Congress GOP Joe Biden WTF?!

Greene Goes Blue – Shows Explicit Hunter Biden Photos In An Attempt To Smear His Dad

While she loves to pretend that she’s a Christian who tries to follow the teachings of Christ, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) proved yet again today during a House hearing that she’s little more than a purveyor of filth, innuendo, and outright lies.

The hearing featured whistleblowers from the Internal Revenue Service who were questioned about Hunter Biden’s plea agreement with the Justice Department for tax evasion and illegal possession of a firearm.

Greene, however, was more interested in the lewd and lascivious photos that she no doubt knew would garner headlines for her, announcing, “Before we begin, I would like to let the committee and everyone watching at home [know] that parental discretion is advised.”

The Georgia Republican then asserted that Hunter Biden had engaged in sexual trafficking, even though she clearly didn’t understand the law she claimed had been violated.

“And I would like to point out that if he was purchasing her a plane ticket for sex and traveling across state lines, do you believe that to be a violation of the Mann Act?” Greene asked one of the witnesses.

IRS agent Joseph Ziegler said he couldn’t confirm Greene’s allegation against the president’s son.

Displaying a pornographic image of Hunter Biden, Greene continued:

“So when Hunter Biden paid for this woman to do this with him, to travel across state lines from California to Washington, DC, on June 15th, this is a violation of the Mann Act. This was prostitution.”

Greene then added, “This is evidence of Hunter Biden making sex, excuse me, this is my time, making pornography.”

Once the video began making the rounds on social media, there was a call for Greene to be expelled from Congress for her sickening display.


Economics GOP Joe Biden The Economy

WATCH President Biden Troll Marjorie Taylor Greene During Remarks About Job Creation

Thursday, July 6, 2023 has not been a good day for Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA).

Earlier today, Greene was booted from the right-wing House Freedom Caucus, Politico reports.

A member of the House Freedom Caucus on Thursday confirmed that the conservative group has voted to boot Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) — a vote first reported by POLITICO last week.

“A vote was taken to remove Marjorie Taylor Greene from the House Freedom Caucus for some of the things she’s done,” said Rep. Andy Harris (R-Md.).

Greene, who has closely aligned herself with Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), apparently isn’t extreme enough to please the Freedom Caucus, and her shift to what passes as the “center” of today’s GOP is seen as a betrayal.

A few hours later after the Politico report, President Joe Biden was in Flex LTD in West Columbia, South Carolina to tout new jobs being created in the green energy sector, according to Mediaite, and he couldn’t resist trolling the Georgia Republican in his remarks.

“Since I took office, we’ve seen over 60 domestic manufacturing announcements all across the solar supply chain. One of the biggest is in Dalton, Georgia. You may find hard to believe, but that’s Marjorie Taylor Greene’s district. (Pauses for effect) I’ll be there for the groundbreaking!”

The audience laughed.

Biden continued: “So just today, the Department of Energy announced new incentives for companies to bring solar power manufacturing back to our shores. We’re in a real race. China’s ahead of us. This is another step in helping us meet the goal of 100% clean, renewable energy electricity by 2035, by 2035.”

Biden took a jab at Greene during a private fundraiser a few weeks ago, too, remarking:

“Matter of fact, I’m going to show up for a major initiative and investment that’s taking place in — in North Georgia, in the home of Marjorie Taylor Greene. (Laughter and applause.) It’s a multi-billion-dollar — it’s a multi-multi-million-dollar project. Okay? But I’m going to be there with a spade to turn the dirt, because I said — and I mean it — I — I represent all Americans, whether they’re Democrats or Republicans or whoever they are.”

Greene hasn’t yet responded to the president’s comments, but she likely will, if only because she knows he’s right.


Donald Trump GOP Joe Biden WTF?!

Ted Cruz: We Know A Biden Whistleblower Is Honest Because He’s A ‘Gay Democrat Married To A Man’

You probably thought you’d heard all of the absurd and head-shaking bullshit Republicans have to offer when it comes to justifying their investigations of President Joe Biden.

But consider the stupidity that issued from the pie hole of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on his Verdict podcast this week regarding an IRS whistleblower who alleges that the president’s son, Hunter, got a sweetheart deal from the Justice Department when he was allowed to plead guilty and avoid any prison time for tax fraud.

“The Biden White House desperately, desperately, desperately wants to close the door on all investigations on Joe Biden,” Cruz said. “Not a day in jail, served no jail time at all, for millions of dollars in tax fraud, and David Weiss nowhere addresses the most serious allegations in the whistleblowers’ claims, which are that DOJ blocked any and all investigations into Joe Biden’s corruption.”

The whistleblowers, Cruz continued, should be believed instead of Attorney General Merrick Garland or the U.S. Attorney, David Weiss, who just so happens to be a Trump appointee.

“At this point, the statements between Merrick Garland and David Weiss on one side, and the two IRS whistleblowers on the other side are entirely in conflict. The whistleblowers, as I’ve noted, we have no reason to think they’re lying.”

Oh, and the other reason we should believe every word one of the whistleblowers says, according to the Texas senator, is because “One of them is a gay Democrat who’s married to a man.”

“Both of them are career IRS employees. Neither of them have any indication that they’re in any way, shape or form Republican. And they’ve come over and risked their entire careers by calling out what appears to be a pattern of felonies.”

Oh, well, glad you told us, Ted. Because it’s a well-known fact that a person’s sexuality and who they’re married to makes them more or less credible depending on whether they’re gay or straight.

It is?!

That’s the “logic” Cruz is using: A gay Democrat married to man would never tell a lie about Joe Biden. Right? 

It’s tempting to merely call Ted Cruz a moronic bigot and be done with it. Because he is and always will be.

But Cruz’s ridiculous assertion is emblematic of something much more pernicious: The demonization of LGBTQ Americans when it serves the hateful purpose of right-wing jackasses while simultaneously trying to use a person’s sexuality as proof of their political bona fides. 

It’s a new low, and it shouldn’t surprise anyone that Ted Cruz was the first GOP douchebag to arrive at that point.


Congress GOP Joe Biden

WATCH: House Oversight Chair Whiffs When Asked To Name What Crimes Joe Biden Has Committed

Rep. James Comer (R-KY), chairman of the House Oversight Committee, was unable to answer a simple question during an appearance on Fox this morning, suggesting that House Republicans who claim President Joe Biden has committed crimes even though they cannot even identify what crimes are on the table.

Comer was a guest on “Fox & Friends,” and he was immediately asked by co-host Steve Doocy, “I heard you yesterday refer to them as a crime family, and this was organized crime. So make it easy for us. What was the crime?”

Comer replied, “Well, the crime is trading policy for money.”

Doocy: “Which policy?”

The congressman responded, “Well, we’re going to get into that.”

Comer added, “I mean, look, Joe Biden has on day one, he changed our energy policy in America that put China first and America last.”

Doocy pressed:

“So you’re saying because members of the Hunter Biden family and the extended Joe Biden family got money through various foreign entities, including things like things from China, that the president is compromised.”

Comer: “Absolutely.”

Once more, Doocy followed up.

“How’s he compromised?”

“He’s compromised because he’s taken so much money from China,” Comer insisted, though he provided no evidence to support such a claim.

If Comer or any other Republican had actual evidence or proof that President Biden is compromised or illegally took money from any country, they’d be shouting it from the rooftops 24/7.

However, the GOP has absolutely no substantiation for their claims, so they’re holding hearings and making promises they can’t deliver on.

Just as we saw with Republicans and Hillary Clinton, there’s no there there, so they’ll just keep screaming and investigating in a pathetic attempt to slag Joe Biden.

This entire issue is Benghazi revisited, and it’s disgusting as hell.


Fox News Joe Biden Viral Video

WATCH Katie Porter Swat Down A Fox Reporter’s Pathetic Attack On President Biden

Earlier this week, President Joe Biden had to undergo an emergency root canal procedure, and for some reason that led the fact-free clowns at Fox “News” to suggest it was proof that the president isn’t fit for office.

That led Fox reporter Hillary Vaughn to set up a camera outside the U.S. Capitol and ask Democratic lawmakers as they walked by if they thought Biden’s having to “take off work” was yet another indication that the president is too old to be reelected.

“Do you think he has the stamina for a second term?” Vaughn inquired.

But when Vaughn queried Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) on the matter, the congresswoman didn’t even break stride as she responded, “Have you ever had a root canal?”

Porter later shared the video on Twitter, along with this note:

“Wishing @JoeBiden a speedy recovery!”

The video has since gone viral, with over 365,000 views.

The president later joked about the procedure:

“I apologize for having to reschedule yesterday. I had a lot of fun yesterday afternoon. I had a little toothache problem they took care of.”

Twitter users also joined the debate.