Donald Trump Social Media

Trump Gets Brutally Mocked After His July 4th ‘Revenge Rally’ Is Canceled

In a desperate attempt to remain relevant and and savor the applause of his fanatical followers, failed, one-term former President Donald Trump was planning a July Fourth rally at the USS Alabama Battleship Memorial Park in Mobile Bay.

But that rally won’t be taking place, according to

“Plans for former President Donald Trump to return July 4th weekend to the city many credited with lending legitimacy to his 2016 campaign after USS Alabama Battleship Memorial Park commissioners reportedly did not sign off on a plan for Trump to hold a rally at the Mobile site.”

NBC 15 News went into greater detail about what had led commissioners to tell Trump he wasn’t welcome:

“‘After the request was made, then there was contact with the Republican Party, they contacted us and then it became apparent that it was going to be a partisan political event, rather than just a patriotic event planned for that evening,’ commission chairman Bill Tunnell.

“Tunnell says commissioners sought an opinion from the attorney general’s office in late May. NBC 15 News obtained Attorney General Steve Marshall’s response which stated there was little time for a formal opinion to be rendered but did note the park may be used for political events provided access is ‘available for all political parties and candidates on an equal basis.'”

It goes without saying that Trump would never agree to allow others to have access to the park because he insists on being the center of attention and cannot stand the thought of someone speaking after he does and making fun of his remarks, which are all but guaranteed to be the same bullshit about how the 2020 election was stolen from him (it wasn’t) and vapid promises that he’ll be “reinstated” to the Oval Office as soon as August or whenever the MyPillow clown decides is the new date for that never-gonna-happen event.

Trump gave his grievance speech in Ohio last weekend:

As if the cancellation of Trump’s rally isn’t enough to make you smile, the mockery that followed on Twitter makes it even sweeter:

Maybe Donnie can get a speaking gig at Rikers Island after he’s indicted. He’d certainly have a captive audience.

Social Media WTF?!

Eric Trump Thought He’d Attack Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff – BIG Mistake

In a desperate attempt to pretend he’s still relevant, Eric Trump sent out a tweet that raised questions about his mental stability and left most people scratching their heads.

HuffPost notes that Eric wanted to announce that he’d just unsubscribed from the email list of Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, the husband of Vice President Kamala Harris:

“Ex-President Donald Trump’s son shared what appeared to be a screenshot showing a successful unsubscribe. Checked was a box explaining it was because ‘the emails are inappropriate.’

“’Second Gentleman’ — the formal moniker for Emhoff — was underlined.

“Trump captioned his post with the #unsubscribe hashtag.”

How pathetic was the tweet? So much so that Eric later deleted it, but not before everyone had seen it. That set off a wave of mockery aimed in Eric’s direction:

There’s an old saying that certainly applies to every member of the Trump family: Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

Social Media U.S. Senate

Ted Cruz Picked A Twitter Fight With Trevor Noah – That Was A BIG Mistake

There are few people in this country who are as widely disliked as Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), who has also been called the most hated man in the U.S. Senate.

Despite this knowledge, Cruz seems determined to pick fights with those who can easily make him look like the moronic troglodyte that he is and reinforce his own pathetic ineptitude when it comes to debating.

For example, Ted ran across a clip of “The Daily Show” and saw host Trevor Noah commenting on some of the results from the 2020 Census. Noah zinged Cruz with this line:

“Aside from New York getting screwed, the big news out of the census is that America’s population grew at the slowest rate since the 1930s. Basically, immigration is down and the birth rate is falling, primarily due to this photo.”

Cue a photo of Ted Cruz.

Clearly, Noah is making a joke. That’s kind of his job. But Cruz got his feelings hurt and tweeted a response that came across as pure asshole:

As you’d expect, Noah was equal to the challenge, and he fired off this retort:

Cruz should have left well enough alone. But he just couldn’t:

That’s when former host Jon Stewart joined the fray:

Noah then finished off the Texas Republican:

Game, set, and match, Trevor Noah, with an assist by Jon Stewart.

At last report, Ted Cruz was seen slithering out of his Senate office and heading to the nearest international airport. He was said to be carrying a box of tissues.


Congress Corruption Crime Social Media

Photo Of Matt Gaetz Getting The Finger From A Young Girl Goes Viral After Re-Emerging

Things are not going well for Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), who is facing being charged with child sexual trafficking and other crimes related to his alleged sexual relationship with a 17-year-old girl.

Gaetz, who has long been an ardent supporter of failed, one-term former President Donald Trump, is also being re-humiliated online by a viral tweet that was first posted earlier in April.

The photo was taken at Shoal River Middle School in Crestview, Florida, and it’s clearly a selfie that the congressman took with some of the students. But as you can see from a look at the picture, one girl wasn’t the least bit impressed by Matty:

Gaetz even shared the photo on his social media accounts. For example, on Facebook:

The photo went viral in early April and is now going viral for a second time. That’s what you call some major internet karma.

But perhaps the only thing half as good as the middle finger selfie are the comments that were lodged about the tweet:

Matt is in a world of hurt. One day he’ll wish the worst of his problems was being flipped off. Maybe he can take selfies in prison.


Donald Trump Donald Trump Jr. Joe Biden Social Media

Don Jr. Humiliates Himself And His Old Man By Comparing The Failed Former POTUS To Joe Biden

Bless his coal-black, shrunken heart, Donald Trump Jr. just cannot avoid owning himself as he engages in being a dutiful son/sycophant for a father who couldn’t possibly care less about him and has long ago made it clear that Ivanka is his favorite child that he wanted to have sex with when she was only 13.

According to Junior, his father is far more accomplished in his four failed years as president than the current head of state, Joe Biden.

Don Jr. made his claim on Instagram, because apparently he doesn’t like Twitter now that the platform banned his father for being a lying, traitorous sack of shit:

How pathetic can one person be? Well there’s Don Jr. pathetic and everyone else is in a distant second place.

That was all it took for social media to light up with derision and mockery of Traitor Tot:

It’s going to be so much fun to watch in the months ahead as members of the Trump family start to turn on each other in exchange for a reduced prison sentence.