Donald Trump GOP LGBT Issues WTF?!

‘Lady MAGA’ Drag Queen Showed Up At CPAC And The Trump Faithful Embraced Her

For the past few months, we’ve been hearing from conservative Republicans how terrible drag performers are, especially if (gasp!) a child happens to see one of them and start asking questions.

And yet, a great gathering of conservative asshats was held over the weekend in Maryland, a drag queen was in attendance, and it was all perfectly copacetic with the MAGA faithful.

Lady MAGA (a.k.a. Ryan Woods) showed up for the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) conclave that featured a keynote address from failed, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump, and was welcomed by those in attendance, according to Patriot Takes.

Woods used to work for Delta Air Lines, but he was fired a day after the January 6, 2021 Capitol insurrection. At the time, he noted:

“I feel it is obvious they began their investigation he day after the riots while it was socially acceptable to target Trump supporters and claim we’re dangerous. They said my photos with patriots holding guns – way back in November – violated their social media policies. They don’t police other flight attendants’ social media. I feel that I was clearly targeted for my conservative views and support of Trump.”

And yet, right-wingers have been saying in recent months that men dressed as women is somehow a direct threat to every child in the country and to the republic.

In December of last year, Amanda Marcotte of Salon explained why she believes conservatives are apoplectic about men wearing women’s clothes:

Drag, probably more than any other cultural artifact of American life, exposes how much of femininity — and how much of gender overall — is socially constructed. The whole point of drag is to celebrate how much you did not wake up like this. The exaggeration of drag draws attention to the lesser, but still time-consuming, effort that everyday women and other femme-presenting people put into performing their identity. As feminist writer Simone de Beauvoir wrote in 1949, “One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman.” Drag, like Beyoncé, takes that concept out of the lofty world of academic theory and makes it part of the pop culture understanding of gender. 

I have my own theory, and it involves the deep-seated homophobia that conservatives harbor in an attempt to hide their feelings of attraction to members of their own sex.

Twitter users also had some thoughts on the fact that Lady MAGA wasn’t shown the exit.

By Andrew Bradford

Proud progressive journalist and political adviser living behind enemy lines in Red America.

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