Not content to have already destroyed his own real estate company, the Trump Organization — which is under criminal investigation in multiple jurisdictions — failed, one-term, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump has now decided to launch a social media platform that he believes can compete with Facebook and Twitter, both of which have banned him for his lies about the 2020 election.
Trump made his announcement of the new Trump branded platform (which he’s calling “TRUTH Social”) via his spokesperson, Liz Harrington, who unfortunately hasn’t been kicked off Twitter:
“We live in a world where the Taliban has a huge presence on Twitter, yet your favorite American president has been silenced.”
Actually, the Taliban and Donald Trump have a lot in common, but we’ll leave that discussion for another day.
First of all, just the fact that Trump is calling this TRUTH Social is the height of both hypocrisy and irony. The man doesn’t believe in truth; his every word is a lie.
Also, when you consider that every business the Donald has ever been a part of has either gone bankrupt or is facing indictment, the so-called Trump Media & Technology Group seems destined for a quick collapse. In six months time, it’ll probably be tossed onto the same heap of failure as Trumps steaks, Trump airlines, Trump vodka, and Trump University.
The vast majority of Twitter users who know how to follow the Terms of Service for the platform Trump is so jealous of were only to happy to mock Donnie for his latest harebrained scheme: