP out for their incendiary rhetoric aimed at the FBI for doing their jobs and executing a search warrant former president Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Largo golf resort.

Paul was a guest on the show Thursday morning, and he immediately began attacking the FBI:

“This is part of the same people who are still running the FBI. They have a different understanding, maybe, of what they think the FBI can and cannot do and how it should be used on Americans, but I’m going to require proof that there was actually some sort of probable cause of a crime, and I’m suspicious that there was not.”

Doocy schooled the senator on the dangers of saying such things:

“The problem is, over the last week or so there has been so much violent rhetoric directed at the FBI, and I heard somebody printed that it stands for ‘Fascist Bureau of Investigation; or something like that. Unfortunately now the people who work at the FBI headquarters, there are death threats and all sorts of stuff. I heard from a staff member there who was talking to a colleague at the FBI, a colleague realized, ‘Oh, look, I’m wearing the wrong shoes today to work,’ because if somebody attacks the building and they’ve got to run, can’t run in those heels, so they’re caught in the crosshairs.”

While Paul said he agreed there was no need to call for violence against federal agents, he quickly tried to minimize the threat by claiming he faces even greater attacks for his stance on controversial issues:

“I think the death threats are inappropriate and not the way to go about it. There’s the political process. The problem is that the people in charge of Congress, the Democrats, have not been interested in or curious in investigating anything. We have a million people who died from Covid, and I haven’t had one hearing on the origin. We finally did a couple weeks ago. I insisted on hearing, and the Democrats didn’t come to my hearing. The thing is there’s been a lack of curiosity on the part of investigation, but there’s no excuse for threats to the FBI, and the thing is, look, and they’re not the only one getting threats. I’ve had probably over 50 threats this year. Sometimes i can have a dozen in a week. We have my address posted online, we have people who are wishing me ill will, injury, all the time.”

At times like this, it’s easy to understand exactly why one of Rand Paul’s neighbors beat the snot out of him.

Crime Donald Trump Fox News

Sean Hannity Tells The MAGA Faithful: ‘Constitutionally’ Trump Can Run For President From Prison

Question of the Day: If you’re Donald Trump, how do you know when you’re complete screwed and likely facing time in jail?

Answer: When Fox News host Sean Hannity starts trying to reassure the MAGA faithful that the U.S. Constitution doesn’t say a person can’t run for president from prison.

That’s what Hannity told listeners to his radio show Friday, according to Media Matters, which reports that Hannity had this to say:

“What do you think the next thing that happens here is, do you think that they would try and indict the former president in the hopes of convicting him and having him in jail at the time of the next election to prevent him from running?

“Because a conviction by the way, constitutionally, would not prevent him from running for office.”

Maybe not, but it would damn sure prevent him from actually serving as president, which would raise issues of its own.

Hannity added:

“You know, this code that is being cited by Marc Elias and all these other people negates the very enumerated qualifications in the Constitution, and the specific requirements for somebody not to be eligible to run, and that would be impeachment and conviction. It doesn’t mention anything about being, you know, maybe not following every single dotted i and crossed t in the Presidential Records Act of the National Archives Act.”

Here’s a prediction I would gladly wager as much as $1,000 on: If Donald Trump is indicted, convicted, and imprisoned before the 2024 presidential election and the GOP is dumb enough to nominate him, he’ll lose by the largest margin in U.S. electoral history.


Donald Trump Fox News GOP Whining

WATCH: Fox’s Steve Doocy Puts Elise Stefanik On Full Blast For Attacking The FBI

“Fox & Friends” host Steve Doocy pushed back hard at Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) for her dangerous and hypocritical comments about the FBI on Friday morning, reminding her that the current FBI Director, Christopher Wray, was appointed by none other than disgraced, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump.

Stefanink was asked about the FBI serving a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago earlier this week and replied:

“House Republicans are going to follow the facts and demand accountability and transparenc. The statement by Attorney General Merrick Garland is not nearly enough … this is Joe Biden’s Department of Justice and FBI, targeting his most likely presidential opponent in 2024. It is not news to the American people that President Trump is very likely to run for president. This was incredibly an overreach, it’s un-American, and there’s going to be a lot more questions from the FBI that the American people deserve.”

Doocy countered by reminding Stefanik about Wray’s appointment having been made by Trump:

“Well, of course, the FBI director was appointed by Donald Trump. But Congresswoman, if — and they’re just allegations, and we just have a little taste of the story from The New York Times and The Washington Post — they say, as Peter talked a moment ago, that apparently there was a national security concern about some of the documents, allegedly, at Mar-a-Lago. That they were materials from — they were higher than Top Secret, they were classified higher than that. As you know, they’re called special access programs, and apparently they’re related to nuclear weapons. We don’t know if they’re our weapons, we don’t know if they’re another country’s weapons. But if that is true, and they were just in the basement at Mar-a-Lago, that’s kind of a big deal.”

As you’d expect, the congresswoman, who has long been an eager defending of whatever Trump does, tried to minimize the danger:

“Well certainly, Steve, there’s been a lot of, again, guesses as to, and media reporting. We do not know the facts, which is why it’s important to follow the facts wherever they lead. And that’s why it’s important in our oversight role on the House Intelligence Committee, we continue to see the FBI refuse to answer questions when they create controversies and they overreach, and that should never be the case.”

A quick historical note: In 1953, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed in the electric chair at Sing Sing for allegedly passing nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union.

Is what Trump has done any less serious?

Donald Trump Fox News WTF?!

Judge Jeanine Has On-Air Meltdown While Discussing Mar-a-Lago Warrant: ‘IT’S NOT TRUMP’S FAULT!’

Even though she was once a judge, Fox News host Jeanine Pirro is totally ignorant about the law, especially as it applies to her political hero, disgraced former president Donald Trump.

Pirro and her co-hosts on “The Five” were discussing the warrant served by FBI agents Monday at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago golf club, with former Tennessee Democratic Congressman Harold Ford urging everyone to wait for all the facts before convicting Trump in the court of public opinion or attacking the Justice Department and Attorney General Merrick Garland:

“We should wait for the facts to come out here. The president is presumed innocent.”

But Pirro was having none of it, insisting this was just the latest attempt to destroy Trump:

“I don’t think it speculation at all! You do not break into a house of a guy that you’ve been working with for nine months, that you have to admit has been cooperating with you for presidential records?! No!”


“Can I ask you a question?”


“No! I’m going to answer your question.”

And that’s when Pirro went on an unhinged rant, her voice rising and at times quivering as she spoke:

“And you do not do that and have guys with AR-15 – and women I might add – at the front of Mar-a-Lago. In a situation like this were the man is about to announce for president, if he’s going to run for president. But if I were the lawyer, the first thing I would say is as a citizen of the United States, I want to know from the Department of Justice why you are doing this.

“I want to know from the FBI whether or not this is legitimate because everything you’ve done regarding Donald Trump has been illegal, illegitimate, and immoral up at the and the country knows it. And you have destroyed our faith in the justice system.”

Once again, Ford attempted to ask Pirro a question, to which she replied:

“It’s not Donald Trump’s fault!”

Reportedly, Donald Trump considered nominating Pirro to be his attorney general. That’s a terrifying thought, and her comments are proof that she’s unqualified for any position that requires even-handedness and rational thought. She’s a kook and allegedly has a drinking problem.

If Pirro is so confident Trump did nothing wrong, why doesn’t she urge him to release his copy of the search warrant and inventory of items the FBI seized? Probably because she can’t handle the truth.

Fox News Russia WTF?!

Jeanine Pirro Revels In Brittney Griner’s Prison Sentence: She Won’t  Hear The National Anthem ‘For The Next Nine Years’

It probably shouldn’t surprise anyone that a Fox News employee would be reveling in the fact that WNBA star Brittney Griner was sentenced to 9 years in a Russian prison this week for the “crime” of having a couple of cannabis vape cartridges in her luggage. Those cartridges, it should be noted, had been prescribed by a medical doctor to help Griner alleviate pain from playing basketball.

But Fox host Jeanine Pirro went way over the line with her comments on the sentence, with Media Matters reporting:

“Let’s talk about Brittney Griner. I’m tired of everyone saying she’s a hostage and she’s a political prisoner and all this stuff. She’s been going to Russia since 2014, right? Playing basketball there, making a million dollars or whatever she makes. And she knows what the laws are in Russia. She’s got a vape with cannabis and hashish oil in the vape. She doesn’t deny that it’s hers, she doesn’t deny that she packed it, she just says, I was in a rush.”

As you’d expect, Pirro was just getting warmed up, and she was far from finished doing her verbal dance all over an American citizen’s misfortune:

C”Was the sentence extremely long, overbearing? Absolutely, okay? But she committed a crime. The fact that it’s not a crime in this country — although I don’t know about the hashish oil — doesn’t mean Russia has to abide by our laws. So let’s get all of this straight. She goes to their country, she knows their laws, she knows their culture. And she never said that she was wrongfully interrogated or that somebody planted it on her or that she didn’t put it in there. She said, I was in a rush, I didn’t mean to break the law. Well, hell, most people don’t intend to break the law, except for when they get caught.”

Co-host Sandra Smith asked Pirro:

“So what are you saying? They shouldn’t have this law?”

That led the heartless Pirro to respond:

“No, what I’m saying is, let’s just take off the table the woman who hates the national anthem, who probably is not going to hear it for the next nine years if she’s over there. And that’s something else that tees the hell out of me. You know, you don’t want to hear it, you don’t even want to come out of the locker room? Forget you’re going to take a knee.”

Yeah, thanks a lot, Jeanine. Isn’t it about time for you to grab an extra large box of wine?