Congress Economics GOP WTF?!

Republicans Mocked For Claiming It Takes ‘Your Whole Paycheck’ To Eat At The Cheesecake Factory

Did you know that if you decide to have lunch or dinner at the Cheesecake Factory in New York, your tab will likely use up your entire paycheck?

You didn’t know that? There’s a good reason you didn’t: Because it’s a blatant lie.

And yet, that lie is being peddled by House Republicans on social media, with a posting from the House Judiciary Committee.

So let’s take a few minutes to deconstruct and debunk the numerous lies in that tweet.

Flying to New York affordably is still possible, with a fare from Atlanta to the Big Apple costing less than $150. According to Expedia, you can do so for as little as $111.

As for getting robbed in Times Square, the latest crime figures from New York show that major crimes are down, with nearly 500 fewer major crimes in April of this year when compared to 2023.

Hotels overrun with illegal aliens? Also a lie, with New York City Mayor Eric Adams issuing an eviction order for such residences in January.

That brings us to the cost of eating at the Cheesecake Factory in New York, where a quick look at the menu shows you can have a Bistro Burger for $17.95, which is certainly not the average American’s pay for the month or even for a week.

It didn’t take long for online mockery to reach a fever pitch.

Congress Donald Trump GOP Impeachment Joe Biden

Democrat Torches GOP Colleagues For Trying To Impeach Biden Because Trump ‘Ordered’ Them To

During a hearing of the House Rules Committee this morning to discuss Republican plans to open a formal impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden, one of the Democrats on the committee verbally shredded his GOP colleagues for their continued loyalty to former president Donald Trump.

Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) noted that the discussion of a “sham” impeachment had originated with Trump.

“They’re upset Trump lost,” McGovern said referencing the 2020 election. “He’s upset he lost. Some of them still don’t even believe he lost. Many of them are upset that the insurrection didn’t succeed on January 6th. And today, they want to finish the job.”

“Donald Trump says jump,” McGovern added. “The MAGA extremists say, how high? Donald Trump asked them to impeach Joe Biden, and here we are.”

The move to impeach Biden, McGovern noted, is a “national disgrace.”

“I mean, I could be here all day reading quotes from your colleagues, Republicans, who basically have publicly admitted this is a waste of time after a year, after a year. So let’s be honest. We are here because Donald Trump ordered you to be here. He wants to finish the job.”

“We’re here basically because this is what the former disgraced President wants from you.”

Congress Crime Donald Trump GOP Justice Department

House Republicans Demand Jack Smith Give Them All Trump Indictment Documents – Or Else

Perhaps sensing that the federal criminal case progressing against former president Donald Trump on multiple fronts is closer to becoming a slam dunk for Special Counsel Jack Smith, three members of the House Republican caucus are now demanding that Smith and the Justice Department hand over all of the documents related to Trump’s indictment.

According to Eric Cortellessa of Time Magazine, House Oversight Committee members James Comer (R-KY), Jim Jordan (R-OH), and Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) sent a letter in which they demand “all documents and and communications” between Smith and the DOJ that pertain to Trump or his federal indictments.

The three lawmakers also threatened to use a “compulsory process” if Smith doesn’t comply by Dec. 15.

Specifically, Jordan, Comer, and Luna say they want to know how Smith empaneled grand juries and how he decided what witnesses he would offer immunity in exchange for the testimony. In other words, they want to know everything Smith knows even though they aren’t entitled to such information until after the case has concluded.

What “compulsory process” would be used against Smith? That remains unclear, but it’s safe to say no federal court in the country is going to compel the Justice Department to hand over information related to an ongoing criminal prosecution.

Here’s more from Eric Cortellessa, which he shared on Twitter:

Congress GOP

House Republican Pillories Matt Gaetz In Letter Dripping With Sarcasm And Snark

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) might want to take a few days of personal leave from the U.S. House of Representatives, because it seems like each day brings more bad news for him and the GOP as they continue to fumble around in their search for the next speaker of the House.

This time, the criticism is coming from inside the House GOP caucus itself, as Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA) has completely excoriated Gaetz and other Republican extremists who were successful in removing former speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) from his post, but cannot manage to find a replacement that gets the required 217 votes.

In a letter dripping with sarcasm, McClintock directs his comments to Gaetz and seven other right-wing House members who booted out McCarthy despite having no plan for who would follow him.

“Dear Wayward Colleague,” the letter begins. “Your letter of October 20, in which you graciously offer to martyr yourselves as long as you can get your way, is perhaps the most selfless act in American history.”

McClintock then adds:

“Your sacrifice is not in vain. You have succeeded in replacing the outdated concept of majority rule with an exciting new standard that a Speaker must be elected by 98.2 percent of the Republican conference. Someday, a messiah will be born unto us who can achieve this miraculous threshold, and on that day your judgment will be vindicated and you will be hailed as the geniuses that you are.”

But perhaps the most hilarious and utterly sarcastic portion of the letter brings to mind the fact that Gaetz and his fellow extremists shouldn’t be taken seriously, but have to be because they’re holding the entire country hostage at a time when the United States is trying to bolster two allies, Israel and Ukraine, but no aid can be sent to those two countries because the House is in complete disarray,.

“I think we were all truly humbled to learn that your ‘fidelity to Republican virtues and principles remains unwavering.’ Who could not be moved to tears to read that you offer your self-sacrifice ‘sincerely and with the hope of unity with purpose?’

“With this in mind, I modestly suggest that you plan your martyrdom in the only way that truly matters: to have the wisdom to see the damage you have done to our country and to have the courage to set things right before it is too late. I enclose a proposed resolution that perhaps one of you can offer as we begin the fourth week of national paralysis and as the world burns around us.”

Reading the letter, it sort of makes you wonder if perhaps Tom McClintock should put his name into consideration for speaker of the House. If nothing else, his speech to the Congress would be epic and unforgettable.

Here’s the full letter, via Juilegrace Brufke of Axios:


Congress GOP

House Republicans Curse And Verbally Assail Matt Gaetz At Thursday Closed-Door Meeting

A Thursday closed-door meeting of the House GOP conference devolved into a cursing and shouting match as several Republicans excoriated Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) for making them the subject of endless jokes because they cannot come to a consensus on replacing the person Gaetz removed as speaker of the House earlier this month.

According to CNN’s Manu Raju, things got ugly and nearly came to blows, Mediaite reports.

“It has devolved into a back-and-forth, tense words being exchanged, swear words being exchanged, including at one point the former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy telling Matt Gaetz, who led the effort to oust him, to sit down.”

Gaetz refused to do as he was told, and that’s when the meeting took a serious turn for the worse, Raju continued.

“Gaetz didn’t, some other members cursed at him. One member, Mike Bost, went after him as well, cussing at him several times, we’re told. Also a number of members called on Jim Jordan, the speaker nominee for the Republican Party, to drop out. That is something that Jordan is refusing to do. Basically, where this stands right now is that Jordan has said that he would support making Patrick McHenry, the interim speaker, giving him more legislative power to move through the legislative process, take up bills that have been essentially paralyzed amid this fighting within the House. But he says he will not drop out of the race to be speaker.”

Other reporters confirmed Raju’s account.

Even worse for the GOP is that nothing was accomplished, with pro-Jordan supporters in the caucus insisting there could be no middle ground:

Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) told reporters after the meeting, “It’s absurd. It’s the biggest F-you to Republican voters I’ve ever seen.”

Gaetz and the extremist MAGA caucus members in the House are directly responsible for removing McCarthy and making their party look like the Keystone Cops. It’s no wonder so many of their colleagues are furious with them and launching F-bombs in their general direction.