Congress GOP Immigration

Lauren Boebert Just Proved She Has Absolutely No Idea How Time Works

Colorado Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert has never been the sharpest knife in the proverbial drawer, but something she tweeted out Monday afternoon regarding the situation on the U.S.-Mexico border is now making some wonder if she can even understand how time works.

The subject of Boebert’s tweet was the so-called “surge” taking place at the border since Title 42 ended last week.

Has there been a massive influx of migrants since the policy ended? No. There hasn’t.

The Hill reports:

According to the most recent figures released Monday, the number of encounters at the border fell by about 50 percent in the first three days after Title 42 was abandoned 

Whereas the daily number of such encounters had been predicted to reach somewhere in the ballpark of 13,000, it instead came in around 5,000. There were few scenes of disorder or chaos. 

And yet, Boebert tweeted out this:

Just how stupid is Boebert? Is she unable to read a chart? Or is the congresswoman so mentally challenged that she cannot even understand last week versus this week?

Twitter users were only too happy to answer that question and also mock Boebert for her lack of comprehension.


By Andrew Bradford

Proud progressive journalist and political adviser living behind enemy lines in Red America.

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