Congress Foreign Policy GOP Joe Biden Military WTF?!

Devin Nunes Attacks President Biden For Observing A Moment Of Silence For Our Fallen Troops

For some time now, it’s been very clear that Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) is a self-promoting sack of treasonous shit who will betray his own country in his demented loyalty to fellow traitors such as failed former President Donald Trump.

And yet, despite the many disgusting things Nunes and said and done since arriving in Congress, what he said Thursday — just hours after an attack on American troops in Kabul, Afghanistan — was a new level of crassness, even for him.

During an appearance on Newsmax, Nunes was asked about the terrorist attack which killed 13 U.S. service members by host Greg Kelly. Here’s what the congressman had to say:

“My guess is it’s going to get a lot worse before it gets any better. Let’s just hope and pray that — because that’s about what we’re down to now, are hopes and prayers.

“What you saw Biden do, that I’ve never seen a president do, a moment of silence with the press? I mean, what the hell is going on in this country?”

The moment Nunes was referring to is when President Joe Biden asked for a moment of silence for the lost service members:

Why would anyone have a problem with what the president did? If Trump had done that (and he never would have, because he’s the most immoral and irreligious man to ever be elected president) Nunes would have wet himself in delight and declared him the greatest American in history.

Nunes was slammed for his remarks:

Memo to Devin Nunes: Shut up, traitor.


Joe Biden Social Media The Trump Adminstration WTF?!

Stephen Miller Winds Up Owning Himself When He Accuses Joe Biden Of Causing ‘Immense Human Suffering’

You remember Stephen Miller, don’t you? He’s the former Trump administration factotum who was one of the main architects of the horrific family separation policy that ripped children from their parents for the crime of daring to come to the United States for a better life, the very same thing that the vast majority of our predecessors did at some point, seeking the promise of America and those magical words inscribed on a plaque attached to the Statue of Liberty:

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Yep, Stephen Miller. That Stephen Miller. The man who so hates immigrants that he thinks they should be placed into internment camps reminiscent of the ones where Japanese-Americans were housed during World War II for the crime of daring to be born Japanese.

It seems that Mr. Miller is unhappy with the policies of President Joe Biden. Matter of fact, he thinks the Biden administration is causing “immense human suffering.”

How’s that for the height of both hypocrisy and irony?

Miller has been watching the U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan and is unpleased with how things are going, even though his former boss, Donald Trump, is the one who gave us the shit sandwich we see in Afghanistan. The policy is Trump’s, and he laid it out last May before he lost the election, announcing:

“It’s time after all these years to bring our people back home.”

So Miller decided he’d engage in some obvious psychological projection and fire off this tweet:

What in the hell?! Dude, have you no self-awareness at all? Of course not; you’re a damn Republican.

That’s when Twitter hit back, and Miller got a harsh reminder that he’s pure evil and always will be:

So Stephen Miller wants to lecture us on morals and leadership. That’s rich! He should just sit down, play with his Nazi figurines, and consider how much he looks like Joseph Goebbels.


Congress Donald Trump Joe Biden The Biden Administration WTF?!

Jim Jordan Whines That Everything Would Be Better If Trump Was Still POTUS

Poor little Jim Jordan. The Ohio Republican congressman longs for the days of massive incompetence, vitriol, and double impeachment that were on full display when failed, one-term former President Donald Trump was still in the White House.

All Jimbo can do now is go on Fox News and whine to host Maria Bartiromo that the world has fallen apart under President Joe Biden, even though every metric that counts suggests otherwise.

Gym appeared on the verge of tears as he bemoaned the fall the Afghan capital city, Kabul, and began free-form ranting like a washed up jazz crooner as he completely overlooked facts and reality to put on his sepia-toned glasses and wax morosely:

“I think the first thing is why is Joe Biden on vacation. He hasn’t taken a question. It’s an embarrassing situation for the United States. Frankly, it’s not surprising. Maria, tell me what this administration has done right in their first eight months on the job. We have inflation like crazy, crisis on the border and the economy where it doesn’t need to be and crime surging in every urban areas. We had 11 murders in Chicago two weekends ago. Tell me what they have done right. It’s embarrassing and frightening and we have never seen anything this crazy since back in Vietnam when we had to get people out at the last minute as well.”

Biden is on vacation? He’s at Camp David, which just so happens to have its own Situation Room from which the president can monitor what goes on anywhere in the world. And, better yet, Jordan neglected to mention that he’s also on vacation because Congress is in recess until after Labor Day.

Jordan then harkened back to the dark days of the Trump presidency, which was highlighted by an uncontrolled pandemic, calls for Americans to inject bleach, and a deep recession brought about by Trump’s failure to admit things were as bad as the vast majority of us knew they were:

“So let’s hope we can protect American lives but this would not happen, this would not happen if President Trump was in the White House. We know that. We would not be treated the way we are from our adversaries and what happened in Anchorage, that just would not happen when you project strength and competence from the White House but unfortunately we don’t have that today.”

Really? Trump was withdrawing troops from Afghanistan and wanted to hold “peace talks” with the Taliban. The fall of Kabul can clearly be laid at the feet of Donald Trump and his incompetent Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo.

And that’s not all when it comes to Trump’s foreign policy failures. There was also his attempt to extort Ukraine and Donald’s fawning praise of Russian thug/president Vladimir Putin, a man who has killed thousands of innocents across the globe and also his political opponents shot or dosed with nerve gas.

Jim Jordan is upset because he knows President Biden is delivering results for the American people. All Trump did was enrich himself and his three oldest spawn. The country and the world is better off with Donald Trump as far from the Oval Office as possible.


Coronavirus GOP

Jen Psaki Has The Perfect Comeback After Ron DeSantis Calls Biden A ‘Power-Hungry Tyrant’

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) wants to be president so damn badly! How badly? Enough so that he’s willing to let thousands of Floridians die of COVID-19 while he pretends that everything is just fine in the Sunshine State. He insists mask mandates won’t be allowed on his watch, no matter how many children and senior citizens wind up on ventilators and die in complete isolation, unable to see their families as they take their last, labored breath.

So it should come as no surprise that DeSantis would snipe at the current resident of the White House, President Joe Biden, simply because Biden made this remark on Wednesday while discussing the rise in COVID cases being seen in the states of Florida and Texas:

“I say to these governors: Please help. But if you aren’t going to help, at least get out of the way. The people are trying to do the right thing. Use your power to save lives.”

Biden is trying to save lives, even in Republican-controlled states, because he’s doing what he promised he’d do when he was running in 2020: Be a president for all Americans.

How did DeSantis react to Biden’s remarks? Like a spoiled child. Like a man who cannot accept constructive criticism. We’ve had a president like that, and his name was Donald Trump. He’s one of the main reasons we’re in the fix we see before us right now as it pertains to the coronavirus.

DeSantis told reporters this while he was visiting Panama City and was asked about what the president had said:

“Why don’t you do your job. Why don’t you get this border secured, and until you do that I don’t want to hear a blip about Covid from you.”

Shortly after DeSantis made that snippy soundbite, he was also using it to try and raise money for his reelection efforts in 2022, sending out a blast email in which he pretended to be a tough guy:

“Joe Biden has the nerve to tell me to get out of the way on COVID while he lets COVID-infected migrants pour over our southern border by the hundreds of thousands. No elected official is doing more to enable the transmission of COVID in America than Joe Biden with his open borders policies.”

The governor wants us to believe the reason COVID is spreading is because of immigrants coming into the United States, though he has never presented a scintilla of evidence to support his allegation. He’s bullshitting. He’s lying. He’s using hatred and fear of “the other” to try and cover up his own heartlessness and incompetence.

Or, to put it another way, Ron DeSantis is pulling a Trump.

But White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki had the perfect response to Gov. DeSantis, telling reporters at Thursday’s daily press briefing:

“25% of hospitalizations in the country are in Florida.

“It is also a fact that the governor has taken steps that are counter to public health recommendations. So, we’re here to state the facts. Frankly, our view is that this is too serious, deadly serious to be doing partisan name calling. That’s what we’re not doing here, we’re focused on providing public health data information to the people of Florida, to make sure they understand what steps they should be taking, even if those are not steps taken at the top of the leadership in that state.”

That’s how you deal with an empty suit, wannabe tough guy like Ron DeSantis. The governor should be ashamed of himself. But to feel shame, you have to possess a conscience. Clearly, DeSantis has no conscience. Just hubris, bluster, and bile.


GOP Social Media U.S. Senate WTF?!

Ted Cruz Tried To Troll Joe Biden By ‘Driving’ A Truck – It Backfired Badly On Him

Poor Ted Cruz. The Texas senator wants so badly to pretend that he has a sense of humor and is a master of internet trolling, but the problem is his efforts at trolling always come back to slap him right upside his moronic grin.

This time Teddy decided he’d try to make fun of President Joe Biden, a man who has accomplished more in his life than Cruz ever will.

Cruz saw a posting on the right-wing website The Daily Caller referencing Biden saying that he had once had the honor of driving an 18-wheel truck. Rather than just letting that pass, Teddy thought he’d post a photo of himself sitting in the cab of a truck with the caption: “Pics or it didn’t happen.”

That’s the best Cruz can do? No wonder his Senate colleagues reportedly hate him. He’s a douchebag with no sense of humor who thinks he’s superior to everyone else.

It didn’t take long before Twitter gave Cruz a giant dose of internet karma: