Crime Domestic Terrorism

Jailed Capitol Insurrectionist Whines He Has ‘No Privacy When Sh*tting’

Listen my children and you shall hear of the endless whining, moaning, and kvetching of the dillholes who participated in the January 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol but now want us to feel sorry for them and extend our sympathy in their direction just because they assure us they’re ever so sorry and will never do it again.

And to that, let the congregation say: BULLSHIT! YOU GOT WHAT YOU DESERVED!

Today we pay a visit to Joe Biggs, a member of the Proud Boys domestic terror group that goes around attacking anyone they disagree with in the name of white supremacy and/or law and order.

Biggs is currently incarcerated and awaiting trial for his role in what transpired earlier this year when thousands of pro-Trump asshats stormed the Capitol and caused the deaths of five people, including a police officer, even though these right-wing douches love to profess their support for law enforcement.

But things are not going well for Biggs in lockup, and he whined to a friend of his in a letter that they’re feeding him “soy-based” meals that are already “weakening his body.”

Boo freaking hoo! Someone get this snowflake a tissue already!

Oh, and Biggs is also deeply distressed that he hasn’t been able to exercise:

“Today is my 3 month anniversary being locked up. Not allowed to work out. My body feels as if it’s aged too much. Can hardly move.”

That’s too bad, Joe, but you know the old saying: Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.

Bur perhaps most terrifying of all for Biggs is that he (gasp!) has no privacy when he uses the bathroom. Horror of horrors! Just listen to him explain his situation:

“No privacy allowed when shitting allowed.”

Be sure and notice that Biggs refers to himself as a “political prisoner.” He’s a terrorist and a thug, and now he’s being treated like one and he doesn’t care for it. Oh well, that’s too damn bad.

In the months ahead, we’re going to be hearing lots of sob stories from these losers, and the only thing they deserve in response is a shrug of the shoulders and middle finger salute. After all, they’re the same people who demanded every child be ripped from his or her parents for attempting to come to the United States in search of a better life and chanted “lock her up!” endlessly anytime their lord and savior Donald Trump made a speech.

If any of these miscreants want sympathy, they can buy a greeting card in the prison commissary.


Donald Trump Elections Fox News WTF?!

Tucker Carlson Threatens Another Insurrection If Election ‘Audits’ Aren’t Believed

If you’re like most rational American television viewers, you don’t watch Fox News for the same reason you don’t eat out of the toilet.

And things are getting even more noxious and disturbing over at Fox, especially when it comes to the nightly ramblings and conspiracy theories of Tucker Carlson, who seems to be threatening that another insurrection much like the one that took place on January 6 at the U.S. Capitol is going to happen if Congress doesn’t agree to accept the results of the bogus “audits” taking place in states such as Arizona.

On his show, according to Media Matters, Carlson referenced what he dubbed “fraud” that had allegedly taken place in the counting of ballots in Fulton County, Georgia, telling viewers:

“We already know what happened. We’ve counted those same ballots four times. The election has been certified. Stop already,” Carlson said mockingly. “And that’s the argument that Fulton County has used in court to keep those ballots locked away in a warehouse. Except it’s not true. It now appears there actually was meaningful voter fraud in Fulton County, Georgia, last November. That is not a conspiracy theory; it’s true.”

No, it isn’t true. Not even a little bit.

Specifically, Carlson and other right-wing clowns have suggested that batches of ballots were double-scanned to increase the vote total for Democrats. But that lie has already been debunked on numerous occasions:

“Just as with prior conspiracy theories about the election in Georgia, this scrutiny on ballot scans in the initial count is conveniently ignoring a simple fact: There was already a manual hand recount of the 5 million paper ballots in the state, which corrected a few mistakes in local areas but did not significantly alter Biden’s victory in the state. As a result, the double-scanning of some small number of ballots in the initial count would no longer have an impact even in a very close race.”

According to Carlson, yet another audit is needed in Georgia. And if there isn’t one — if all the absurd demands of right-wing conspiracy theorists who cannot accept the results of the 2020 election are not met — there’s going to be another insurrection by crazies who refuse to accept certified facts:

“Without answers to legitimate questions like the one we just posed — and those are legitimate questions — democracy dies. People begin to understand that the system they’ve been told is on the level is in fact rigged, and when they believe that, God knows what they do next.”

That’s almost the same exact wording Carlson used to justify the Jan. 6 insurrection. He told viewers then:

“If people begin to believe that their democracy is fraudulent, if they conclude that voting is a charade, the system is rigged and it is run in secret by a small group of powerful, dishonest people who are acting in their own interests, then God knows what could happen.”

God knows why Tucker Carlson is allowed to remain on the airwaves and spew his dangerous, incendiary rhetoric. But as long as he is, none of us are safe.


Donald Trump Fox News Social Media WTF?!

Maria Bartiromo Gets Shredded For Pushing New And ‘Incredibly Sick’ Capitol Riot Conspiracy

Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo set off a firestorm of criticism on social media Sunday for a conspiracy theory she pitched during an interview with failed, one-term former President Donald Trump.

Trump began the lying by asserting that the government official who shot Capitol insurrectionist Ashli Babbitt “was the head of security for a certain high official. A Democrat. It’s gonna come out.”

That was all Bartiromo needed to start spewing bullshit, claiming (with zero substantiation) that she had asked Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) for “answers,” but had been rebuffed by the senator.

But as many on Twitter pointed out, both Trump and Bartiromo are both clearly trying to incite more violence. One Twitter user noted:

“This is incredibly sick stuff. Maria Bartiromo’s show has become the go-to platform for the most malevolent garbage the MAGA crowd wants to circulate.”

Others also lit up Bartiromo (who pretends to be a journalist) for her irresponsible remarks:

Donald Trump Sedition

An Obscure 19th Century Federal Law Could Finally Rid Us Of Donald Trump

Since January 6, it’s been clear that the rioters who stormed the U.S. Capitol and staged an insurrection were operating at the urging of former President Donald Trump, and it now appears that he can be charged in a way that would keep him from ever serving in public office again.

Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe was a guest on MSNBC, and he was asked by host Alex Witt:

“So, Laurence, the DOJ has actually named Trump, they’ve cited his false claims about the election, this in a legal argument to try to keep an accused capitol rioter under monitoring. Does that connection create any legal jeopardy for him?”

Tribe responded:

“Well, it’s at least an indication that they’re beginning to connect the dots.

“That is, if it is the case as the Department of Justice has asserted in saying that somebody ought to be constantly monitored and not trusted to be completely at liberty, if they’re saying that part of what is fomenting violence even now is the claim by Trump and some of his followers that the election was stolen, and if that is fomenting violence now, then the claim that it was all stolen and that the mob should use force to prevent the transition of power to Joe Biden by interrupting the counting of the electoral votes on January 6th, all of that seems to be part and parcel of a violation of a very important federal criminal law that goes back to the civil rights, civil war era. That is, 18 U.S.C § 2383.”

That just so happens to be the section of federal law that covers rebellion or insurrection against the government. It reads:

“Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”

According to Prof. Tribe:

“That law, I think, may well apply to Donald Trump.”

If it does, not only would Trump go to prison, he would also be ineligible for any public office for the rest of his miserable life.

Here’s Professor Tribe on MSNBC:


Crime Elections

Former Federal Prosecutor Predicts Trump Will Be Charged For Inciting The Capitol Insurrection

A few weeks ago, we learned that the Justice Department had formally charged four more members of the Oath Keepers for their role in the Capitol insurrection which took place on January 6, with CNN reporting:

“The Justice Department has added four new defendants to the federal criminal conspiracy case against Oath Keepers who allegedly prepared for and took part in the US Capitol riot, according to a new indictment made public in DC District Court on Sunday.”

There are also reports that 510 individuals have been charged for their connection to the Jan. 6 incident at the Capitol:

“The number of people charged in the insurrection is expected to keep growing as FBI agents pore through video footage, social media posts, phone location data, and tips from the public.”

However, these latest developments beg a much larger question: Will failed, one-term former President Donald Trump be charged for inciting the thousands of his supporters who stormed the Capitol?

Former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner says he has no doubt that Trump will indeed be charged by the DOJ, telling SiriusXM host Dean Obeidallah that the new charges against the Oath Keepers are very revealing:

“The date for the insurrection was chosen by Donald Trump, they were incited to violence by Donald Trump and I think you have all of the building blocks you need for a charge of inciting insurrection against Donald Trump. And as to seditious conspiracy, you know they’re still building to that. A conspiracy is an agreement between two or more people to commit a crime and then one of the conspirators taking an act toward the commission of that crime called an overt act.”

Kirschner added that there is other evidence to suggest a conspiracy:

“This is more of what I would say is a call and response conspiracy; the leader said I want you to come to DC, it will be ‘wild.’ I want you to assemble, now that you’re here I’m going to lift you up here are my mouthpieces: Don, Jr, Mo Brooks, Giuliani, they’re going to tell you things like go down there and have trial by combat, fight for your vote because they’re in that building stealing it. Now I, as the inciter in chief, am telling you get down to the Capitol and stop what’s going on in that building.”

All of this, Kirschner concluded, will leave Attorney General Merrick Garland no choice but to allow for charges to be brought against Trump for his role in the insurrection which led to the deaths of five people, including a police officer:

“Do you think that guy (Garland) is going to let Donald Trump bring our democracy to an end, he’s going to let the Republicans in Congress end the American experiment?! No way.

“They are building to charges against Donald Trump, I can feel it in my bones.”

It’s hard to disagree with Kirschner’s logic. After all, the insurrection would never have taken place had it not been for what Trump and others said at the White House shortly before the storming of the Capitol began. To allow Trump to get away with such actions would be to invite future, more hideous and deadly events.

The American republic is too precious to allow the horror Trump and his minions have already spawned to go unpunished.