Abortion GOP The Biden Administration

Jen Psaki Has The Perfect Response To Greg Abbott’s Absurd Pledge That He’ll ‘Eliminate All Rapists’

On Tuesday, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott made an absurd statement regarding how he planned to “eliminate all rapists” in response to a question about what women in the Lone Star State are supposed to do if they’re raped and don’t want to carry the child to term now that the state has all but made all abortions illegal.

Abbott was asked:

“Why force a rape or incest victim to carry a pregnancy to term?”

Abbott replied:

“It doesn’t require that at all because obviously, it provides at least six weeks for a person to get an abortion. That said, however, let’s make something clear. Rape is a crime, and Texas will work tirelessly to make sure that we eliminate all rapists from the streets of Texas by aggressively going out and arresting them and prosecuting them.”

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked about what Abbott said at her press briefing Wednesday afternoon, and her reply has quickly gone viral:

“Well if Governor Abbott has a means of eliminating all rapists or all rape from the United States then there’d be bipartisan support for that. But given there has never in the history of of the country, in the world, been any leader who’s ever been able to eliminate rape, eliminate rapists from our streets, it’s even more imperative—it’s one of the many reasons I should say not the only reason—why women in Texas should have access to healthcare.”

She then added:

“So it does not change our objectives, does not change our commitment. The Department of Justice, the Attorney General, announced a step on Monday. Our Department of Justice is continuing to look at legal options. Our Department of Health and Human Services is also continuing to look at all options and the president has made clear that it’s a priority to do everything that we can to ensure that women in Texas have access to healthcare.”

And there it is: The perfect way to counter these right-wingers who want to keep women from controlling their own reproductive choices. This isn’t about abortion. It’s about the right to choose what happens to your body. It’s about health care and letting women make the most personal and difficult decision any person can ever have to make.

The government doesn’t belong in the bedroom or the doctor’s office. And it damn sure doesn’t belong in anyone’s uterus.


Abortion GOP Reproductive RIghts in America WTF?!

Abbott: Texas Women Who Are Raped Won’t Need Abortions Because I’ll ‘Eliminate All Rapists’

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) said Tuesday that women in his state who are raped need not worry they won’t be able to get an abortion because he plans to “eliminate all rapists” in the Lone Star State.

At a signing ceremony for yet another piece of bad legislation (which makes it harder to vote in Texas), Abbott was asked:

“Why force a rape or incest victim to carry a pregnancy to term?”

The governor responded:

“It doesn’t require that at all because obviously, it provides at least six weeks for a person to get an abortion. That said, however, let’s make something clear. Rape is a crime, and Texas will work tirelessly to make sure that we eliminate all rapists from the streets of Texas by aggressively going out and arresting them and prosecuting them.”

No need to worry, ladies. Gov. Abbott is going to do what has never been done in the history of the world: Completely eliminate rape by arresting all the rapists and prosecuting them for the crime. Why didn’t anyone think of that sooner? This Abbott guy must be a freaking genius!

Actually, he’s as dumb as a damn stump.

What Abbott conveniently neglected to mention was that rape is already an underrated crime because women feel shame when it happens to them. And yet now Texas wants to all but guarantee that women and girls who are raped or victims of incest have no choice but to give birth. It’s beyond horrific; it’s inhumane and outright torture.

Even worse, for Abbott to pretend he actually gives a damn is also perverse. If he cared, it wouldn’t have signed the anti-abortion law in the first place. If he cared, he wouldn’t try to make it harder for people to vote.

But like nearly every Republican in today’s GOP, Greg Abbott only cares about himself and his own self-aggrandizement. Everyone else is secondary to his political ambitions. Too bad there isn’t a law to cover that crime.


Coronavirus Social Media

High School Girl Flips Off Anti-Mask Protesters And Becomes An Internet Sensation

A high school girl in Vermont became an instant social media hero after she flipped anti-mask protesters off and a photo of her reaction spread like wildfire on social media.

The protesters have been outside the girl’s school — Champlain Valley Union High School — each morning recently, so Meagan Downey texted a message to her mother, Fiona, that read:


That uplifted middle finger was captured by Glenn Russell of the VT Digger:

Philip Lewis of HuffPost then tweeted out a screen capture of the photo, and it went viral in no time:

That was all it took for others to give Meagan a big pat on the back for the way she chose to disagree:

As a matter of fact, mom was indeed proud:

Supreme Court

Jen Psaki Schools Male Reporter On ‘Choices’ After He Asks Absurd Question About Abortion

Less than 24 hours after the U.S. Supreme Court refused to strike down a restrictive Texas law which forbids nearly 85% of all abortions in the state, the Biden administration made it clear it will not sit by and allow women across the United States to be denied a right they are guaranteed under Roe v. Wade, the landmark decision handed down in 1973 which established that states may not seek to control a woman’s reproductive freedom.

President Joe Biden had this to say Thursday afternoon in an official statement:

“It unleashes unconstitutional chaos and empowers self-anointed enforcers to have devastating impacts,” Biden, a Democrat, said in a statement directing federal agencies to act to protect the right to abortion enshrined in the high court’s landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. “Complete strangers will now be empowered to inject themselves in the most private and personal health decisions faced by women.”

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki also commented on the ruling by the high court, noting:

“The effort and the focus of the federal government is to look for every resource, every level at our disposal to ensure that women in Texas have the ability to seek healthcare.”

That led Owen Jensen, the White House correspondent for EWNT — The Eternal Word Television Network — to ask:

“Why does the president support abortion when his own Catholic faith teaches abortion is morally wrong?”

Without a moment of hesitation, Psaki expertly swatted down Wilson by telling him:

“He believes that it is a woman’s right, a woman’s body, her choice. He believes it is up to a woman to make those decisions and make those decisions with her doctor. I know you have never faced those choices nor have you been pregnant. But for women out there who have faced those choices, this is an incredibly difficult thing in the president believes that their rights should be respected.”

Boom! Game, set, and match, Jen Psaki.

It shouldn’t be required to teach Americans that church and state are supposed to be kept separate under our form of government. It’s enshrined in the damn Constitution! As Thomas Jefferson himself once wrote:

“Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burned, tortured, fined and imprisoned. What has been the effect of this coercion? To make one half the world fools and the other half hypocrites; to support roguery and error all over the earth.”

The Texas attack on a woman’s right to choose will backfire on the state and on Republicans nationally. It may well hand the 2022 election to Democrats at the local, state, and national level.

When it comes to the right to choose, we should leave those decisions to the women who have to make them.


Congress Domestic Terrorism Elections

Former FBI Official: Jim Jordan Has Backed Himself Into A Corner With The Jan. 6 Select Committee

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) is one of the most disgusting people to ever serve in Congress, and it now looks like he’s caught in a no-win situation that could leave both him and his idol, former President Donald Trump, facing criminal charges, according to a former top FBI official.

Frank Figliuzzi is the former assistant director for counterintelligence at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and he says things are about to get much worse for Jordan.

Appearing on “Deadline: White House,” Figliuzzi was asked about the fact that Jordan cannot recall how many times he spoke with Trump on the day of the Capitol insurrection. Figliuzzi replied:

“I think we now know why Nancy Pelosi had to reject Jim Jordan. He is a fact witness and he’s going to get a very complicated future ahead of him. Here is why: First, he claims that he can’t remember how many times on Jan. 6th he called the president or what time of day, that’s easily remedied by simply checking your phone log and checking that date. If he can’t do it, the phone company will be more than happy to supply the select committee with that. That’s going to happen eventually. Next, he’s in a trick bag because if he concedes, as has been reported, that he actually called the president and said, ‘stand this crowd down, they’re inside, it is getting violent, you’ve got to stop them,’ that implies, of course, that he believed Trump controlled the crowd and had the ability to stop or start the crowd.”

That, Figliuzzi noted, is a nightmare for Trump, and it also implicates Jordan as part of a larger conspiracy that could result in federal criminal charges:

“It hurts him because if he thinks the people were violent he goes back home to Ohio and his voter base says, wait a minute, those were patriots, those weren’t violent people. So, he can’t win there either. This gets extremely complicated.”

If we’re lucky, both Jordan and Trump will be destroyed for whatever roles they played in the Jan. 6 riots. And both of them deserve to be charged, tried, and found guilty of sedition and inciting an insurrection. Let the chips fall where they may.