Donald Trump Elections Joe Biden

Newt Gingrich Accidentally Gives Biden A Devastating Insult He Can Use Against Trump

When he meets convicted felon/2024 GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump in Thursday’s debate, President Joe Biden could lower the rhetorical boom on the disgraced former president with one insult, according to ex-Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.

Speaking with NBC News for a piece on the upcoming debate, Gingrich noted that Biden can easily drown out Trump’s claims that he’s too old for a second term by bringing up an episode from the last days of the Trump administration.

“If I were Biden, I would stay away from the age issue and just say, ‘Look, I was wise enough not to try to overthrow the U.S. government,’” he said. “Go through a list of five things in a row and say, ‘I would rather have my age with wisdom than your total lack of seriousness.’”

Former Republican Vice President Dan Quayle also had advice for Biden.

“If I was advising him [Biden], I’d try to make fun of Trump. Try to ridicule him. That will get him mad.”

And Democratic strategist James Carville said he thinks Biden should be in attack mode and go for Trump’s throat.

““At some point, you have to walk into the room and say, ‘We’re going to kick his f—–g ass. We’re going to clock this motherf—-r, you understand?”

If indeed Biden does bring up the January 6, 2021, Capitol insurrection, it will harm Trump in another way: By getting Donald on a tangent about how he won the 2020 election and had every right to contest the results. But polling shows that voters hate when Trump and his surrogates attempt to relitigate history, especially since Biden won in an electoral landslide in multiple battleground states.

The debate begins Thursday at 9 p.m. on CNN.

Donald Trump Elections GOP

Newt Gingrich’s Attempt To Praise Donald Trump Winds Up Humiliating Him And The Former Guy

Former Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich tried on Wednesday to praise failed ex-president Donald Trump as being a better communicator than Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), but his attempt only succeeded in making both him and Trump look like complete fools.

During an appearance on Laura Ingraham’s Fox show hours after DeSantis made his glitch-plagued Twitter Spaces announcement that he will seek the GOP presidential nomination in 2024, Gingrich compared the two candidates.

“One of Trump’s great advantages is he talks at a level where third, fourth and fifth grade educations can say, ‘Oh yeah, I get that. I understand it.’”

Apparently, low IQ voters are indeed Trump’s forte, as he proudly announced back in 2016 after he won the Nevada primary.

Who wants to tell Newt? Twitter said what we’re all thinking.


Capitol Insurrection Congress GOP January 6

Newt Gingrich Is Now A Target Of The January 6 House Select Committee

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich received a letter he probably wishes he never would have today, because he now knows that he’s a target of the House Select Committee investigating the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

CNN reports:

The committee wants to learn more about communications Gingrich had with senior advisers in former President Donald Trump’s White House about television advertisements that relied on false claims about the election.

In the letter, committee chairman Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS) writes:

“The Committee has obtained information indicating that you have knowledge about former President Donald J. Trump’s efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election, and we write to seek your voluntary cooperation. Some of the information that we have obtained includes email messages that you exchanged with senior advisors to President Trump and others, including Jared Kushner and Jason Miller, in which you provided detailed input into television advertisements and relied upon false claims about fraud in the 2020 election.

“These advertising efforts were not designed to encourage voting for a particular candidate. Instead, these efforts attempted to cast doubt on the outcome of the election after voting had already taken place.”

The letter even contains a direct quote from an email Gingrich sent to Kushner, who was a senior adviser in the Trump administration:

“The goal is to arouse the country’s anger through new verifiable information the American people have never seen before[.] . . . If we inform the American people in a way they find convincing and it arouses their anger[,] they will then bring pressure on legislators and governors.”

Gingrich was also involved in the “false electors” scheme, which is referenced by Thompson in the letter:

“The Committee is also interested in other communications you may have had with the White House, President Trump, the Trump legal team or any other persons involved in the events of January 6th. We ask that you preserve all records of such communications.”


Capitol Insurrection GOP Uncategorized

Liz Cheney Claps Back After Gingrich Threatens Jan. 6 Committee Members With ‘Risk Of Jail’

Appearing on the Fox News program “Sunday Morning Futures” former GOP Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich suggested that members of the January 6 House Select Committee could face the “risk of jail” if Republicans retake control of the House of Representatives in the midterm elections.

Gingrich told host Maria Bartiromo:

“You have — both with Attorney General [Merrick] Garland and with this select committee on January 6, people who have run amok. What they need to understand is on January 4 next year, you’re going to have a Republican majority in the House and a Republican majority in the Senate. And all these people who have been so tough, and so mean, and so nasty are going to be delivered subpoenas for every document, every conversation, every tweet, every e-mail.”

The serial adulterer from Georgia then added:

“I think when you have a Republican Congress, this is all going to come crashing down. And the wolves are going to find out that they’re now sheep and they’re the ones who are in fact, I think, face a real risk of jail for the kinds of laws they’re breaking.”

The laws they’re breaking? What about the crimes of insurrection and interfering with Congress that were committed by failed, one-term former President Donald Trump and his toadies in Congress? They’re still facing serious federal criminal charges that could send them to prison for decades.

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), one of only two Republicans who have agreed to serve on the Jan. 6 panel, clapped back at Gingrich’s blatant threats, tweeting out this response:

She was soon joined by her fellow Republican on the committee, Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois:

No one is afraid of you or your GOP goons, Newt. And keep in mind you haven’t won the House or Senate yet. As the committee continues to uncover new evidence and crimes, don’t be surprised if voters reject you and your fellow insurrectionists.