Corruption Crime Donald Trump Ivanka Trump

Sworn Deposition Shows Ivanka Lied Under Oath

When she was asked under oath in a sworn deposition she gave regarding possibly illegal fundraising and spending by the 2017 Trump inaugural, Ivanka Trump appears to have lied about her knowledge of how her father’s company, the Trump Organization, was run, and who was in charge of the day-to-day operations of the corporation.

Lying during a deposition is a crime. Just the same as testimony in court while under oath, lying as part of a deposition is also considered perjury.

The possible lies told by Ivanka were revealed by Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, a former close friend of Melania Trump who has soured on the Trumps since they attempted to blame her for the questionable finances of the Trump inaugural committee. Wolkoff posted this excerpt from Ivanka’s deposition on Twitter:

Allen Weisselberg has been the chief financial officer of the Trump Organization since the early 1970s and is considered to be the person who knows where every dollar of the company’s money is raised and spent.

Shortly after Wolkoff made her posting, Trump’s former personal attorney and fixer, Michael Cohen, responded with this:

Ivanka isn’t he first of the Trump children to get caught lying under oath. Her brother, Donald Trump Jr., also appears to have perjured himself, as Mother Jones first reported in April:

“During his deposition, Trump Jr. frequently replied, ‘I don’t recall,’ and he downplayed his involvement in preparation for his father’s inauguration in January 2017. In several exchanges, he made statements that are contradicted by documents or the recollections of others and that appear to be false.”

Don Jr’s. apparent lying was also regarding the 2017 Trump inaugural committee, which is believed to have personally enriched the Trump Organization by tens of millions of dollars, money that was diverted illegally to the Trump family in violation of federal and state law.

Perhaps the truest words ever said by a member of the Trump family were reportedly uttered by the failed, one-term former president, who raged that he wasn’t getting any of the money for the presidential transition:

“Fuck the law. I don’t give a fuck about the law. I want my fucking money.”

For a con man and grifter, it’s always about the fucking money. And it’s clear the Trump children inherited that grifting gene from their old man.


Congress Corruption Crime Sex Scandals

Matt Gaetz Gets Masterfully Trolled – Crowd Begins Singing, ‘She Was Just Seventeen…’

To put it mildly, things are not going well for Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), who is under federal investigation for allegedly sexually trafficking an underage girl and other disgusting shenanigans that could send him to prison for 10 years to life.

Recently, we learned that Gaetz’s longtime friend Joel Greenberg has agreed to enter a guilty plea on charges of sex trafficking and was now cooperating with federal prosecutors in exchange for leniency when sentence is handed down.

And then reports came out that Gatez’s ex-girlfriend is also working with the feds to bring the Florida Republican to justice, with CNN reporting:

“The woman, a former Capitol Hill staffer, is seen as a critical witness, as she has been linked to Gaetz as far back as the summer of 2017, a period of time that has emerged as a key window of scrutiny for investigators. She can also help investigators understand the relevance of hundreds of transactions they have obtained records of, including those involving alleged payments for sex, the sources said.”

Clearly, this has been the weeks from hell for Matty, and he probably didn’t think the situation could get any worse or more humiliating for him.

Until it did.

While he was in Ohio trying to pretend he’s not on the verge of being hit with indictments, Gaetz got trolled by some in the audience who began singing:

“She was just seventeen…”

Now that is some epic trolling, and it set off laughter all over Twitter:

Matt Gaetz is indeed in a world of shit. And he deserves to be laughed at. So let’s make sure we share that video all over social media so it can go viral and humiliate Matty even further.


Donald Trump Politics

Obama Unplugged: Tells Donors Trump Is ‘Corrupt’ And A ‘F**king Lunatic’

Admit, it. You’ve always wondered what former President Barack Obama thought about the clown who took over in 2016 and quickly set about ruining the American economy, failing to contain a deadly pandemic, and turning the United States into a global pariah.


And now, thanks to an excerpt from a soon-to-be published book by Edward-Isaac Dovere entitled Battle for the Soul: Inside the Democrats’ Campaigns to Defeat Donald Trump, we know that in private Obama let it rip and tol Democratic donors exactly that he thought about his successor.

The Guardian published the excerpt from Dovere’s book, and it makes clear Obama had zero respect for the inept Trump:

“He’s a madman,” Dovere reports Obama telling “big donors looking to squeeze a reaction out of him in exchange for the big checks they were writing to his foundation”.

“More often: ‘I didn’t think it would be this bad.’ Sometimes: ‘I didn’t think we’d have a racist, sexist pig.’ Depending on the outrage of the day … a passing ‘that fucking lunatic’ with a shake of his head.”

But perhaps the strongest remarks from President Obama were made when reports surfaced that Trump was talking to foreign leaders — including Russian President Vladimir Putin — about the investigation conducted into the 2016 election and Trump’s possible connections to the Kremlin. Even worse, Trump had those conversations without a single White House aide on the call:

“That corrupt motherfucker.”

Yep. That pretty much says it all, doesn’t it?

Even worse is that Obama is 100% right. Trump is indeed a madman, a lunatic, and a corrupt mofo.

Trump will probably read those Obama quotes and want to respond on Twitter. But he can’t, because he’s banned for life. So that means Obama gets the last word, and that’s certain to enrage Trump even more.

Donald Trump Joe Biden Taxation

White House Throws Major Shade At Trump With Statement On Release Of Joe Biden’s 2020 Tax Return

Monday was officially Tax Day for American taxpayers. Millions of us had to make sure we got our returns into the IRS before the midnight deadline.

As you might expect, the tax deadline also applies to the president of the United States, but during the Trump administration there was a running joke that even if the Donald did actually file a return, he probably did so under protest and may have even taken Internal Revenue to court in order to avoid having to fork over the money.

That’s what makes the statement from the Biden administration regarding the current president’s tax returns even more brilliant in the way it’s clearly meant to throw some epic shade at the previous head of state. Just take a look at this:

Now THAT’S what you call professional trolling, and it was an enormous hit on social media, where you could almost hear people standing and applauding:

Kudos to the White House. Well done.


Congress Corruption Crime Russia

Nunes And Jordan Are Up To Their Necks In Giuliani’s Latest Criminal Scandal

Now that over a month has passed since the FBI served search warrants on the home and office of Rudy Giuliani, new information is coming to light which suggests that the long-term fallout from the Justice Department’s investigation into the former mayor of New York City may also present major legal problems for two Republican members of Congress: Rep. Devin Nunes (CA) and Rep. Jim Jordan (OH).

Nunes name came up when it was revealed that not only did the FBI serve warrants on Giuliani, but also attorney Victoria Toensing, which led former federal prosecutor Daniel Goldman to respond to some tweets regarding Toensing also being on the warrant list:

That shows Nunes is also caught in the conspiracy that the DOJ is now starting to unravel.

As for Jordan, we since learned that he took $3,000 in contributions from Guiliani. That means he’ll also be getting a visit from the FBI very soon, if he hasn’t already.

Jordan was already facing a very uncertain run for another term in Congress next year, and when it was revealed that he’d taken, his likely Democratic challenger, Jeff Sites, remarked:

“It is beyond outrageous that Jim Jordan accepted money from the target of an active federal investigation. It would be improper for any member of Congress, but especially for Jordan, who helps lead the committee supervising the Justice Department while it conducts this probe.”

So while Rudy may be the one currently in the crosshairs, if Nunes and Jordan played any role whatsoever in Giuliani’s crimes, you can bet they’re going to be placed under the microscope, too.

Oh, there’s also the chance that Giuliani will roll over on Donald Trump and result in him being charged. That’s the only card the former president’s attorney has left to play.

Could Rudy wind up destroying the GOP? It’s beginning to look that way.