Congress Elections GOP

Fellow Republican DESTROYS Lauren Boebert With Devastating Litany Of Her Hypocrisy

A Republican in GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert’s home state of Colorado has taken off the gloves and is denouncing her for her blatant hypocrisy in brutal letter he sent to a local newspaper.

Former state Senator Don Coram, who unsuccessfully tried to unseat Lauren Boebert in the 3rd Congressional District in 2022, slammed the controversial congresswoman for abandoning the 3rd for the 4th in a desperate attempt to remain in office by running in a more Republican section of the state.

“When the smoke finally cleared recently, and it was evident she might not win the 3rd CD Primary election and most certainly would lose in the General election, she bolted to the 4th CD, abandoning the people of the 3rd CD to save herself,” Coram wrote in his letter to the Sterling Journal-Advocate.

“What happened to fighting for the people and what you believe in? Boebert’s record shows that she believes, ‘rules are for thee, but not for me.’ Did she truly not anticipate that her numerous embarrassing antics, spanning nearly two decades, coupled with a lackluster record of accomplishments, would go unnoticed?”

Coram also noted that while Boebert is desperately trying to rebrand herself so she can cater to voters in a new district, he efforts are little more than superficial tweaks.

“Her new strategy appears to involve a rebranding effort — showcasing her store-bought ‘enhancements,’ ditching the glasses, and donning a black cowboy hat — a formula she believes will make her the darling of the 4th CD.”

But the truth is very different than the image Boebert is trying to project, Coram explains. In fact, he alleges, the congresswoman just wants to keep her cushy job

“…This move to the 4th displays prominently that Lauren’s only interest and priority is protecting her celebrity status and keeping the only good-paying job she has had in her life. Kind of ironic for somebody who rails against ‘career politicians.'”

If there’s any justice at all in this world, Boebert (who came in fifth in a recent straw poll) will lose badly come November and have to skulk back home and try to make a living working at a fast food restaurant.

Elections GOP

Sean Hannity Tries To Coax Taylor Swift To Join The GOP – And Fails Miserably

Fox News host Sean Hannity says he’s convinced that Grammy-winning singer Taylor Swift is only a Democrat because she believes “lies” about Republicans and would probably support the GOP if she knew all the facts.

According to Hannity, “Maybe she just bought into all the lies about conservatives and Republicans that they’re racist and sexist and homophobic and xenophobic and transphobic and Islamophobic. And Republicans and conservatives want dirty air and water and a total ban on all abortions with no exceptions. If she believes all that, she is believing a lie.”

So where are the so-called lies? Republicans have repeatedly shown they are bigoted and unaccepting of anyone the least bit different from them. They have also passed numerous laws to restrict a woman’s right to make her own reproductive choices. The “lies” Hannity whines about aren’t untrue in the least. They’re facts.

It didn’t take long before social media users pounced, slamming Hannity and his bullshit.

Elections GOP Social Media WTF?!

Vivek Ramaswamy Mocked For Absurd Taylor Swift/Super Bowl/2024 Election Conspiracy Theory

Failed Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy proved today why he will never be taken seriously on any matter by suggesting that the National Football League is planning to rig Super Bowl LVIII between the Kansas City Chiefs and San Francisco 49ers in favor of the Chiefs because it would benefit President Joe Biden.

On Twitter/X, Ramaswamy responded to a posting by far-right social media conspiracy theorist Jack Posobiec, who had written, “Thinking about when Taylor Swift called out the Soros family in 2019 for buying the rights to her music and then how she came out a super liberal in 2020.”

To that, Ramaswamy replied:

“I wonder who’s going to win the Super Bowl next month. And I wonder if there’s a major presidential endorsement coming from an artificially culturally propped-up couple this fall. Just some wild speculation over here, let’s see how it ages over the next 8 months.”

Just try and follow that twisted logic, which goes like this: The Chiefs will win the Super Bowl, which will benefit singer/songwriter Taylor Swift and her boyfriend, Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce, who will then endorse Biden for reelection.

Wow! Using that sort of so-called thinking, you can also theorize that Donald Trump lost the 2020 election because (gasp!) the Chiefs beat the 49ers then, too! Oh my God!! Stop the presses!! We have found out the secret to every pro football game and election since the NFL began having the Super Bowl in 1967.

Social media quickly gave Ramaswamy the internet spanking he deserved for his hyperbolic bullshit.

Donald Trump Elections Polls

Exit Polls From New Hampshire Show Major Red Flags For Trump’s Campaign

Even though he won Tuesday’s New Hampshire Republican primary, failed one-term former president Donald Trump is clearly losing support according to exit polls which show that GOP voters hold much more moderate views on major issues which will decide the 2024 election.

That was the topic of discussion on CNN, where political analyst Gloria Borger noted, “Can I just talk about the abortion number? Because I think that is so striking.”

Anchor Erin Burnett replied, “This is 67 percent oppose a ban in New Hampshire, Only 27 percent favor it.”

Borger continued.

“Right. So here, you have a Republican primary, effectively. And you have this 67 percent number. And you have Joe Biden and Kamala Harris tonight talking about the repeal of Roe v. Wade. It is the one surefire issue — one of the one surefire issues that the Democrats have going into this next election. And it is unclear how motivational it will be, but when you see a number like that, you have to assume it will be very motivational.”

Burnett: “It’s worked in red states, Kansas, Ohio.”

Another panelist then weighed in.

“And listen, it is also why Nikki Haley is sounding a little more moderate than Donald Trump and sounds more moderate than Ron DeSantis, as well. It is shocking to me — we’ll see if these numbers change. The immigration, like 45 percent of these voters think that folks should be offered a legal pathway here in this country. You know, Donald Trump obviously wants to ride the immigration issue to the White House in the way that he did in 2016. He doesn’t quite have the Build the Wall slogan, but he has more vicious things like deportation. But so far, at least with these exit polls, some of these folks are sounding very moderate. The big question is, are we seeing that Donald Trump has a much softer underbelly as a GOP frontrunner than we thought?”

Abortion is the single biggest issue in the 2024 election, and it’s also the issue that will drag down Trump and the GOP. They know it and that’s why they don’t want to talk about it.

Elections GOP Viral Video

WATCH MT Greene Get Photobombed By ‘Vermin Supreme’ During A Live Interview

Georgia Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene was hilariously photobombed and trolled Tuesday as she was being interviewed by former Trump administration chief strategist Steve Bannon, and video of the interview has quickly gone viral on social media.

Perennial Democratic candidate Vermin Supreme provided the show that transpired behind Greene’s back as she told Bannon, “The voters across the country gave Republicans the majority for a reason because they are sick and tired of Democrat policies and while we bragged about the power of the purse, it’s time for us to use it.”

Meanwhile, Vermin Supreme and a his associate held up a unicorn mask, making faces with the mask and eventually pretending to brush the mythical creature’s teeth as Greene continued to rant.

“But let me point this out, Steve, because this is really important for people to realize that Supreme Court decision that was made has now put the federal government at war with the state of Texas,” she said. “And if [Speaker] Mike Johnson moves forward, funding another clean C.R. without fighting for our border security without fighting for H.R. 2, then you are going to see a serious revolt among Republicans because our voters are not going to stand for this. Neither am I and neither are many House Republicans.”

Did Greene even know what was going on behind her back? She certainly did, and finally addressed the trolling.

“But what’s even more important to understand is that establishment Washington, the neocons, you know, the same people supporting Nikki Haley, demanding that she be president and demanding that voters accept her as a serious candidate even though she’s just a buffoon just like the same guy behind me.”

Social media users couldn’t contain their delight.