Congress GOP Social Media

Social Media Is Having Fun Predicting Who Will Be Lauren Boebert’s Next Husband

On Tuesday, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) announced that she was divorcing her husband, Jayson, after 18 years of marriage.

Boebert broke the news via a statement:

“It is with a heavy weight on my heart that I have filed for divorce from my husband,” the statement said. “I am grateful for our years of marriage together and for our beautiful children, all of whom deserve privacy and love as we work through this process. I’ve always been faithful in my marriage, and I believe strongly in marriage, which makes this announcement that much more difficult. This is truly about irreconcilable differences.”

According to The Daily Beast, Mr. Boebert didn’t take being told his wife was kicking him to the curb very well.

“Once he learned that he was being served with Dissolution of Marriage papers he was extremely angry,” the process server wrote. “I tried to hand him the documents but [he] did not take them. He started yelling and using profanities, and told me that I was trespassing, and that he was calling the Sheriff’s Office. I told him I was leaving the documents on the chair outside of the door, he closed the door then let the dogs out.”

Speculation has now begun as to whom we might see Lauren walking down the aisle with next. After all, she’s a “Christian,” so she’d have to wed if things get serious with another man.

Twitter had some thoughts on who might be Bobo’s next hubby.

Feel free to add your own choices to the ever-expanding list of possible suitors for the dimmest bulb in Colorado.


Congress GOP

Lauren Boebert Files For Divorce From Her Husband And Twitter Is Having A Field Day

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) filed for divorce from her husband of over two decades, according to The Daily Beast, which obtained the court documents.

The April 25 filing seeks to dissolve her marriage to Jayson Boebert, with whom she shares four sons. An affidavit of service, also obtained by The Daily Beast, indicate that Jayson Boebert appeared to be caught off guard by the court proceedings. He chased away a process server with an expletive-laden tirade and let his dogs loose when he was served with the divorce papers, the affidavit said.

“Once he learned that he was being served with Dissolution of Marriage papers he was extremely angry,” the process server wrote. “I tried to hand him the documents but [he] did not take them. He started yelling and using profanities, and told me that I was trespassing, and that he was calling the Sheriff’s Office. I told him I was leaving the documents on the chair outside of the door, he closed the door then let the dogs out.”

The document noted that Jayson was cleaning a gun and drinking a “tall glass of beer” when he was served.

As you’d expect when it comes to a hypocrite like Congresswoman Boebert, who repeatedly talks about the importance of “family values,” she issued a statement which sounds like something written by a fake Christian who needs to try and make something go away as quickly as possible before she gets back up on her sanctimonious soapbox

“It is with a heavy weight on my heart that I have filed for divorce from my husband,” the statement said. “I am grateful for our years of marriage together and for our beautiful children, all of whom deserve privacy and love as we work through this process. I’ve always been faithful in my marriage, and I believe strongly in marriage, which makes this announcement that much more difficult. This is truly about irreconcilable differences.”

Twitter had a field day with the news.


Congress GOP Immigration

Lauren Boebert Just Proved She Has Absolutely No Idea How Time Works

Colorado Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert has never been the sharpest knife in the proverbial drawer, but something she tweeted out Monday afternoon regarding the situation on the U.S.-Mexico border is now making some wonder if she can even understand how time works.

The subject of Boebert’s tweet was the so-called “surge” taking place at the border since Title 42 ended last week.

Has there been a massive influx of migrants since the policy ended? No. There hasn’t.

The Hill reports:

According to the most recent figures released Monday, the number of encounters at the border fell by about 50 percent in the first three days after Title 42 was abandoned 

Whereas the daily number of such encounters had been predicted to reach somewhere in the ballpark of 13,000, it instead came in around 5,000. There were few scenes of disorder or chaos. 

And yet, Boebert tweeted out this:

Just how stupid is Boebert? Is she unable to read a chart? Or is the congresswoman so mentally challenged that she cannot even understand last week versus this week?

Twitter users were only too happy to answer that question and also mock Boebert for her lack of comprehension.


Congress GOP Social Media

Lauren Boebert Owns Herself By Suggesting She’s Smarter Than Kamala Harris

Colorado Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert is again displaying her own lack of self-awareness and basic intelligence with an attack she made on Vice President Kamala Harris, whom she accused of not being educated.

Commenting on a video she shared on Twitter of the VP making remarks, Boebert wrote, “The same people who will try and knock me for having a GED think this lady represents intelligence and eloquence. Whoever paid for her education wasted their money.”

As Uproxx rightly notes, Boebert’s reported troubles passing the GED are only one reason she’s seen as being one of the most intellectually-challenged members of Congress.

Of course, Boebert misses the point while believing that her GED is why people pile onto her on a regular basis. She has frequently trashed education to the point where she called to abolish the entire education department. And given that she only acquired her GED a mere few months before being elected to Congress, her interest in pursuing it probably had little to do with actual learning. She’s also stepped in on previous occasions by proposing a lot more time for lawmakers to read bills, so there’s that.

This isn’t the first time Boebert has humiliated herself for all the world to see.

When you act perpetually clueless and moronic, you get labeled as such, and it has nothing at all to do with a GED, as Twitter users quickly reminded the doltish Ms. Boebert.


Congress Elections GOP

Lauren Boebert Accused Of ‘Illegally Spending’ $60,000 In Run-Up To 2022 Midterm Election

Colorado Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert is in trouble yet again for illegally spending $60,000 worth of campaign money in the run-up to the 2022 midterm election and reporting it improperly, according to a complaint filed with the Federal Elections Commission (FEC).

End Citizens United filed the complaint. It alleges that Boebert spent some $60,000 on “get out the vote” phone calls and text messages.

Those outreach efforts are considered “in-kind” expenditures, but Boebert’s campaign didn’t report them as such, which is a violation of FEC rules.

According to the complaint, Newsweek reports,”Boebert may have made an illegal in-kind contribution to herself that exceeds the $5,000 limit set by federal law, or spent money to influence another campaign without reporting it, as required by federal law.”

“Congresswoman Boebert used her leadership PAC as a personal bank but, unfortunately for her, this practice is illegal under federal law,” End Citizens United President Tiffany Muller noted.

The details of the expenditures clearly indicate that Boebert and her campaign did indeed violate the FEC rule.

Boebert For Congress reported paying $4,623.22 to Telephone Town Hall Meeting, Inc. for “text message advertising” on October 28, 2022, FEC filings show, while We The People Leadership PAC paid $6,221.73 to Telephone Town Hall Meeting, Inc. for “Voter Contact – GOTV Calls/Texts”

Then, on November 18, 2022, We The People Leadership PAC paid Telephone Town Hall Meeting, Inc. for $53,760.25 for conducting “Voter Contact – GOTV Calls/Texts.”

The group believes that as two of the payments occurred on the same day, this also indicates the leadership PAC’s disbursement was either a contribution to Boebert’s campaign or an independent expenditure in support of Boebert or other candidates.

The congresswoman has not yet commented on the alleged violation.