Foreign Policy GOP U.S. Senate

WATCH Tom Cotton Throw Major Shade At Josh Hawley During A Debate On NATO Expansion

It’s beginning to look like Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) is becoming persona non grata with some of his Senate colleagues, even those on his side of the aisle who used to agree with him.

Was it Hawley’s willingness to overturn the 2020 election or the fact that he got caught running like a scared little boy when rioters attacked the Capitol on January 6, 2021? Whatever the reason, there seems to be a minor tectonic shift taking place among Senate Republicans.

For example, during floor debate Wednesday on Finland and Sweden being admitted into the NATO alliance, Hawley stood up and urged his colleagues to vote against NATO expansion.

That didn’t sit well with Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), who did everything but call Hawley out by name, commenting:

“How could one disagree? After all, the last countries to join NATO — Montenegro and North Macedonia — were each approved by the Senate with only two ‘no’ votes.”

Cotton argued that Finland and Sweden are just as deserving as previous NATO members, noting:

“Let’s be honest. Who can oppose the much stronger cases for Finland and Sweden, countries that are far larger, far more capable and far more strategically situated?”

And then Cotton directed his comments at Hawley without even saying his name:

“It would be strange indeed for any senator who voted to allow Montenegro or North Macedonia into NATO to turn around and deny membership to Finland and Sweden.

“I would love to hear the defense of such a curious vote.”

It may surprise you to learn that this isn’t the first time Cotton has been critical of Hawley, as KATV reported two days after the Capitol riots:

“You had some senators who, for political advantage, were giving false hope to their supporters, misleading them into thinking that somehow yesterday’s actions in Congress could reverse the results of the election or even get some kind of emergency audit of the election results,” Cotton said. “That was never going to happen.”

Could there be a rift developing in the GOP, or is Cotton merely trying to damage Hawley as soon as possible since both are considered possible presidential contenders in 2024? Whatever the reason, let’s hope it continues and weakens the Republican Party.

Congress GOP Social Media

Lauren Boebert Humiliates Herself With A Tweet About Begging For ‘Acceptance’

Perhaps you’re wondering what’s going today in the World of Stupid. If so, it probably won’t surprise you to learn that Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) is one of the headlines in that particular department.

Out of nowhere Wednesday, Boebert posted this on Twitter:

“Don’t beg for acceptance from people who hate you.”

And this is in reference to what exactly? She failed to make that clear, which isn’t exactly new when it comes to Boebert. After all, this is the same woman who has previously left us all scratching our heads with these pearls of idiocy:

Regarding calls for gun control to reduce mass shootings, Boebert remarked, “When 9/11 happened, we didn’t ban planes, we secured the cockpits.”

She attacked the Walt Disney Company by misspelling the name of Mickey Mouse.

Or perhaps you prefer a lovely Thanksgiving message:

“Today I’m thankful to have ZERO Brandon voters in my family! Just enjoying the day maskless, not waiting in the garage to do a PCR test, and no soy replacement meat in sight.”

Reaction to Bobo’s “acceptance” tweet was priceless. Take a look:

When it comes to begging for acceptance, perhaps Lauren can explain this:


Right Wing Morons

Alex Jones Sinks His Own Defense By Admitting The Sandy Hook Massacre Was ‘100 Percent Real’

As he tries to avoid having to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in damages for claiming the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary was fake, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones was forced to admit under oath Wednesday morning that the horror which left 26 people dead, including 20 children aged six and seven, was indeed real.

Testifying in a trial that will decide how much in damages Jones has to pay for his lies about Sandy Hook, the host was asked if he understood “how crazy” it was to claim no one died at the school. He claimed he was “under a lot of pressure at the time” and added:

“It was, especially since I’ve met the parents. It’s 100 percent real, and the media still ran with lies that I was saying it wasn’t real…They won’t let me take it back.”

Of course, if Jones hadn’t said such disgusting things in the first place, he wouldn’t need to take them back.

On Tuesday, parents of one of the victims testified, Mediaite reports:

Jones’ testimony came a day after Neil Heslin and Scarlett Lewis, the parents of 6-year-old Sandy Hook victim Jesse Lewis, testified about the torment they’ve experienced since Jones claimed that their son was a child actor. Heslin testified that Jones claims have made his life “living Hell,” and Lewis spoke directly to Jones on the stand as she said “I wanted to tell you to your face because I wanted you to know that I am a mother first and foremost. And I know that you are a father and my son existed. You’re still on your show today trying to say that I’m, implying that I’m an actress, that I am ‘deep state.’”

Jones has already been found guilty of defamation, and the family is seeking $150 million in damages due to the threats and harassment they’ve received since Jones began telling his falsehoods about what happened at Sandy Hook.

Right Wing Morons

Alex Jones Repeatedly Gets Told To Stop Lying By Judge As He Testifies: Video

Tuesday was right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ day in the dock as he testified in his own defense as part of a massive defamation case brought against him by parents of the children killed by a mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in 2012.

As usual, however, Jones resorted to outright lies to defend himself and was repeatedly admonished for doing so by Judge Maya Guerra Gamble.

At one point, Judge Gamble told Jones:

“Mr. Jones, you may not say to this jury that you complied with discovery. That is not true. You may not say it again.”

Jones also claimed he was bankrupt, only to be reminded by the judge that while he has filed for bankruptcy, it has not yet and may never be approved:

“You may not tell this jury that you are bankrupt. That is also not true. You may have filed for bankruptcy, I don’t know that but I have heard that. That doesn’t make a person or a company bankrupt. You’re already under oath to tell the truth. You’ve already violated that oath twice today in those two examples. It seems absurd to instruct you again that you must tell the truth when you testify. Yet, here I am. You must tell the truth while you testify. This is not your show. You need to slow down and not take what you see as opportunities to further the message that you’re wanting to further. Instead, only answer the specific and exact questions you’ve been asked. No asides. The comments about discovery. The comments about the larynx or whatever it was.”

The larynx reference was in response to Jones saying during his testimony that he’d had surgery on his throat. He also claimed he’d had a tooth pulled when Judge Gamble told him he couldn’t chew gum in court. When Jones attempted to argue, the judge informed him:

“None of those were responses to questions. They’re just you abusing my tolerance and making asides to the jury improperly and in at least two cases, untruthfully. Do you understand what I have said?”

When he attempted to make more excuses, the judge pointedly asked:

“Yes or no! Do you understand what I have said.”


“Yes. I believe what I said was true. So, I don’t know —”

Exasperated, Judge Gamble interjected:

“Yes, you believe everything you say is true, but it isn’t. Your beliefs do not make something true. That is what we’re doing here. Just because you claim to believe something is true does not make it true. It does not protect you. It does not allow — you’re under oath. Those things must actually be true when you say them.”

When he attempted to speak again, Gamble told Jones:

“Don’t talk. Do you understand what I have said?”

Jones meekly replied:

“I do understand.”

Here’s the video:


Foreign Policy Fox News Terrorism The Biden Administration

WATCH John Kirby Swat Down A Fox Host For Saying Al Qaeda ‘Feels Pretty Good’ After Drone Strike

National Security Council Coordinator John Kirby gave Fox News host Brian Kilmeade a lesson in foreign policy and how to fight terrorism during an interview on the network Tuesday.

Kilmeade began the interview by trying to downplay the killing of Al Qaeda leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri by a drone strike in Afghanistan:

“I do think that one would believe if the leader of the Taliban — excuse me — the leader of Al Qaeda is not in a cave or hiding out in the mountains of Pakistan. That he’s on the balcony in the capitol, that Al Qaeda feels pretty good about their presence in that country and there’s more than just one guy.”

“But that’s not good news for us.”

Kirby, a retired Navy rear admiral, responded:

“I’d actually throw that back a little, Brian. I don’t think they’re feeling too good about being in Afghanistan right now.”


“Really? If they were worried about it, they would be hiding in Pakistan where we couldn’t even find them.”

And that’s when Kirby took Kilmeade to school and gave him a lesson in how to fight terrorism abroad:

“I mean, I don’t think Al Qaeda can look at what happened over the last 48 hours and feel like Afghanistan is going to be much of a safe haven for them. We have proven that over-the-horizon counterterrorism capability works.”

Al Qaeda is on the run and trying to find a new leader. Their power and reach are greatly reduced, and we are all safer as a result.

If Trump had killed Zawahiri, Fox would be ready to hold a ticker tape parade. But because Joe Biden pulled it off (much the same way former President Barack Obama sent Osama bin Laden to a watery grave), Brian Kilmeade is trying to make sure the current president doesn’t get any credit. It’s the same old shit from Fox.